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Everything posted by Firewaver

  1. Firewaver


    Yummy.. I love bubbletape, and this smells just like it! Including the powdered sugar and plastic container. As it's drying, I smell a bit of orange candy and maybe a whiff of something a little musky and perfumey. I like this, though it's only been about 20 minutes, and it's almost gone! All I smell now is a light fruitiness.
  2. Firewaver


    At first, this smells like air freshener. Not a bad air freshener, but air freshener just the same. After the necessary drying time, this morphs into a reasonably pleasant floral, murky as the description says, but kind of nice in a gloomy way. I can't put my finger on what that familiar air-freshener floral is.. maybe freesia or lilac or something? I really have no idea. It's a little bit commercial for me... though it is a nice take on the usual floral notes.
  3. Firewaver


    Hmm.. P-U. Wet, this is a murky, smoky rootbeer. Rootbeer being guzzled in a smoky, dirty speakeasy. So odd how this smells so identical to rootbeer.. i can almost hear the foam fizzing. It might not be something I want to wear regularly, but it certainly makes me want a Rootbeer float. Dry down.. a little smokier, with less rootbeer. I smell myrrh now, kind of a dusty myrrh. Maybe the strange note I'm smelling is the sassafrass. It's not familiar to me at all. I might smell a spice, I guess that would be the nutmeg. The drydown is almost good enough to warrant a place in my collection, but not quite. It is a little masculine for me, though i can really see this being spectacular on a guy that could work it.
  4. Firewaver


    in the bottle this is a deceptively sweet and sugary scent. On my skin, it turns into a sour, murky sweetish smell. If that makes any sense at all. Drying down, this reminds me just a wee bit of pink moon, without the shimmery lunar oils to lend a sparkle. Ah ha! I see the culprit is the orange blossom! I never get along with anything even remotely orange related. Oh dear... the sweetness is taking on a decidedly candle-like smell. It smells like a candle that might be labeled "candied fruits" or something of the sort. I'm sure this is pretty on those who don't revile orange blossom. It seems like a very sweet and crystalline scent otherwise.
  5. Firewaver


    Wow, in the bottle this is just gorgeous, sweetened spices and ginger. Smells like a spice rack! On my skin, the pepper really stands out. The honey eventually sidles over and lends it's golden sweetness. Unlike most people, I don't get too much cinnamon from this. I smell mostly pepper and ginger. It's actually a surprisingly faint scent, I really have to breathe deep to get an idea of what it is I'm smelling. I kinda feel like this is going a little sour on me, I think it's the honey. Honey and I have had our difficulties in the past. Grr.. I'm going to give this a good amount of tries before I even think of getting rid of it. I managed to snag a 10ml, and I'm not giving up on Bengal so soon! Oww.. i got some on my lip and man does it sting! If you like spices and honey, this is for you. Your chemistry might decide otherwise, though.
  6. Firewaver


    This is an interesting mix of florals and vanilla. I wouldn't normally put the two together...it seems like florals would go sour next to such a sweet note. But this works surprisingly well. In the bottle, it's a very jasmine rich scent. I smell a touch of musk, but mostly jasmine. On my skin.. the vanilla and lilies bloom. I don't smell much clove, but perhaps that will come in the drydown. The sandalwood and vanilla seem to be fighting for dominance over the heady florals. I'm not sure I like this wet. Drier... This has a nice throw, very vanilla musk with a touch of floral. Close up it's still a little jasmine ridden for me. I'm not sure about this one, it warrants further testing. I do like the scent that wafts.
  7. Firewaver


    I just love the name of this scent, and I'm afraid my romantic sensibilities got away from me and I paid no attention to the notes. I love the idea of violet.. but I just can't take the scent. And violet plus vetiver? Oh dear. .. I love Marquise de marteuil, because the sweet peach takes the bite out of the vetiver.. But violet just dulls the vetiver, bringing out the old dirty shoes smell. This ends up smelling like dirty shoes that have been thrown off after a long walk in a violet covered field. Which sounds lovely, but doesn't smell quite so nice. Boo. Off to the swaps with you!
  8. Firewaver


    Whoa, I feel like I'm in koala heaven! Strong eucalyptus and orange... zesty! Holy crap, this is potent. Like many of my fellow reviewers, this one is a bit much as a perfume. Though it would be just awesome in the winter if I had a cold. I would put it on at night and I'm sure it would help me breathe easier/sleep better. Though if I were going to be a koala for Halloween, I would definitely wear this trick or treating!
  9. Firewaver


    I disagree with many of reviews in the sense that I find this to be a sweet pine. It's not overly sharp and sneeze inducing as some piney scents are. I smell maybe a little eucalyptus, but not too much. I don't get the nail polish remover tang in this one as I did in jabberwocky. I like this, it's piney and fresh and woody. It's like a coniferous sister scent to Yggdrasil. I can imagine this being a simply fantastic Yule scent. I get a nice big furry christmas tree scent from this one. I'm excited to wear it this holiday season!
  10. Firewaver


    In the bottle it's a deceptively masculine perfume. If I hadn't read the description, I would think this is a masculine oriented scent. On my skin it's spicy amber... maybe a bit of apple and a sharp spike of carnation. I don't like carnation, and I wish it would just sod off and let me enjoy the amber. There's something I'm not familiar with in this.. I'm going to assume it's the myrtle. After a bit of drying time, I still smell spicy florals and amber, though the amber isn't as rich as I hoped it would be. I'm not sure, I think i'll have to wear this one all day to see if it's really me. This isn't immediately good enough to keep, but good enough to warrant another test drive.
  11. Firewaver


    First impression... sweet and a bit watery and musty. I smell rose and a musky floral I'm going to assume is the lotus. I don't have much experience with lotus blends, but... I can't say that I wish I did. This is a nice rose, but it's very watery and.. I keep wanting to say "washed". I ave no idea why. Eeew. dry this is becoming strangely sweet and acrid. Sorry, kurukulla, but you're just not for me!
  12. Firewaver

    The Apothecary

    Wow, this is really nice! I always pictured the apothecary as being very astringent and dull, so I never bothered to try it out... but I recently received it and it's quite a pleasant surprise! In the bottle it smells a bit like herbal lemon tea. On the skin, its actually a delicate herbal smell with a bit of sweetness and spicy tea notes peeking in and giggling. This is a lighter, more herbal version of Dorian, to me. Not as sweet (absence of vanilla), but a bit cleaner and fresher. Dry, it settles down into a calming, green/yellow herbal tea. Very pretty. Though the throw smells a bit like fresh celery to me! I like it and will keep the imp. I have a bottle of Dorian on order, so this is a bit too similar to justify a bottle purchase. Very nice though, two thumbs up!
  13. Firewaver


    Damn.. i was really hoping to dislike this and prove that everyone is wrong in loving it so much! I've managed to go this long without developing a need for Dorian.. sigh. I wish I had developed it sooner; maybe by now i'd have a bottle rather than an imp! Anyhow, of course it's just wonderful. What it reminds me of most is these yummy cough drops I used to get when I was little. Sleepytime cough drops that were flavored in chamomike and honey, like a tea. This smells just like that, but maybe with a bit of vanilla. I really love this, the sweet honeyed notes are just sweet enough to balance out the spicy tea and vanilla. It's sexy, but sophisticated and elegant, almost aristocratic. Not many perfumes can pull that off. It's usually either sexy or civilized, not both. I love this, it's really got flair, and it's different that what I would normally choose. Contemplating a 10ml as we speak.
  14. Firewaver


    Kitsune-Tsuki are malevolent Japanese spirits, akin to western werebeasts: women are possessed by the spirits of foxes, who compel them to perform acts of wickedness and mischief. Asian plum, orchid, daffodil, jasmine and white musk. This is very pretty light floral with a splash of plum juice. It's sweet and delightful. I like the daffodil, I can't say I've tried a blend with daffodil before. This scent does smell asian, it's mellow and well behaved.. Fruity enough that I know it has a plum note, but not so fruity as to be nauseating. This is a fruit with nice manners. It lets the floral notes shine through as well. Drying down, the plum is far less pronouced, I smell a bit of jasmine, but for once, jasmine isn't major player. As the plum fades a bit, the musk steps forward and adds a nice, well... muskiness! This is a well blended oil.. nothing sticks out too much and distracts from the overall experience. I like it, it's crisp and sweet... sunny floral and plum. This would make a beautiful spring perfume, it reminds me of the cherry blossom festival DC has every year.
  15. Firewaver


    Hmm.. this is much lighter and greener than I expected. I smell a nice berry tea with a misty sage note. I'm afraid this is going to turn sour on me any minute, as some of these green scents do. Actually, as it's drying, more of the blackberry pokes through, smiling winsomly. I like berries, and the green tea is a nice addition to the berry notes. I think I may grow to love bewitched in time.. though it's not an immediate favorite. It's a good everyday scent.. i expect to pick this up often when I can't decide between my more decadent oils.
  16. Firewaver

    Dragon's Milk

    Mm.. spicy cherry vanilla dragon's blood! Very sweet and unassuming. It does remind me of a more innocent Snake Oil. I like it, it's a very dark brown in my bottle.. i have to rub it in well to avoid a stain, but it's quite potent stuff! Edit.. I've been wearing this one a lot lately, and what kind of strikes me as odd is it's lack of depth. This ends up as a sweet sweet smell, without much of an undertone. It's just a tad bit too sweet without much to balance it out. My chemistry just hates sweet smells.. damn it all.
  17. Firewaver

    Centzon Totochtin

    ohhhh my goddd. This is so GORRAM fantastic. But don't smell it in the bottle, it seriously reeks! On my skin it morphs into this warm and sensuous red wine and dark chocolate smell. ITS SO GOOD, SERIOUSLY. I have a bottle of Bliss, and I've tried 13, but neither of them can touch this for a chocolate smell. It almost smells like chocolate cherries to me, but when I really analyze the smell, it's that luscious red wine smell from Wanda accompanying the chocolate, not cherry. It's not a sickly sweet smell. I do kind of get the hints of blood running through this. It's almost a semi-malevolent scent. Like it's perhaps too good to be good for you? I feel like donning a black ball gown and finding someone to take prisoner in my dark castle of evil intent. Yummy.
  18. Firewaver


    At first sniff... corazon reminds me slightly of Titania, but much less sickly sweet. I think it's the musk that's toning down the fruit. On my skin... wet, it retains a cherry/mango fruit smell. It's very pretty and fresh. I do smell the musk, red musk, my favorite! As I said above, it really keeps the reins in on the fruits.. I'm not a fruity blend lover, but this is acceptable and even enjoyable. Dry down.. I do smell some herbal notes coming through.. Lavender and sage. I love this oil because I can pick out all the various notes in their various stages.. it's fun. After about an hour the musk and lavender are most prominent, letting the fruit take a backseat, though I do atill smell their faint juiciness. This is great stuff. I think of sunsets in the southwest when I have this on. I wish it weren't an LE.. i would buy this right up.
  19. Firewaver


    Oh, this is sooo nice. I grabbed a bottle of it from a swap, just because everyone seemed to be looking for it.... and I'm so glad I impulse bought! It's so soothing and beautiful.. a comforting hazy purple lavender. I just love it, and can't wait to wear this to bed tonight. It smells like pillows should smell as you nod off.. the scent of dreams. Get this if you can, I can't imagine anyone disliking it.
  20. 13 is like "the" orange chocolate scent.. I hate orange chocolate, and bought 13 without thinking about it.. opened it up and "ewww! chocolate oranges!" Definitely get a bottle of 13.. there are enough of them out there, I'm sure you'll be able to find it. I had to sell mine on ebay because no one on the forum bit.
  21. Firewaver

    Love in the Asylum

    This is a beautiful, spicy rose in the bottle.. not too strong, but with that nice mellow tone that rose has when it's wet...the drydown is quite pretty.. the carnation adds a nice bit of spice, and the rose stays nice and even, it doesn't bloom into SUPER OMEGA ROSE, thank goodess. Erk.. this is great after one application. Every thing is fine until I decide to reapply. The fresh scent on top of the scent that's been on all day results in a kind of bitter sweaty rose that doesn't appeal to my senses. I think it's my chemistry, or I applied too much. I will keep this for a bit and see how it goes. It is a very lovely oil as far as rose blends. I wonder if Beatrice will be at all similar. This is how I pictured Beatrice smelling.
  22. Firewaver


    "Violet, you're turning violet, Violet!" I think of the scene in Willy Wonka when Violet chews the full meal gum. Most of what I smell is pure violet, alas. The clove kind of sticks it's foot in the door, but adds a strange soap smell to the already soapy violet. Violet never quite works on me, though I wish it would because I love the word "violet". It seems like it should smell so much better. Oh dear, now I'm getting a sour smell.. a bit like old ladies sweating in a gym. An odd smell that I don't really want to picture. I wanted to love this one.
  23. Firewaver

    Marquise de Merteuil

    This smells like a snooty, rich debutante wearing a powdered wig and enormous and gaudy ball gown. It's the overpowering perfume that slaps you in the face like a scorned mistress when she walks by. Very naughty. A very ruthless peach smell.. i suppose that's the vetiver kicking in. I like this.. it's ladylike but cruel at the same time.. warm but cold. Soft and flouncy yet hard and metallic. This lady has a dagger hidden in her garters.
  24. Firewaver

    The Red Queen

    Haha.. I totally get the peanut shells from this when it's wet! Actually, maybe not peanuts, but those red pistachios! Eww. Now that it's a slight bit drier, I smell a tangy cherry smell, like the artificial inside of a cherry pop tart. Kind of a poopy smell is being uncovered as well. Not sure about this one, it kind of reminds me of the Port-a-Potties at the summer camp I went to when I was little.. they had this fake cherry smell that was supposed to cover up the.. you know, the poopy smell, but really just made it smell like cherry coated poopy. Lol. this one is unfortunately not for me.
  25. Firewaver

    Red Devil

    Smelly like syrupy cherry cola... though now a slightly green/herbal twist is beginning to peek out. I smell cinnamon and something really green and herbal like sage or something.. not sure about that one. Strongly herbal as it dries, which is surprising. I was expecting more of a spice kick from a "Red Devil". It's actually kind of similar to High John on my skin, the same herbal drydown. This is preferable to High John, though.. more spice is good spice. Still, this isn't a scent I could see myself wearing often. Oh well!