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BPAL Madness!

Ina Garten Davita

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Posts posted by Ina Garten Davita

  1. First Impression: Black Pearl just screams Florentine iris.


    Second Impression: The creamy coconut undertones take awhile to appear as the iris just takes over the entire blend. I like iris in Morella, but otherwise I find it headachy and way too potent. I'm not getting any hazelnut or white musk.


    Final Analysis: The iris fades off after a long while, leaving a soft coconut floral. I don't care for it on my skin.

  2. Beth's Blend #2 in a cobalt blue bottle


    First Impression: Sweet amber and thick patchouli.


    Second Impression: This is very much like a mixture of Haunted and Sin. I can smell amber, patchouli, dark musk and and the tiniest trace of spice. :P


    Final Analysis: While I really like Sin, it lacked oomph. Problem solved, this bottle is packed with oomph. It's dark, sexy, naughty and sweet.

  3. Beth's Blend #1 in a cobalt blue bottle


    First Impression: *girlie screeeech*


    Second Impression: What do you get when you mix Snake Oil and Haunted? Pure alchemical bliss.


    Final Analysis: I once mixed half an imp of Snake Oil with half an imp of Haunted and it became one of my favorite blends. Now I have an entire bottle...let the slathering begin!

  4. First Impression: Citrus???? Lemon??? No, not at all. In the bottle, I get Tushnamatay with layers of fresh flowers.


    Second Impression: Lobban is pure, candy-sweet lilacs to my nose. This brings back such memories of the lilac tree in the yard of where we grew up. *contented sigh*


    Final Analysis: Oh, I adore this. This imp will be treasured and enjoyed!

  5. First Impression: Cool and bracing.


    Second Impression: Grapefruit, mint and a touch of something herbal other than eucalyptus. Sharp and refreshing.


    Final Analysis: I was delighted to have gotten an imp of this in a most generous swap package. This imp is going to my sister, because the word is sort of an inside joke with us for a couple of reasons. First, our maiden name is "Bianchi" which gets mispronounced in a variety of comical ways and "Banshee" being the most popular. And also because my sister started calling PJ a banshee as soon as he started to crawl and getting into everything.

  6. Beth's Blend #4 in a traditional amber bottle


    First Impression: It seems to be a marriage of Snake Oil and Blood Lotus.


    Second Impression: Definitely the spices from Snake Oil, but not the same sweet vanilla. There is lime in here, lime verbena if my nose isn't fooling me. And something creamy and thick...lotus? It's the same juicy thickness I get from Blood Lotus. It's Snake Oil's tropical island dwelling cousin.


    Final Analysis: Wow, it's really unique and hard to describe. I've got to wear this again to try and figure out what else is lurking in the little bottle of the preciousss.

  7. A few of us got some of Beth's experimental blends in a LUSH swap, they are unlabled and unnamed. I numbered mine and was dying to review them, I hope you'll do the same!

    I'll put them here but if Shollin wants them moved, then by all means...


    Beth's Blend #5 in a stout, dark green bottle.


    First Impression: Cinnamon, oh yes...lovely fresh, warm cinnamon.


    Second Impression: Cinnamon and something creamy...vanilla/cake/coconut. Like Cinnamon Buns but with a strawberry swirl. It's foody and sexy...think Hollywood Babylon but with cinnamon instead of black cherry.


    Final Analysis: :P Addictive, delectable, utterly divine!

  8. The eldest of the Muses, she is Eloquence, and thus, governs heroic and epic poetry, and her eloquence has served to calm quarrels even amongst the surliest of Gods. She is crowned in gold, and holds a roll of parchment or stylus and tablet. Hers is the scent of creative inspiration, and it is a boon to writers, poets and arbitrators: lavender and bright mint with bergamot, verbena, thyme and a touch of sweet orange and warm almond.

    First Impression: Calliope is straight up almond and lavender in the vial.

    Second Impression: The almond disappears as soon as it's dry and becomes a lavender-mint-bergamot-citrus spa like essential oil blend fragrance.

    Final Analysis: Soothing yet invigorating. Not something I'd choose to wear as a perfume, but for a massage oil or spa treament fragrance, this really would suit wonderfully.

  9. What a surprise! :P


    There is no description of this. From the name, I'm sure it's supposed to bring the wearer lots of good luck. Someone in the know, correct me if I'm wrong.


    First Impression: The familiar sharp soapy voodoo oil smell in the bottle.


    Second Impression: Jasmine, heady and dark. Reminds me of Juju at first. On the long drydown it smells dark and smoky.


    Final Analysis: I applied just a dab of this from the cap, it's quite potent. I immediately got a real nice mood lift and I already was in a great mood. I'm so thrilled to have gotten to try this.

  10. Recieving a bottle of Havisham, quite unexpectly, really made my day. Love you Beth. :P


    First Impression: Roses, but unlike any roses I've smelled before.


    Second Impression: Hauntingly beautiful and yes, chilly. It's like the rare and beautiful bloom beside her dead sisters, after the weather has turned cold, bravely clinging to the season.


    Final Analysis: Sad and chilly floral, but also extrodinarily elegant. This is one Limited Edition I passed on as I imagined it would smell like a mean old lady. I was ever so wrong and just thrilled that I've been given a second chance. I will treasure this bottle!
