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Ina Garten Davita

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Posts posted by Ina Garten Davita

  1. First Impression: :P


    Second Impression: This is perhaps the most romantic of all the blends that I've tried. The notes work so harmoniously together, I can tell what they are but no a one stands out more than another. This is a beautiful princess staring out of her castle window dreaming of the day her prince comes. This is romantic, innocent and sensual.


    Final Analysis: Sensual and not too far from innocence, a perfume ad-line once went. It suits Bathsheba perfectly. I'm so happy I got a bottle of this. It smells just wonderful on me and puts me in such a dreamy mood.

  2. First Impression: Mmmm, black orchid.


    Second Impression: Medea is a bit like a Morgause and Phantom Queen. It's got the lovely orchid with that deep incense which love my skin.


    Final Analysis: Medea hasn't caputured my heart like Morgause or Phantom Queen, but it's a beautiful scent in its own right. I will enjoy my imp.

  3. First Impression: Cinnamon like in those scented brooms they sell at the start of the fall season.


    Second Impression: I get the potpourri association, but Yuletide goes way beyond that. It's complex and absolutely beautiful. It's fresh pine garland decorated with cinnamon pinecones and fresh berries.


    Final Analysis: If Skadi is the breakout hit of the Yule 2004 Limited Editions, then I think Yuletide is the dark horse. It's wonderful!

  4. First Impression: Clean, green, bright and fresh.


    Second Impression: This is more single note-ish than I thought it would be. I'm getting a very snowy pine forest, but not the same depth as I found in Skadi and Ice Queen. It is very appropriate for Christmas and winter in general. It's festive and happy. It's very similar to the Yankee Candle Mistletoe fragrance that's been in my tart burner all during the holidays.


    Final Analysis: While I really like this scent in the bottle, I don't think it works for me as a perfume. I might have to let this one go.

  5. First Impression: Jasmine only subtle.


    Second Impression: This is jasmine that is sugar candy coated. Mmmmm.


    Final Analysis: If Crucible of Courage is sweet candy roses and Lobban is sweet candy lilacs, then Follow Me Boy is definitly the sweet candy jasmine counterpart. Very nice.

  6. First Impression: Very faint cleaning fluid scent.


    Second Impression: This is a very soft fragrance, comparable to the strength of Tushnamatay. So light that it wouldn't compete with another fragrance if you wanted to wear this solely for the voodoo purposes.


    Final Analysis: Not for me, but I'm happy that I got to try it.

  7. First Impression: Sweetness and light.


    Second Impression: Soft and delicate, sunshine and wispy roses spun out of sugar. Somewhat of a lighter brighter Crucible of Courage.


    Final analysis: Ethereal and achingly beautiful. This would be a great choice for those didn't get a chance to try Crucible. Go order some!

  8. First Impression: PINE!


    Second Impression: I never knew that I loved pine scents so much. This is rich and foresty and beautiful.


    Final Analysis: I will have a hard time choosing between this and Black Forest.

  9. First Impression: Very much white tea and ginger.


    Second Impression: If you like BBW white tea and ginger, you'll LOVE this. It's a much better rendition.


    Final Analysis: While I like this scent, it's not me.

  10. First Impression: Fire in a bottle.


    Second Impression: Smoky, hot and flames and ash.


    Final Analysis: Not something I care to smell like, but it smells dead on to the description.

  11. First Impression: Deep Chocolate.


    Second Impression: I don't get any black cherry. The orange blossom and very pungent and I don't think I like how it smells with the chocolate.


    Final Analysis: As much as I adore chocolate, the majority of the chocolate scents I've tried just don't work well with my chemistry. I'm glad I got to sample it though.

  12. First Impression: Very deep, earthy a bit sharp.


    Second Impression: It's a very decaying forest scent and you can really smell that fresh dirt and decaying flowers.


    Final Analysis: This captures "Burial" so well. It's not a perfume for me, as such but it can really be appreciated for how it's crafted.

  13. First Impression: Sugared fruits, just like the ones adorning my Christmas Tree.


    Second Impression: This scent is very much like the scent of a lovely sugar plum Christmas candle. It's wonderful and evocative of this time of year.


    Final Analysis: I really like this, it's so perfect for the Holiday season, it's sweet and festive.

  14. First Impression: Juicy and fruity and incensey.


    Second Impression: The fruity bit is decidedly tropical, but underripe and sharp, not heavy and thick. It mellows down to a sweet, golden incense that is just gorgeous.


    Final Analysis: I love this one. I may be wanting more in the future.

  15. First Impression: A bit snowy, but more milky.


    Second Impression: A much thinner scent that I thought it would be, it's a bit buttery and bit creamy and a bit like snow, but not icy at all. I can understand the comparisons to the drydown of Dana O'Shee. It's a little wisp of a scent.


    Final Analysis: Not overly thrilled with this scent, in the bottle or on my skin. The idea is wonderful as is the name.

  16. First Impression: Cinnamon red hots.


    Second Impression: I'm not getting sugar or cookies from this, just lots of cinnamon red hots, just like the candy.


    Final Analysis: This is the only cinnamon blend that didn't work on my skin. I don't think I'm going to keep this one.

  17. First Impression: Rum and nutmeg.


    Second Impression: Yes, this really does smell like egg nog. But in the bottle, not on my skin. I get a touch of nutmeg and a touch of rum and then it's gone, nothing, nada. It's a very "thin" scent versus the thickness I was expecting.


    Final Analysis: Not working for me and I'm unhappy about that. Oh well, back to the real egg nog for me.

  18. First Impression: An icy cold forest in a bottle.


    Second Impression: When I sniff Ice Queen I get the sensation that I just skated the program of a lifetime and am about to be crowned Olympic champion in ladies figure skating.


    Final Analysis: I don't like aquatic scents, so I was a bit worried that I'd react the same way to frozen/icy scents, because some of the notes seem similar. I'm glad it worked for me. It's just wonderful for this time of year. Unfortunately there isn't much staying power to this scent, but I'll enjoy the bottle just the same.
