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BPAL Madness!

Ina Garten Davita

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Posts posted by Ina Garten Davita

  1. I haven't smelled any BPAL that smelled a *thing* like Flowerbomb, honestly. The closest thing I've smelled to Flowerbomb that's price-accessible is B&BW Sensual Amber, which is very, very strongly reminiscent of it.


    I agree that Xiuhtecuhtli smells a lot like Angel, but Angel and Flowerbomb don't smell alike at all to my nose. If they smell alike to you, though, that would be a good choice :P.


    You are spot on with your assessment, Electra.


    Flowerbomb is nothing like any BPAL or Pink Sugar or even Angel to my nose. There are ton of Flowerbomb dupes out there that are really good.


    But since this is a BPAL recs area, I layer Flowerbomb lotion with Snake Oil, I think they work really well together. BPAL scents that I'd put in the category of Flowerbomb would be Formula 54, Intergalactic and Stardust '06. They are LE and two are rare, but there you have it.

  2. "Many things -- such as loving, going to sleep, or behaving unaffectedly -- are done worst when we try hardest to do them."
    Sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, shea oil, coconut milk, witch hazel, French lavender essential oil, Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab's Elixir blend.

    The TKO bomb smells just like the elixir straight from the bottle. Very heavy for it's size, it made such a beautiful plonking sound when I dropped into the hot water-filled tub.

    Good fizzing and really lovely water softening qualities. Being enveloped in a tub scented with a Panacea elixir is very different from dabbing a bit on, it gets into your pores and just works its magic. I soaked until the water turned cool, because I didn't want to leave the embrace of the soft and soothing lavender vanilla.

    Oh, sigh. The TKO tub was medicine for a really bad day. The only problem was it turned me to such goo, I had no idea how I was going to get from the tub to the bed. I slept very well that night. Deep, quiet, happy sleep.

  3. This is such a surprise as frank/myrrh and wine/grape are notes that don't usually smell good on me, but Haloa is such a wonderful exception. It's like Beaver Moon married Monster Bait: Underpants and had spicy little Christmas cake babies. I love this scent, its warmth and spicy sweetness, its richness and depth.

  4. Chaos Theory II: CDLXI (461)


    This decant was a gift from the lovely Odette Odile and I am supremely excited to have a vial of this beauty in my possession. :P


    You know that mouthwatering sweetness in legendary scents like Pink Phoenix and Snow Angel? This is the "single note" of it, as it were. This is the bouquet of cotton candy, pure spun sugar, fluffy and sweet. Not the pink, strawberry flavored carnival cotton candy but a cotton candy, spun pure white with a barest vanilla character. This sugar positively sparkles, with lots of depth and throw. :D


    This vial will remain in my "treasured Imps" collection forever!

  5. In the bottle I detect soft pine with a subtle, sweet cake scent just beneath. :P


    When I first apply, there is the exact scent of slush. I grew up in Revere, MA and anyone who has ever been forced outside just after a Nor'easter to clean off the car knows the smell of that wet-cold slush, and Beth has captured it perfectly.


    The drydown is gorgeous, I love the multi-facetedness of this scent. The slush dries off to reveal the soft pine again that's mingled with a breath of orchid. The sweet cakes are also there, like the waft you get in the next room when you are baking.


    Jolasveinar evokes Christmas with magic and subtlety. It captures both the warmth and the chill of the season. I love this scent.

  6. This is one beautiful floral! I can't wait to see how it compares side by side to White Moon.


    Vieux Carre started off as a delicate breath of jasmine and honeysuckle. The longer it wore on my skin, the more it started to bloom. A heady explosion of white flowers, just beautiful. I didn't get much roses, if any, thank goodness. That would have been the kiss of death for me. Very evocative of its namesake, with a touch of its magic as well.

  7. Shake your Fig Bon Bon! This scent is exactly like the description, dead on. I can pick out every single note individually, like they are fighting for my attention but they also smell ever so good together. It fades fairy quickly and the drydown is a soft coconut macaroon crumb sitting on my wrist.


    I think that this scent is going to be one that ages beautifully, getting all rich and deep and thick. I'd like to smell this in six months and review it again.

  8. Cockaigne is possibly the most buttery and most foody BPAL scent I have ever experienced. It's so buttery it's nearly dripping! Off the cuff it reminds me of a super buttery Eat Me, but as it wears, it gets much spicier and reminds me of Underpants but with loads of that buttery Jack note.


    I recently made a cake that had six sticks of butter in it. Cockaigne is more buttery. :P


    It is rather moreish, though. I can't stop sniffing my wrist.

  9. I have tried so many of Beth's amazing scents yet it seems so long since I've done a proper review but Lyonesse really deserves one.


    This is O without the honey, Florence without the iris but so much more, sexy but not slutty, sweet but not foody, innocent but not girlie, come hither and come closer. The beauty of this scent borders on indescribable. The layers blend seamlessly, there is no powder in the amber, there is no headiness in the stargazer, the creaminess is tempered by the soft wood.


    Lyonesse is heaven.

  10. There is to be no swapping outside of the swap forum, this includes but is not limited to:


    ~Making any reference to swapping in your wish list post or the big bottles list post.

    ~Asking someone to pick something up for you at Will Call

    ~Looking for someone to split a bottle of something with you

    ~Offering to purchase hard to find food/tea/chocolate items that someone is searching for (take the offer to PM if you think it will be appreciated, or ask a mod for assistance)

    ~Offering to take samples of sparkly purple eyeshadow or soap that did not work for someone off their hands

    ~Trying to arrange a group order


    This is for your protection from swaplifters.


    The post in question will be made invisible and reminders will be issued. Post will be made visible once the changes are made.


  11. I swear we've had this discussion before. Each measure of oil that goes into the bottles and vials are calibrated. The imps are 1/32 of an ounce (IIRC). The glass in each bottle/vial can differ, which is you may get bottles that are full into the neck or only up to the shoulders. It is still the same amount of oil.


    ETA: The viscosity of the oil can also make a difference in the level of fullness.
