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Ina Garten Davita

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Posts posted by Ina Garten Davita

  1. Very aquatic, fresh, oceanic. Alhough I love the way my skin smells after spending the day at the beach, I do not like aquatic perfumes because I have yet to find one that smells like "me". When the waves wash away, it leaves a bouquet of water flowers on the shore. It doesn't suit me, though the name is totally cool.

  2. This one gave me some problems at first. It's one of those scents that overwhelms with its sharpheadyfloweriness. But given the chance to drydown properly blooms into gorgeousness. This is a brightly-colored mixed bouquet that can't wait to kick winter's ass and scream out, "I'm here, it's SPRING, pay attention to ME!" I wish I could pick some notes out, but I keep coming up with colors. It's like an explosion of red-pink-orange-white-yellow, staring at the sun, just aching to be picked.

  3. Also called Djinn’s Eggs and the Weed of Ill Omen. Distinctive bifurcations shape this magickal plant into the form of human men and women. It is believed that mandrake grows where the semen of a hanged man has fallen onto the earth, and that when it is plucked from the earth, the plant itself shrieks in agony:

    Alack, alack, is it not like that I,
    So early waking, what with loathsome smells,
    And shrieks like mandrakes' torn out of the earth
    That living mortals, hearing them, run mad.

    A plant of true arcane power, mandrake has been used in a multitude of ways by witches, magicians and thaumaturgists for eons to many, many vastly different ends. Whole pieces are carried for protection, or are used in poppet magick. Ground herb can be utilized in spells for money, lust or defense.

    The lore of the mandrake does not limit it to magickal use. The root was chewed as a simple anasthesia, and it has been widely employed as a sleep drug:

    CLEOPATRA: Ha, ha!
    Give me to drink mandragora.

    CHARMIAN: Why, madam?

    CLEOPATRA: That I might sleep out this great gap of time
    My Antony is away.

    The oil itself is quite viscous, more so than any other oil I've tried, except aged Snake Oil. The scent is really hard to describe. Earthy without smelling like dirt. Dusty sweet without being floral with a smooth herbiness that is making my mouth water. It reminds me of fresh thyme and cedar, only not as intense. If I had to compare to another scent, than the Dreamcatcher massage bar by LUSH would be it. It's been on my skin for over 30 minutes now and it's still shiny. This isn't perfumy in the least. It's really soothing and relaxing. Very unique, very addictive. I can't stop sniffing my hand.

  4. OMG! I dabbed some on and just had to come and gush about how fan-fecking-tastic this scent is. Very earthy with only the slightest hint of that Graveyard Dirt soil smell and once that dries away, I'm left with this gorgeous sweet, warm woodsy, slightly resinous smell. There may be a hint of a floral in here, I'm almost sure of it. I think this may be one of the top favorites of all these lovely bottles sitting her beside me. :P

  5. Lily lovers the world over will be clamoring to get their hot little hands on this one. It's smooth and creamy and perfectly lily-like. It's much softer than the name implies. I'd like to put this next to a traditional lily single note to compare. I quite like this one.

  6. LOVE LOVE LOVE! It's a really deep orchid, which brings to mind a darker version of Phantom Queen. The darkness in this, I believe, is that I can smell the rich, moist soil. It's not overt like in Penny Dreadful, but it's there underneath the flower, just as you would find it in nature. The longer dry down reveals a sophisticated and rather sexy perfume. Something to wear for a sparkling night out. It's got really good throw and staying power. Love-Ly!

  7. I wasn't expecting this to be so different from the prototype, but it is and that's a good thing. In the bottle is very minty. On my skin it's a very creamy vanilla mint. I'm not getting the overwhelming butteriness that I experienced with the prototype. I like that it's very different from Lick It.

  8. In the bottle, Fee is all honeydew. It reminds me of the Adam Sandler song "Food Inuendo Guy." I totally expected not to like this as melon does not smell good on my skin. But I like this. The melon dries down really fast and the resulting scent is a refreshing fruity-floral with nice hint of vanilla.

  9. I can't believe I haven't reviewed this.


    Pink, sticky cotton candy. It's perfect. The strawberry is much less pronounced (barely noticeable) than in Pink Moon and the florals are merely a suggestion.


    Pink, sticky cotton candy. I can't explain it better than that.

  10. I don't like chocolate notes and they hate my skin but Lump of Coal is the lovely exception. It smells like the perfect rich brownie batter in the bottle and that scent remains on my skin without going funky. I don't know if this is something I'd wear all the time, but for a chocolate craving, this little bottle is going to be my new best friend.

  11. In the bottle, Snow Angel is all cold and snowy with a hint of sweetness lingering just below the drifts.


    On my skin that spun sugar comes out in full force. Have you ever seen pastry chefs take the cooked sugar and dribble it over an upside down bowl to make those little golden sugar cages? This is what Snow Angel reminds me off. The snowy notes dry down quite fast but those spun sugar notes last and last. There is a hint of an extremely sweet and sparkling lemon tea edge to it. I adore this, it's a truly special perfume. I'm am thrilled I have another bottle on it's way. :P

  12. In the bottle Spanked is all leather. Leather is one of the few notes that I find hmmm, almost offensive. It's overpowering to my nose but I like to give everything a try on my skin because you just never know.


    It's all leather on my skin but dries down rather quickly and all but disappears leaving a pretty, but soft, spicy bourbon perfume. I quite like the drydown, but not enough to overcome my dislike of leather.

  13. In the bottle Mitzvah is the scent of creme brulee, that first crack of burnt sugar crust when your spoon plunges into the sweet, creamy custard below it. :P


    On my skin, it turns into a pancake breakfast! A mound of fresh, creamy butter melting over hot fluffy cakes, smothered in warm, real maple syrup. This can settle a carb craving any time of day. I love this!

  14. It's funny how a scent can completely capture a color. Holiday Moon is most assuredly green. Bright, fresh and green with a bit of coolness about it when wet without a any signs of being aquatic whatsoever. What a delightful fragrance. My skin takes the bright green chill and slowly warms and sweetens it, giving Holiday Moon's green a soft gilded edge.


    What if Beth said it was a girly pink scent and the label had hearts and flowers on it, would Holiday Moon still be so green? Hmmmm....

  15. Some of it may have to do with aging. My older Dorian is much richer with more tea than the fresher oil. Also, an imp of an oil that came from a swap rather than fresh from the lab may have been exposed to different conditions (ie another person's skin chemistry and/or light and heat/cold) that can alter its characteristics. Just something to keep in mind when testing things out.

  16. Samhain 2005. This is a lot different from 2004. The dirty, burning leaves scent that dominated 2004 has been relegated to the background, temepered and sweetened by a pumpkin-vanilla scent. Nice, but I still haven't been able to get on the Samhain crazy train.

  17. First Impression: Warm and woodsy.


    Second Impression: Dragon's blood and woods with a touch of spice, there is something fresh and herbally underneath the woods and spices. I don't get a lot of vanilla or sweetness. The drydown reminds me of Noir and Black Widow.


    Final Analysis: This is a dark blend, sensual and mysterious very well suited to its name.

  18. First Impression: Mint and butter.


    Second Impression: Hmmm, not as sweet and cold as I thought it would be. It's definitely minty and very buttery, more buttery than Jack. Just can't compete with Milk Moon with is creamy, sweet honeymint.


    Final Analysis: It nice, light and doesn't stick around very long. I hope Lick It is pure peppermint and very sweet with no butter.
