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BPAL Madness!

Ina Garten Davita

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Posts posted by Ina Garten Davita

  1. Weirdly wearable! Brown sugar-glazed sweet potato musk with honeyed ambrette, pulverized pumpkin seed, white oats, toasted cardamom, and sugared clove.

    From the bottle and wet on the skin it smells like sweet potato mash with a spiced oat and crushed pumpkin seed topping. There is a whisper of brown sugar but it's not caramelized or burnt, more like fresh brown sugar when you open a fresh bag for holiday baking.

    It's not buttery, there is no crust note here!! It starts off foody but as the notes open up, it starts to lean more towards an elegant gourmand perfume (as opposed to a buttery baked good type of scent, which is such wonderful news to my nose.) I love that the spices are not reading as cinnamon and how the soft musk of the ambrette is holding all together.

    It's the perfect accessory for getting dressed up for a fancy Thanksgiving dinner. It's a shame it was so limited, it's a lovely scent just perfect for the season. Really well done, just beautiful.

  2. I love this! I bought a beautiful soft grey sweater coat which has that chemical "new clothes" smell. I don't want to ruin it by putting it in the washer so I just misted it using my Goblin Squirt of Lich's Laboratory. It was a perfect choice! It smells like sweet incense, licorice and damp moss. As someone upthread mention "oddly appealing." It's a perfect scent for the coat and definitely took away the unpleasant smell, replacing it with Mad Scientist Chic!

  3. Montes Harbinger

    The Harbinger of the Dawn



    And the will therein lieth, which dieth not. Who knoweth the mysteries of the will, with its vigor? For God is but a great will pervading all things by nature of its intentness. Man doth



    This year, we are ringing in the return of autumn by celebrating the life and undeath of one of our most cherished friends, Ligeia. Artwork by Ivonne Carley and Harry Clarke.



    The Ligeia update is up until December 8th.



  4. (This is a work in progress. If you have any suggestions for this topic or questions that you would like to have answered, please ask here.)


    The chances of finding out whats really going on in the Black Phoenix Universe are so remote, the only thing to do is hang the scent of it and keep yourself occupied. Don't Panic. This is your guide...


    BPAL~ Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab, the reason we're all (mad) here. Founded/created/run by Beth and Brian, AKA kebechet and Doc Constantine.


    BPTP~ Black Phoenix Trading Post. This is where you can find all sorts of Black Phoenix branded dry goods and swag along with amazingly scented bath and body products. Run by Ted, aka Puddin'.


    TAL~ Twilight Alchemy Laboratories. This is where you can find specially crafted spiritual oils for your magickal workings.


    *Each company is its own entity, orders and shipping are not typically combined.


    WCWC/Will Call~West Coast Will Call is a monthly brick and mortar event that takes place on or around the full moon at Dark Delicacies. Check the announcements for details.


    DSWC~ Dirty South Will Call takes place in Atlanta around the time of the full moon. Info for DSWC is on a to be announced basis. Check the announcements for details.


    GC~ General Catalog. These perfumes are available for purchase year round.


    LE~ Limited Edition. These perfumes are limited in nature and typically released on themed updates throughout the year and are, as the name suggests, only available for a limited time.


    Go Live/Live Until~ This is the duration that a scent or collection is available on the Lab's site. Go live is the date it is released and available for purchase. Live until is the date the scent will be pulled from the site and is no longer available for purchase from the Lab.


    Update/Update Stalking~ We have an idea of when the update is coming but we never know the exact moment when it will hit. Forum members hang out in a stalking thread, drink tea, eat update themed foodstuffs and chat and hit refresh on the Lab's site in another browser window. The anticipation is as excruciating as it is delicious!



    Lunacy~ the monthly perfume based on the upcoming full moon.

    Lupercalia~ the lusty and exotic Valentine's Day themed update.

    Lilith~ the update to commemorate Beth and Ted's daughter Lilith's early September birthday.

    Weenies~ the Halloween update. This is an overwhelming favorite, it's the Lab's "Black Friday", and it's usually huge and full of autumnal goodness.

    Anniversary~The Lab celebrates its anniversary in early November and will come out with a Phoenix themed update to commemorate the occasion.

    Yule~ This is the Christmas/Winter Holiday update.

    Forum Only~ this is a limited edition scent that is for forum members only, usually with a secret link. One of the most clever was F5, a most refreshing scent. Anyone who ever stalked an update gets the jokes.

    CD~ Carnaval Diabolique. Like the carnival that is gone in the night, so Carnaval Diabolique disappeared. We are waiting for its return. Stalk the Carnaval here.

    Inquisition~ This is an update from The Trading Post. You make a plea to the Goblins for which scent you'd like. One year it was the Naughty and Nice Inquisition. There were t-shirts to go along with the perfume that said "The Lab Decreed Me Naughty/Nice."

    Event Exclusive~ A scent made specifically for a particular event like Dragon*Con or the annual food and toy drives. This may be a 5ml bottle or a sample size.


    Retail/E-tail Exclusive~ A scent created by Black Phoenix but is only available at a particular location or website such as the Lace series at Dark Delicacies, Haute Macabre or Pretty Indulgent.


    Trunk Show~ The Lab sells off stock of unreleased scents, leftovers and even prototype versions of released scents. If you see a scent with a label that reads Fenris Wolf v2, this was a working version of the scent and may differ from the final scent. Check the Lab's Etsy shop to purchase these rare goodies.


    SN~ Single Note, these are limited editions and sometimes are done in a tongue in cheek way like Pumpkin Spice Everything Single Note.


    DC~ Discontinued. These perfumes that were once part of the General Catalog but due to component issues were unable to stay. I have it on good authority that discontinuing scents makes Beth very sad. :hug:


    Imp/Imp's Ear~ the sample size vial offered by Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab.


    Unimpable~ These scents are only available as a bottle from the Lab, such as Limited Edition scents and special series like Only Lovers Left Alive or the Jim Henson collaboration.


    Frimp(s)~ Those wonderful free samples that the Lab/Post typically include with each order. Don't expect them, don't make special requests for them. Let the Lab fairies work their magic and you may end up finding a new favorite!


    Frottle(s)~ The rare treat, free bottles with large or special orders.


    HG~ Holy Grail


    Unicorn/BPALicorn~ a rare, hard to find scent like Pumpkin King, Storyville, Formula 54.


    Prototype~ This is be a scent that is up and coming, but its release isn't guaranteed. There will often be prototypes for sniffing at Lab events, they create lots of buzz and people love to read reviews of them.


    Unreleased~ A scent that was created but for some reason never released, samples or bottles may be floating around but they are rare.


    Age/Aging~ like fine wine, some BPAL blends get better with age, Snake Oil is a prime example of this.


    Skin Chemistry~ sometimes abbreviated to "skinistry," the qualities unique to your skin which affect how a perfume is going to smell. It's amazing at how this varies. Food, hormones, climate. Join the discussion here.


    Testing~ applying a small amount of a new scent to see if it works with your skin chemistry. What are you testing today?


    Amp~ Amplify. Your skin may play up a particular note based on your skin chemistry. Join the discussion here.


    Death Note~ this is a note that you don't care for or doesn't smell good on your skin. This note can take over a blend and make it unpleasant. This can vary from person to person, nose to nose. Never pass up a blend because of one note, you NEVER know what is going to work and Beth never lists all the components that go into a blend.


    ISO/DISO~ In search of/Desperately In Search Of. Like when that GC on your wishlist gets discontinued, you will be DISO of a bottle of that scent.


    Fairy~ a person going to a BPAL event who volunteers to purchase event only scents and ship them to you. Find your fairy in the Swaps area of the forum.


    Sniffie/Empty~ An imp or bottle that doesn't have any usable amount of oil left in it. Just enough to get a whiff or teaser of the scent.


    BNNU~ Brand New, Never Used


    TOL~ Top of Label


    TOS~ Top of Shoulder


    TAT~ Turn around time. From the Lab's main site:



    All orders, including domestic orders, may take in excess of 14-21 business days to process, pack and ship out due to a heavy workload, the process of hand-blending and the nature of our product. All oils are made once theyre ordered to ensure freshness. Our shipped-through info is constantly updated in the BPAL Forums.

    Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate rush order requests.

    CnS~ Click N' Ship, this is the e-mail delivery notification that you get when your postage has been printed and your package is on the way to the post office.


    DC~ Delivery Confirmation, you may see this abbreviation in the swap and sale area of the forum.


    Sn.a.ke Oi.l~ When you see things typed with periods or odd spacing, it is so that the search will filter it out and you won't be disappointed to find that something you want may have already been swapped.

    Cleanly tested~ A toothpick or other disposable implement was used to test instead of applying directly to the skin from the bottle or cap. Some people have concerns about contamination/eventual spoilage of the perfume by skin oils, or the transmission of germs from swapping perfume that hasn't been cleanly tested. This thread has more details on the subject.


    Quick and Dirty Last Word~ PM a mod or search before starting a new topic. I'm almost always available since my iPad and I are attached at the fingertips, drop me a line any time, and please try to avoid discussing swaps or sales outside of swap area.

  5. Copied and pasted from the Lab's Official Blog The Black Phoenix Gazette...


    This month, we will be hosting our annual food drive at our Los Angeles and Dirty South full moon events!

    For every $10 in food that you donate, you will receive a 5ml bottle of:


    SWEET POTATO MUSK~Weirdly wearable! Brown sugar-glazed sweet potato musk with honeyed ambrette, pulverized pumpkin seed, white oats, toasted cardamom, and sugared clove.


    We are offering these oils while supplies last, and cannot guarantee that any Will Call location will be able to fulfil all donation exchanges. We’ll do our best!


    The blends that will be available for purchase include those that went live on the Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab website up to and including the Halloween updates.


    Our West Coast Lunacy events are held on the night of the full moon and are always free.


    The West Coast Will Call event will be held on Thursday, November 6th from 6 to 9pm at Dark Delicacies.

    Food donations will support the Burbank Temporary Aid Center.

    Dark Delicacies
    3512 W. Magnolia Blvd
    (1 block east of Hollywood Way)
    Burbank, CA 91505



    The Dirty South Will Call event will be held Sunday, November 9th from 4 to 7pm at Hammond Park.

    705 Hammond Dr.
    (In the Community Room located off of Glenridge Rd. NE)
    Sandy Springs, Georgia 30328



    If you have any questions, please email us at willcall@blackphoenixalchemylab.com.

    Remaining Dates for 2014

    West Coast Will Call:

    Friday, December 5th

    Dirty South Will Call


  6. please help me out guys! i received a chaos theory decant and i've searched high and low for what the scents are. cannot find a single thing.

    the label reads as follows:

    BPAL Chaos Theory V:

    O Series



    and on the back:

    Decanted by Tramp


    there is absolutely no trace of floral or gourmand, but that's all i can tell you. it smells very incense-y or woody, like a type of wood.

    is there any way i can find out any information at all? the person who sent it to me got this from another swap, so it's twice used.

    You could message Tramp here, since she is the originator. But that is the thing about Chaos Theory, other than knowing it contains "O" there is really no way of knowing what else is in it.

  7. “We’ll be friends forever, won’t we, Pooh?” asked Piglet.

    “Even longer,” Pooh answered.

    A tribute to true friendship, and love that transcends distance and time: white sage and chaparral with sweet cedar, caramelized honey, warm fig, and carnation blossoms.

    I ordered an imp of this purely because of the Pooh quote because fig doesn't smell good on my skin (though I love it) and honey doesn't always work. So I figured together it would be a disaster. Well, wrong again. Came away with a bottle and may need a backup.

    Whenever I think of the perfect sage and cedar spa scent, this is what comes to mind. It's more warm than green. Centering, comforting. Very present. This is a beautiful scent that goes so well with the Pooh quote, it makes me teary as I sit here and contemplate it. The fig and carmelized honey lend such a golden glow of warmth without adding a foody quality. I can't stop sniffing it.

    This needs to be a room spray and a candle and a bath oil!!!

  8. Tobacco absolute, myrrh, opoponax, black sandalwood, and black pepper.

    I love tobacco, LOVE! This is the note I love in Black Lace and Havana. Sweet, a little smoky, a little chewy. Wet, it's ALL tobacco ALL the time. After it dries, there is a hint of the black pepper and a whiff of woods. The longer it dries, the sweet tobacco and woodsy spice gets rounded out and goes all smooth and resinous with the opoponax and myrrh.

    Autumn VII morphs quite a bit, but stays gorgeous the entire time. Decent throw and staying power, this is one scent I wouldn't mind reapplying throughout the day.

  9. Last year, Lilith visited Lafayette Cemetery No. 1 in the Garden District with us. As she walked among the vaults and tombs, she announced to us, When I get older, Im going to help ghosts fix their houses.

    Marble, wild grasses, rusted iron, white clover, coneflowers, and daisies filtered through a sepulchral mist.

    I ordered a decant of this when the Lilith scents went live. Having sniffed it last night at DSWC, I had to have a bottle then and there.

    This scent whispers "final resting place." It's ghostly and eerie, yet grounded by the scent of the marble and iron which gives it a faintly mineral smell. Grassy and softly herbal-floral, just beautiful. It's a unique scent that is very New Orleans, the place (not the BPAL scent.)

    Very good staying power and throw. :wub:

    We're spending Thanksgiving in New Orleans, this perfume will be in heavy rotation that trip.

  10. Can you explain why there was hardly anything in it then? The base was incredibly thick/high but the fill level really low. The machine can't work perfectly as I've had two bottles of Dorian, one average, the other nearly full to the lid.

    Is this a rhetorical question? I have not seen your specific bottle, so I have no idea what was or was not in it. I was explaining that the bottles are filled by volume and not by weight as you had suggested previously. If you feel shortchanged, you may want to send a photo of the bottle to the Lab's customer service.

  11. My bottle of Anesthesia was the lowest fill I've ever had, way below the shoulder, and the base of the bottle was way thicker than normal meaning even less in it. If the bottles are filled by weight, extra glass in the bottle would mean you get less oil.

    They are not filled by weight, rather calibrated by volume. The weight of the bottle is irrelevant. The volume (5 milliliters or basically, one teaspoon) is the same regardless of the bottle.

  12. When I sniffed this in the bottle this morning it reminded me so much of Orange that I had to grab my bottle and test them side by side. The top notes of bright, juicy orange are so similar!


    Once that burst of orange fades away, they change. Orange goes all glittering floral and Eastern Comma goes all sun burnished and bronze. The tobacco and hay are wonderful, warm and smooth.

  13. Rich, sweet, boozy caramel in the bottle and wet on the skin.


    Once it dries, the scent morphs into gorgeous warm, musky tobacco. Reminds me of Havana as it dries down and melds with my skin. This pleases me!


    Woodsy musk lingers close to the skin after hours of wear.


    Good throw and staying power, delightful morphing. :wub2:

  14. This scent is a dream come true, a real Christmas miracle! It's Snowblind and Snow White blended in one perfect scent that I can actually wear. I adore the way they both smell, I've got Snow White atmosphere that I spray silly around the house but they both smell seriously bad on my skin. But this scent, which is the best of both scents in one magic little bottle, smells heavenly. Thank you Beth!

    Nollaig faoi shéan is faoi shonas duit!
    A fresh-chopped Yule log glowing in a holly wreath-festooned hearth, with snow-dappled evergreens, bay leaf, bittersweet winter berries, and apple beer.

    This should have been called "Anti-Grinchy McScrooge spray." It is indeed Christmas in a bottle. Cold sniff on first spray it is quite the Christmas craft store scent, but that doesn't linger long at all. After a few minutes the whole area is transformed into the quintessential Yuletime Fantasyland. Seriously.

    We have two Christmas trees, an artificial one in the kitchen and a real Fraser Fir in the family room. I sprayed the kitchen tree with Bloc Na Nollaig and it was transformed! That sad little tree pretty much smells better than the real thing. And it lasts for days! Just so Christmassy, spicy, green, fresh, warm, cold, joyful.

    You need to buy this particular room spray if...

    you have an artificial tree but pine for the real thing (ha, ha, get it? PINE!)

    you're feeling particularly Scrooge-y this year. You'll be transformed into the whooping Christmas morning Scrooge!

  16. This was a real shocker for me as I was expecting something smokier. But what I got was so much more! It's a fruity, sherry soaked pudding flying around me on a cinnamon broom with just a hint of a crackling fire in the background. It lasts for ages and is simply a joyful, holiday-in-the-kitchen-by-the-fireplace scent. Who knew the Cratchet's home smelled this wonderful?
