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Everything posted by cherrycherry

  1. cherrycherry

    Wolf Moon 2011

    Colder and snowier than I was expecting. Crisp, fresher and softly musky. Nice.
  2. cherrycherry


    I've been to lots of séances and though I can't say any of them had a smell - this makes me think of them almost immediately. Why is that? It's so evocative. It smells, to me at least, like spookiness in a bottle. When I sniff it wet from the vial, it does make me feel spooky. It also makes me feel nostalgic and a touch melancholy. I adore the roses and the hazel, they are soft and lingering. Haunting? More of this. Lots more
  3. cherrycherry


    I cannot believe I haven't reviewed this little beauty yet. Well, here goes. When I first got the bottle in an order (some 8-9 months ago) my instant reaction was 'meh, grapes' and that was about it. I sampled it a few times but couldn't get any other notes beyond the red wine. So, I put it away in a drawer in my scent wardrobe and forgot all about it. Roll forward to today. HELLO WANDA! Wearing this makes me want to lounge around in a dungeon, being served by gorgeous slave boys as I sip Merlot and have sado-masochistic daydreams. The roses are there, plumptious and red, the leather is a deep, dark undertone and the musks are just delicious. Personally, I think this is one hell of a sex or desire potion. Rawr!!
  4. cherrycherry

    The Peacock Queen

    Pure, vibrant red roses. Nothing more and nothing less.
  5. cherrycherry

    A World of Fools

    Dark fruit, brown sugar, spice. I get the holly more on my skin than in the bottle. It reminds me of both Mr Fezziwig's Ball and The Second Of The Two Spirits. There's a nuttiness in there that works and a little greenery too - nice.
  6. cherrycherry

    Midwinter's Eve

    A melancholy, deep scent, poignant and brimming with nostalgia. The perfume of sugared plums over a breeze of winter flowers. Love at first sniff with this little baby ^__^ I debated it for some time before adding it to my order - not sure about the snow note when combined with plum. Straight away I can detect the same plum note from Bordello and that is enough to make me smile and want to slather myself. The snow note is nowhere near as strong or ozoney as I feared, instead it is light, airy and crisp. This is beautifully blended and a real winner.
  7. cherrycherry

    Mother Ginger

    Citrussy, fizzing ginger ale with fluffy marshmallow cream. I too expected this to be like Gingerbread Poppet, but there's only the barest resemblence in my opinion. This is more light-hearted, fresher and flirty. The spice is cooled by the lemony edge. If this was a drink, I'd be quite happy
  8. cherrycherry

    The Spanish Dance

    Mmmmm, honey, chocolate and orange blossom. This is easily one of my favourites out of all of this year's Yule blends. It's sweet, floral, deep and comforting. I look forward to wearing it in Autumn, once the leaves have turned to fire and started to fall. Gorgeous in every way and I need more!
  9. cherrycherry

    The Second of the Three Spirits

    There's a dark spice in this that puts me off in the bottle, but once it's settled on my skin it becomes sweeter and fruiter. There's still a punch there, but it's agreeable. Very Christmassy.
  10. cherrycherry

    Sugar Plum Fairy

    This must be the same plum from Bordello, because it reminds me of it instantly. This is sweeter though and very beautiful, delicate and ethereal. Gorgeous.
  11. cherrycherry

    The Soldier

    My only criticism is that it doesn't last all that long on me. The red musk hits me first and I'm an absolute sucker for that stuff. The cream note has me think of The Infernal Lover (one of my all-time favourites) and the leather and pie are there too, adding richness and body. I don't think I'll need a back-up bottle of this one, but I'll be using what I have here for sure ^__^
  12. cherrycherry

    Herr Drosselmeyer

    The tobacco hits me first and I don't mind it one bit. This is gorgeous on my husband; very Christmassy and evocative. Reminds me of how Santa would smell. The linen adds a crispness, lifting the blend and making it sweeter somehow. One for the boy
  13. cherrycherry

    Großvater Tanz

    Dark, fruit-laden Christmas cake dough, spiced and left to infuse its flavours on the sill. It has wonderful throw and is rich, gourmand and warming. Very delicious.
  14. cherrycherry

    Harlequin and Columbine

    Pretty, soft, woody. I enjoy the lighter woody scents and this blend fits the bill perfectly. Also, the label art is adorable <3
  15. cherrycherry

    The Arabian Dance

    This is really nice. In the bottle I can get the coffee and leather and it makes me want to just sit there with the bottle under my nose, huffing at it. It's so complex, dark and refined. It has me call to mind well-read and handsome men who enjoy coffee houses, good books and adventurous sex. Some of that? Yes please! ^__^
  16. cherrycherry

    The Kingdom of Sweets

    This is sugary, punchy, fizzy candy-bliss. Wet in the bottle, it has me recall the scent of sherbert lemons when you first open the bag. Mouth-wateringly sweet. There's the lightest trace of the peppermint sticks as it settles on my wrists and then that lifts, making way for jellybeans and taffy. This is so gorgeous, just as I hoped it would be. Can't wait to experiment with layering. Delicious!
  17. cherrycherry

    Snow Bunny

    I've been wanting to try this for a long time and finally got my chance today. Oooooooooooh yum. This is candied snow. Sweet, girlish, soft and beautiful. The throw is fantastic and I keep huffing my wrists. Probably my all-time favourite snow-based blend ^__^
  18. cherrycherry

    Beaver Moon 2010

    I was scared of the peach note from the off, but my bottle seems to be mainly juicy strawberries and pie crust. This is absolutely delicious and I want to bathe in it. On nom nom nom nom.
  19. cherrycherry

    Midnight Mass

    2010 version. This is nice. I love incensey perfumes and this one fits the bill perfectly. It's all sweet resins, myrrh and amber. The throw isn't amazing, but I can smell it on myself and that makes me happy enough.
  20. cherrycherry

    The Second of the Three Spirits

    Ooh, this is much, much spicier than I thought it would be. Sniffing from the bottle, all I can smell is spice and it's a little disappointing. Wet on the skin, the spice starts to evolve almost immediately. During the drydown, I can get the pine and berries and it starts to smell a lot better. This is a very Christmassy scent and one I think I will be keeping hold of. It's intriguing. I think I'm over it and then I have to go back and start sniffing again. A pastry note is peeking out and I'm glad for it. Overall - a complex and thought-provoking winner.
  21. cherrycherry

    The Soldier

    Another winning red musk blend. Oooh, this could be love. It's like The Infernal Lover on me, but with a strong gourmand undertone. Delicious.
  22. cherrycherry

    Egg Nog

    This is making my mouth water. I absolutely adore egg-nog and though I was worried about smelling too eggy or boozy, I really don't. The vanilla carries everything so well, sweetens it and quietens the rum down. I can't stop huffing my wrists!
  23. cherrycherry

    Großvater Tanz

    I'm watching snow fall outside as I write this review and it's making me feel very Christmassy indeed! Großvater Tanz was the one scent out of my order that I was determined to like. Being an ardent Germanophile, I was so excited to see 'lebkuchen' on the list of notes!! It is a very, very nice blend. It's a soft, gourmand sort of smell that my fellow foodie-lovers will surely enjoy. The rice porridge and heavy cream have a lot of throw on me, bringing to mind the way that Boo smells. This is so, so yummy. Will definitely be needing another bottle!
  24. cherrycherry


    My husband is going to love this. Bliss is one of his favourite blends and I'm already anticipating the theft of this bottle I'm holding. It is a straightforward chocolate scent but completely delicious all the same, perhaps a little drier and less creamy that Bliss. Very nice indeed.
  25. cherrycherry

    Mr. Fezziwig's Ball

    Mr Fezziwig's ball is amazing and I am so glad I bought a bottle unsniffed. As Aldercy said, it is a very evocative scent indeed. It reminds me of being in the pub at Christmas-time with my friends, drinking beers and ordering seasonal foods. It's darker and woodier than I thought it would be, but that's fine, it all adds to the richness. It's the first scent out of all the Yule's I've tried that has made me think 'Christmas in a bottle!' and because of that, I think this will be one of my new staples over the festive period. It's a complex nostalgia-inducer and very comforting. Love it!