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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Firewaver

  1. Firewaver

    BPAL around the kids

    i don't have children, but if i did, i would feel comfortable wearing Yog Sothoth around them (inappropriate as the name may seem). I've found its a very soft and comforting smell, like freshly washed laundry.
  2. to me, and on me, Urd and Intrigue are the same oil.. no difference whatsoever! It was weird, and left me wondering if i may have run across a misslabeling.
  3. Firewaver


    Wow! I just gifted an imp of Intrigue and with Urd, I feel like I've gotten it right back! The two scents are so similar on me, they're basically the same. I'm not sure what it is, since the two don't seem to share the same notes. How weird. Moving right along... I did like intrigue, though it was a bit woody for me. I get the same cedar-ish type note with Urd as I did with Intrigue. It's not unpleasant, just a little too Home Depot for me. I do like the underlying sweetness, though. It's a very earthy and red/brown scent for me. Err.. even after about an hour or so, I still smell Intrigue. Maybe my nose is completely out of whack!
  4. Firewaver

    Thirteen (13)

    To boil it down in the most perfunctory manner, this smells like a mixture of Bliss and orange dishsoap. I like the initial cocoa note, it's very rich and sinful, but the orange in the blend rears it's ORANGE head a little too mightily for me. Oranges always kill what seem to be the most promising scents. Oi. The dry dry drydown is strangely soapy for me. I think of bubbles and chocolate rabbits when I'm wearing this. It's kind of a nauseating thought. Now, I don't want to make it sound like this scent is just god-awful, it's really not. It's most likely a lovely chocolate orange scent on those that can wear orange notes. In the bottle, the scent has real promise, on MY skin, I feel like I ought to be doing the dishes.
  5. Firewaver


    This scent really surprised me. In the bottle, it's sparkling and dark, but light at the same time. It's kind of a tense smell, crackling with the energy of the unknown. On my skin it was a lovely, clean scent. Not too soapy, and not sweet at all. Honestly, like the others, I'm having trouble describing the scent. It's very familiar but in a way that I can't put a finger on. It smells like.. the way I feel after stepping out of the shower; clean, refreshed and revitalized. I really love it, I find that this scent relaxes me, I plan on wearing it to bed tonight. All in all, not what i expected from Yog Sothoth, but in a very good way. This oil exceeded my expectations and has a high place in the pecking order among my bpal.
  6. Firewaver


    Uncontrollable passion and insatiable sexual desire: red musk, patchouli, ylang ylang and myrrh. Yowl. This is a yummy one. Very red and juicy and.. makes me think of warm embraces. I've decided that I love red musk, it's so vibrant. I even like it mixed with ylang ylang and myrrh, though I'm not usually up for the "hippie" scents. It smells like body heat and red wine.. satin sheets and brocade pillows. Candied fruits and caramels.. maybe a sweet and spicy tea. Maybe also a hookah in the room. I love this one, definitely.
  7. Firewaver


    I do agree that this certainly smells like a long lost relative of Eve's. Very similar. Delirium is softer, but the rose is still slightly too obnoxious for my nose. I do smell the apple and lemon notes, and they're pleasant, but the rose edges them out in the end, as it always does on my skin. I didn't hate this scent overall, but it was slightly "meh" for me. I'm just not a fan of roses because they bully the other kids when they should be playing nice.
  8. Firewaver

    The Lion

    I smell this an think of... hayrides! I used to have horses, and to me this smells like a bale of golden hay just opened. I love the idea of wearing a scent called "the Lion", it seemed like it must be such a regal scent... and it is! It's a silky, slinking amber, pulsing with vigor and a wee bit of arrogance. I really love it. There's an underlying sweetness in the drydown that's just beautiful. This may be a big bottle for me.
  9. Firewaver


    This is a pleasant, clean fragrance. It's slightly woodsy, with a hint of citrus and maybe berry; though all these notes are very well blended, none stick out too far as to be obtrusive. The wood notes in it smell very fresh, like freshly chopped green wood, or maybe leaves. I like it, it's a calm and soothing perfume. I don't feel I would wear it enough to fully appreciate it, so I'll most likely pass this imp on, but as a stand alone scent, it's quite lovely.
  10. Firewaver


    ohhh my god. I shamefully purchased a 10ml of this on ebay for far more than it was monetarily worth, but oooh. I can't say I'm regretting it now that I have it in my gluttonous hands. In the bottle, it's a lush chocolate scent.. what it really reminds me of is those little.. golden foil-wrapped balls of chocolate and nutty goodness with a macadamia nut in the middle. I have no idea what they're called, I usually just grab them and buy them. The scent on my skin is like eating swiss miss hot chocolate mix dry out of the baggie. So divine. This isn't really the scent of chocolate to me, it's the taste of it, bottled. Really a palatable scent.. I'm so glad I have this in good supply.
  11. Firewaver


    I keep smelling my arm and it continues to smell like freshly cut firewood. I'm definitely not getting any cocoa from this, at least at the get go. The cedar is definitely the strongest note on me. It's not necessarily unpleasant.. but I do feel a bit like a christmas tree. You know what.. I've let this review sit open for about half an hour and I've decided that I really like this one. I feel like a wood nymph! I can smell a bit of fig now, and I really like the depth and earthiness it lends the cedar note. I still don't smell any cocoa, but I do smell something a little spicy like a light cinnamon. As I said before, I really like this. It's very different from any I've tried and I like that. I prefer this woody scent to Hamadryad, which is a bit too sweet to me. Strange as it may seem, I look forward to layering this with O. I think the sweet honey smell would compliment the wood scent nicely.
  12. Firewaver


    In the bottle, i smell a deceiving bubble gum smell. Applied, it's a true rose smell. Initially there's a juicy vibe, but drying down, the rose just comes out and blooms the pomegranate right out of olfactory existence. I don't mind the rose at all.. It's a nice, fresh rose. This makes me think of large pink roses in a crystal vase. Glossy and full of fragrance. It's a decidedly feminine scent. I like it, but I can't see myself wearing it often. Maybe on an occasion when I feel the need to be especially girly and sweet.
  13. Firewaver


    Oohh naughty indeed. This smells slightly indecent to me. In the bottle it's efinitely a vanilla extract smell. Kind of almond like, as well. On the skin, it really morphs into a.. rather erotic scent. Like well oiled skin... well i don't think anyone on the forum is suffering from a lack of imagination. It's a pretty strong one on me, I got up and got a glass of water and I could smell it following me, enveloping me in warm spiciness when i stopped moving. The vanilla and honey combine perfectly, and the amber adds a touch of feminine powder. It's a womanly powdery scent though, not babyish in the least. I will cherish this imp.
  14. Firewaver

    White Rabbit

    Weird.. when I smell the bottle.. I smell an almost feral chocolate fudge smell. It's almost intoxicating in its richness. On my skin.. Soo much honey. The honey is coating the inside of my nose, it really is. In an.. indecent way. This scent is really different that any I've tried. It's really strong on me, I smell chocolate and honey. No ginger or tea at all! So weird because I know there's not a chocolate note. Maybe I'm just mistaking the richness of the honey smell for chocolate. I'm really tempted to bite my arm. This is what I imagine the inside of a honey comb would smell like. So yummy.
  15. Firewaver


    Bottle: kind of a light floral with a sharp spice. Skin: Initial impression of this was "Dublin"? It's Dublin-esque but less sweet and rosy. After a bit: I smell cinnamon and florals. An interesting combination that I'm not sure works for me. I do love cinnamon, but the florals almost make it a bit too precious. I know many people deem this a fall scent, but to me it seems light and spring-like. Which is probably why my review is a little less favorful that it should be. I'm in a more fall mood, so I will keep this until spring, and give it a try then. Don't get me wrong, it is a lovely scent!
  16. Firewaver

    Jolly Roger

    YAR! I really like this, though I was hesistant about including it in my order. It basically came down to it being a pirate scent.. and it beckoned to my romantic demeanor. In the bottle, it's a masculine scent, definitely. I smell bay rum (which I love) and maybe something like vetiver? Not sure, but it has a kick in the bottle. On skin.. ooh.. this dries down just beautifully. I can now smell salty leather. Like a pair of sailors boots. A bit of lemon or something citrusy, and spicy rum. Just delicious. After a while, it smells clean and rummy. Like a freshly washed sailor. I love it, it's a quirky smell, perfect for the scallywag at heart.
  17. Firewaver

    Sea of Glass

    First sniff- smells fresh, and green-blue. Like a picture of the earth from outer space. On my skin- somehow herbal and aquatic at the same time. I feel like the lady of the lake wearing this.. I feel like I should be wearing long, silvery white robes. It's a very evoctive scent. I love it, it's so different. What it really reminds me of, now that I think of it.. is how my mother smelled when I put my head on her chest when I was a child. Clean, bright and warm. I'll wear this when I need a bit of home.
  18. Firewaver


    Very spikey and exhuberant! It smells a bit like tzedakim nistarim to me.. maybe it has some spikenard? who knows. I defnitely can pick out what smells like those little canned mandarin oranges.. with a dash of lemon and something with a zing, i guess ginger? I like it, though it fades fairly quickly on me.. not sure how often I'd wear a citrus scent now that summer is fading in strength, so I may pass this one to someone more appreciative.
  19. Firewaver


    Ooof. this one hit me about the head and neck with harsh brassiness. I think it's the sandalwood and bergamot. Definitely not for me.. the smell makes me think of this old brass bed I had to sleep in when i was little.. it got tarnished all the time and my sister and I had to carry it to the basement and polish it. not necessarily something I want to think about when i'm dreaming!
  20. Firewaver

    Crucible of Courage

    In the bottle.. it has the look and smell of Old English furniture oil.. mixed with glycerin saddle soap. I used to love the smell of saddle soap! Drying.. its beginning to smell rather lovely. Reading the reviews, I thought it would hate this one, because I really loathe the powdery dry down. Dry.. this reminds me a bit of Dragon's heart in that it reminds me of shiny polished wood; though this is a sharper smell than dragon's heart. I'm not sure if this one is going to be a keeper, but I will wait until the weather cools of a bit and I need these warm wooden scents to comfort me.
  21. Firewaver

    Block Buster

    Mm.. this smells like the inside of a freshly baked apple pie. Upon application, there's a light vineagary note as well, but it fades with the dry down. A pretty strong scent. I could get a good feel for what it was going to smell like by just sniffing the cap. When I opened the package I smelled this imp instantly, and it wasn't spilled, either! This goes along with Love me on the "Must have" list.
  22. Firewaver

    #20 Love Oil

    I smelled.. green tea. This smells almost exclusively of green tea to me, almost identical to my green tea shampoo, which i'm not overly fond of. I think i may be passing this one on, i don't think my boyfriend would approve of me wearing a love oil to work anyhow.
  23. Firewaver

    Dragon's Heart

    This is a luxurious, musky scent. It makes me think of an old, but well kept magician's library, full of polished wood and artifacts of dubious heritage. I really love it, it makes me want to curl up on a velvet chaise and read. The scent really smells like the the color of the oil.. a deep purple/mahogany color. not for the summer months, but i will be dousing myself with impunity when autumn rolls around. ETA.. it is now September, and I'm simply loving this fragrance. It's perfect for cool, breezy days and fuzzy sweaters.
  24. Firewaver

    Dove's Heart

    In the bottle - watery, damp and floral. A bit astringent like lavender water. On - very herbal and greenish purple. I think of wild heather and swaying grasses on a grey and overcast day. Dry - It disappeared very quickly, I can barely smell it after about 20 minutes of wear. I'm a little disappointed in Dove's Heart, as Love me goes strong all day long. Unfortunately it's a little too green and meek for me.. though it is a very pretty and wistful blend.
  25. Firewaver

    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    I don't know about this one... In the bottle it invades the air with an almost entirely unpleasant ashy amber smell. Like a cigarette put out in a little pot of solid amber perfume. Eeyuck. On, it retains the ashy spicy smell for a bit, but I decided to ignore my arm and let it dry down.. Dry, it's transformed my arm into a rootbeer barrel hard candy. Rootbeer and ashes with a splash of bourbon, maybe. I don't think I like smelling like a speakeasy during prohibition.