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BPAL Madness!

Ina Garten Davita

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Posts posted by Ina Garten Davita

  1. I've scoffed at just about every Antique Lace comparison over the years until I could verify it myself, and never found any of them to be to true to my nose. I did not like Antique Lace, found it cloying and overly sweet. I've loved every "Lace" scent since and have them all, plus a few backups in my collection.


    Well, folks, here it is. The fairly close dupe of Antique Lace you've all been waiting for. Except for the burst of fizzy champagne that lasts a few minutes, the rest is pure Antique Lace in all it's overly sweet, cloying glory. Super-sweet vanilla, lots of throw, long lasting.


    The "lace" accord seems to be missing that smoky-tobacco like waft that keeps everything grounded. I hope Champagne Lace mellows as it ages, because I want to keep the collection complete. In the cellar it goes.

  2. Indulgence is a scent that should not work on me, vetiver and chapaca are two of my "great ruiners." And I can smell them at first, dark and dank, the scent oozes out of the bottle and sends a shiver of dread up my spine. I almost didn't want to skin test it.


    I steel my nerves, gird my loins, and dab a tiny dot on my right wrist. WHOA! Hello throw! As it hits my skin I am immediately reminded of LUSH Tramp, on of my all time favorite scents. That rich green and chewy black goodness.


    The vetiver is gone almost instantly. Bye, click.


    I'm left with rich, resiny, chewy goodness. Definitely indulgent, deeply seductive.


    After a while the florals come to play as the whole scent begins to soften and sweeten on my skin. This has great throw and is different afar than close up. The green florals are leaping off my skin, while the resins are sticking close.


    This lasts forever! I'm still smelling a hint of green floral with an undercurrent of sweet amber this afternoon after applying last evening (still in my house clothes, doing housework.)


    This scent needs more love. I think it's going to age tremendously.

  3. I just returned from a trip to Italy. I put about two dozen imps in a small metal case and put it in my unchecked suitcase. It wasn't noticed outgoing or on the return. I had room in my zipper bag in case it got noticed but no one batted an eyelash.

  4. Sarsaparilla and Ivory soap!!!


    Not soapy, but a freshly unwrapped bar of 99 & 44/100% pure Ivory, which is very much a nostalgic scent for me. It starts off pungent, even sharp, but mellows out soon after it dries. The clean soap smell is tempered by the creamy, sweet sarsaparilla and as it wears I can detect a waft of pipe smoke.


    It's weird and wonderful and very Grandfatherly, or even Great-Grandfatherly. That eccentric character of a man you may not remember from personal memories but from crackled, sepia photos, and tales your Nana and Aunties told you.



  5. Bittersweet chocolate with a heavy cream undertone.

    As soon as this unfolded on my skin, I knew I wanted to review it first. The newly reformulated Candy Butcher is a revelation.

    I can't wear chocolate scents. I can't wear cream scents. How Beth managed to create a chocolate and heavy cream perfume that smells beautiful on my skin is a mystery for Dan Brown to explore in his next novel.


    Gourmand fans are going to love this, of course, but there is some magical ingredient here that places it in the "perfume"category rather than being a totally foodie scent. The Candy Butcher is sophisticated, and has a bit of a dryness about it that counteracts whatever usually makes chocolate or cream so unwearable on my skin. Bittersweet cocoa rather than truffles. The cream seems to be acting as grounding instead of gooey topping.


    I applied only a small drop, she wears close to the skin. Nothing cloying or sickly, rather a warmth and depth that keeps me bringing wrist to nose. The character is translated expertly into perfume.




  6. Thanks to my favorite Vulcan for a generous tester of this beauty.


    I tried it on before looking at the notes, my impression was smooth, soft leather, warm cedar, and a plethora of spicy flowers. I can't wear a lot of the heavier leather but the way this leather is blended, it suits me.


    Sniffing after reviewing the notes, I'm surprised to see jasmine listed, because I can't detect it. The tonka and vanilla add warmth and depth, the flowers masquerading as oriental spices.


    Gorgeously blended, soft throw. I may have to start retesting Beth's feminine leather blends because I'm loving this!

  7. Red musk, vanilla bean, pomegranate, black currant, patchouli leaf and wild plum.

    It's tough to compare this to the original since my bottle has aged so beautifully. I do remember thinking, "WHOA, RED MUSK" way back when my bottle was fresh.

    This version is sweeter, fruitier revealing heavier pomegranate, richer (and more sugared) plum. I get lots more vanilla, coupled with the addition of black currant, the red musk is held tightly in check. This version seems more lighthearted than the original, but I have a feeling it will darken as it ages.

    I love this fresh, new version, it would be amazing in hair gloss, bath oil, and atmos!

    Will update this post with a photo when the pitchcard arrives.

  8. The Beldam is one of those scents that I really wish I had the notes, she's so beautifully blended it's tough to pick out individual notes. I don't get any cherry, which tends to do bad things on my skin.


    Rich, resinous, sticky and slightly herbal and a tad boozy, like an herbal liqueur. Dark, sexy, sinister. Very unique. It's a shame this hasn't been released with the other Coraline scents. She's gorgeous, unusual, just demands to be sniffed!

  9. 2014 version~


    I did not like this at first sniff, popped it in the swap box but decided to give it another try this morning. WOW! So happy I did!


    Wet on the skin smells like dead leaves floating on chilled autumn air. Then it warms and opens into a creamy, gorgeous incensey vanilla. The dry down is familiar, reminds me of Dorian. Autumnal Dorian!



  10. Honeysuckle lovers rejoice, this is gorgeous, fresh Honeysuckle a bit of soft sweet musk, and a grounding breath of leather. Fear not, the leather is barely detectable, just a whisper as if sitting down in a well worn cozy settee beside a table of rich southern blooms.


    This is one beautiful atmosphere, perfect for our southern home!

  11. Bubbly champagne like in Tammany Free and Easy /Vivement but that's where they part ways. The leather, amber, and patch give a dirtysexy vibe to this party. As the resins age and the champagne smooths out, this will be stunning. This bottle needs cellaring to be its best.

  12. Creamy, smooth, restrained jasmine rounded out by vanilla. I'm not a fan of peach but it's very subtle, lending sweetness rather than overt fruitiness. Layering this with a bit of musk would move it into the girlie floral musk realm of Ava, the Girl, and Lilith Flowers Butterflies Jewels Attending.

  13. Bourbon Vanilla bath oil is PERFECTION! Beth and Puddin have outdone themselves.


    I applied this to clean, dry skin post shower.


    This is the perfect "perfumey" vanilla that I have dreamed of in a moisturizing base. Not even the tiniest hint of foodie here, no butter, no pastry, no bakery ruination. No plastic, no play-doh, no powder, just straight up, pure and perfect VANILLA. It stays true to scent from application, to dry down, to gentle fade. The perfect base for just about every scent in my collection. I'm in love and may need more than the two I bought. I want to live in this scent.

  14. The cold sniff reminds me of the sparkling sugary snow notes of Snow Angel, but none of the bright lemon tea scent.

    There is a hint of ozone that comes through once it's applied to my skin, the ozone doesn't linger long, which is good because it's not a note that I'm particularly keen on. (I hope it ages out.)


    Once dry, the ozone is gone and the creamy vanillic woods start to peek out and it starts to warm up. I amp sweet and this scent is quite sweet on my skin. This one is a morpher, starts chilly and snowy then turns warmer, creamy and sweet, although the perception of the chill remains like looking out an icy window while you're inside, warm and cozy.


    Lovely scent, reminiscent of Snow Angel at the top and at the long dry down.

  15. Peppermint candies dropped into a flute of champagne.

    Another winner! It's a winter party in a little spray bottle. Buttermint candies melting in Champagne, not foody at all, but a little sweet, and above all, it's very pepperminty and very bubbly. Definitely a palate cleanser for after all the smells of Christmas and perfect for that time heading into New Year's Eve.

  16. **This is vey important please share with anyone you know who is planning on coming to tomorrow's DSWC**

    I have NOT received my huge Lab order (including, Yules, Ligeias, Phoenix blends, and GJR) for tomorrow's DSWC. It was supposed to be here yesterday, but was mis-sent to a facility in Carrollton, GA, and is supposedly en route to my local post office. The tracking has not been updated since midnight, and only then to reflect that "the delivery status has not been updated". Despite calling repeatedly, the post office is not able to give my any other information.

    So, long story short, I do not have about 80% of what I need for tomorrow's Will Call. If it doesn't show up by the end of the day today, I will have to cancel and reschedule. I don't mean to be alarmist, and hopefully it will arrive here SOON, but I know there are folks who travel here to come to DSWC and I don't want to disappoint anyone more than I already am.

    I'm really sorry about this, guys. :( I am keeping all toes and fingers crossed that this will be delivered in time. Please do the same! I will update here as soon as I know more.


  17. I don't know how I missed this the first time around but I'm thrilled to bits to have acquired a bottle. It's just SO CHRISTMAS!


    I don't get that "buttery baked goods" note from this, which is good for me because that accord never smells good on my skin.


    This is all creamy, heavily spiced rice pudding studded with candied peel. I love the hints of orange brightening up the rice pudding note. Clove and ginger are working beautifully together.


    Darkly gourmand with good throw and staying power. This will be in heavy rotation this season.
