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BPAL Madness!

Ina Garten Davita

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Everything posted by Ina Garten Davita

  1. Ina Garten Davita

    Baby Scent

    Morella, all the way.
  2. I didn't get any tea or any of the other gorgeous notes in White Rabbit. That linen note was a scent killer for me. I have to second or fifth Plunder. It's a gorgeous but dry spice scent. Bengal might be too sweet, I really amp the creamy honeyed vanilla quality in that one, but I amp sweet. A second to Famine. A luxurious and sexy black tea scent. Bakeneko is a tough one to find, but if you do grab it up. It's spicy citrus tea sex in heaven.
  3. Ina Garten Davita

    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    In case anyone didn't get to try Doc Buzzard or worries when theirs will be gone, Fascinum is so very similar. The litsea cubeba in Fascinum mimics the perfect lime note in Doc B and the amber/musk/cedar/saffron makes an excellent approximation of the sexy incense awesomeness of Doc B's drydown. It may be a tad more feminine but it's close.
  4. Ina Garten Davita

    How long do bottles & imps last?

    My first 5ml of Dorian lasted me about a week. Then I ordered several 10mls. I have one full 10ml left, the others went pretty far. As a scent ages, it seems to last longer. The scent intensifies as does the duration.
  5. Ina Garten Davita

    Diary of a Lovestruck Teenage Cannibal

    Lovestruck Teenage Cannibal is gorgeous and unique, the perfect grapefruit scent. Very complex for such a sweetie. It's like a giant candy grapefruit rolled in vanilla sugar, studded with lemon drops, pink peppercorns, and bits of candied pear and stem ginger. The grapefruit explodes and then lingers in a pool of pulpy sweetness. The vanilla is more grounding in this scent rather than a power player. The long dry down reveals a sweet candied pear-ginger perfume with the lemon drops and pink pepper fighting for the last word. I love candy scents and Cannibal fits the bill to perfection. I'm not getting any cream-cake-butter and for that I am ever so thankful.
  6. Ina Garten Davita

    Something like Chinatown?

    Chinatown is a lovely scent, for me it definitely leans more toward a citrus floral grounded by the woods rather than an earthy/woodsy scent. I'd give Croquet and Shoggoth a try. Croquet~Pink lime, pink grapefruit, white nectarine, wild rose, sage, woody patchouli, bergamot, and ornery hedgehog musk. Shoggoth~An amorphous, radiant, incandescent scent. Ever changing, protoplasmic and primordial: white amber, green coconut meat, iris, palmarosa, Chinese peony, lime, water lily, snowdrop, muguet, lemongrass, osmanthus, wisteria, glassy musk, and hinoki.
  7. Ina Garten Davita

    Stress Relief Elixir

    Thankfully, I don't get any vetiver from this blend although three other andrabane notes come through. I smell sharp mint, rose geranium and something that reminiscent of leather. But this blend is surprising moreish and amazingly effective. I put it on the palm of my hands, rub them together to warm them Mr. Myagi style, cup my hands over my nose and inhale deeply. This sends molecules of relaxation directly into my brain. SRE is quite possibly the most effective of any aromatherapy blend bar none. A triumph.
  8. Ina Garten Davita

    How long do bottles & imps last?

    With proper storage there is no reason to think that the perfume itself with smell bad even after many years. Florals may degrade some. Even if it's just as a keepsake, I say get it. It's a lovely idea.
  9. Ina Garten Davita

    Scent for Halloween?

    Tomorrow is our 6th wedding anniversary, I'm going to wear White Phoenix.
  10. Ina Garten Davita

    Oh how she loves the pretty pepper

    Hermia is gorgeous. When Ivyandpeony picked me up for shopping one afternoon, I nearly swooned when I got in the car. It prompted me to get an imp and it smells almost as good on me. The pink peppery notes give this sexy, womanly scent a kick. Plunder is very heavy on the black pepper, it's amazing how Beth was able to catch that "freshly cracked" pepper scent. The nice hint of clove seems to keep it from being harsh. I don't get pepper from Bengal, it's so creamy, honey-sweet especially now that it has aged.
  11. Ina Garten Davita

    princess-y scents

    My Pink Princess scents are Pink Phoenix, Privilege, Cottonmouth and Snow Angel.
  12. Ina Garten Davita

    Spice me, baby! The spiciest BPAL blends

    I can't wait until my bottle of Plunder arrives! I think it will layer with Snake Oil beautifully, making for a very sexy Christmas scent.
  13. Ina Garten Davita

    I want a BPAL that smells like Bath & Body Works...

    Both Intrigue and The Hanging Gardens have fig and wood notes. Layering Intrigue (which is woodsy and dry but definitely figgy) with something that has Beth's burnt sugar or caramel note might make something very similar to Brown Sugar and Fig.
  14. Ina Garten Davita


    Havana is warm, golden and gorgeous, it has shot right up to the top of my "new favorites" list. Leather is one of my dreaded notes and was so surprised to see it listed in the description because I don't get even the faintest whiff of leather ! The tobacco reminds me exactly of the tobacco note in Formula 54 and this is a very good thing. Havana is dry yet a bit sweet at the same time. The tobacco is dry and slightly smoky but blended with the date palm and with my skin chemistry, Havana comes through as sexy, smoky, woodsy and slightly musky-sweet. I can't wait until my bottle arrives, my imp is nearly empty.
  15. I love tea scents! My latest favorite is Vampire Tears. I adore Spirits of the Dead, too. They are sort of like two sides of the same coin. Another favorite is Snow Angel, that sweet peach tea note is fabulous. I've been having a mad affair with Dorian for years (love at first sniff), he's my favorite tea scent, especially aged.
  16. Ina Garten Davita

    Seasonal Affective Disorder

    Pink Phoenix and White Light are my top two happy scents year round. They really help boost my mood whatever the reason may be. Tropical florals like Pele and Hi'iaka that transport me to the beach are wonderfully uplifting in the dead of winter. I'm thinking Sportive Sun, Vampire Tears Croquet are going to be in heavy rotation after I've enjoyed my Yule scents and I'm aching for a sunny, warm day.
  17. Ina Garten Davita

    Lush to BPAL scent comparisons (BNever included too)

    I recently fell head over heels in love with the scent of Big shampoo. Does anyone know what BPAL may smell similar? I know there is one because Big smells so familiar. I've tried so many BPAL scents that I can't seem to pull which ones match from my scent memory. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Aged White Light smells great with it, but it's not what I'm looking for. *feels like a n00b*
  18. Ina Garten Davita

    Who are the authorized resellers?

    GRR has a good point. Speculatively speaking: If a bunch of non-local forumites send in a slew of orders for one person to pick up could be very tricky for the Lab. The orders would probably be under the ordering person's name and not the pick up person's name. At pick-up time, confusion could result which the Lab staff would have to sort out. Whereas if an individual wants to organize a pick up and take the responsibility of all the funds, the order in its entirety and the organization of sending the bottles to the correct people, if there is a problem it falls to that person to sort out and not the Lab.
  19. Ina Garten Davita

    That Pirates of the Caribbean smell (The Disney Ride)

    I tried Kill-Devil today and it really gave me the PotC vibe. There was even the musty water ride seat (in the best way possible) after-smell. Give it a try.
  20. Ina Garten Davita

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    Oooh, bumping this! I love Morella and Black Forest this time of year.
  21. Ina Garten Davita

    That Pirates of the Caribbean smell (The Disney Ride)

    I have not had the pleasure of Walt's original Pirates of the Caribbean but I'm well familiar with the one in Walt Disney World. Oddly enough, Bonfire night has a smell that is reminiscent of PotC. Disney has the best smells ever.
  22. Ina Garten Davita

    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    If you layer Havana with one of the sexy-lipstick-cherry-perfume type scents (maybe Jailbait), you'd get a pretty good idea of what Formula 54 smells like. I have one on each wrist and the base notes are reminiscent of one another.
  23. Ina Garten Davita

    Cauldron Gunk Soap (by Silk Road Trading Company)

    The label is amazing, so whimsical yet definitely full of Halloween spirit. The Silk Road soap formula is fabulous perhaps my favorite of all time. It's so silky and slippery and the foam is so delicate, I love the way it feels in my hands and on my skin. As far as the fragrance goes, for me it's a barely there green tea and clay scent. I prefer a lot more fragrance oomph in the shower, but the silky, moisturizing formula and the wonderful label made the experience worthwhile nonetheless.
  24. Ina Garten Davita

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2006)

    I haven't reviewed this scent yet, though she's been in my collection for over a year. Mlle. Moriarty wasn't quite right for my chemistry when she first arrived. Sharp from red musk and plum rarely works on me. But I liked the mysterious incense-iness and was not going to give up on the vanilla bean-pomegranate-patchouli trifecta so I cellared my bottle. What a difference a year makes. Creamy, sweet, mellow happiness. The patchouli kicked the red musk's ass all over the Carnaval and the vanilla bean-pomegranate gorgeousness has completely eclipsed any whiff of plum. The incense overtones have intensified beautifully. Not nearly as dark as I thought this scent would be, though every bit as mysterious and sexy. I can't stop sniffing my wrist. I'm thrilled that I didn't give up on this beauty. I'm definitely going to snag a couple of more bottles to put away before the Carnaval leaves town.