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BPAL Madness!

Ina Garten Davita

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Everything posted by Ina Garten Davita

  1. Ina Garten Davita

    What Scent Is This?

    Viola is a lovely creamy white floral. It reminds me very much of Queen of Hearts, Hymn and Endymion. Perhaps you got a mislabled Lear.
  2. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Heady and intoxication. It's honeyed wine straight away. This was the perfect choice to wear to the movie Troy today. Second Imression: The myrrh is starting to peek out making the honey and wine mulled and spicy. I don't smell too much floral, but a faint sweetness in the background. Final Analysis: I love this, it's delightful but lasts only minutes on my skin. It's even gone from my hair after only 3 hours. The scent locket is still quite potent though. This is an exquisite blend but I'm mouring the lack of staying power.
  3. Ina Garten Davita

    Golden Priapus

    First Impression: Well the name just makes me all hot and shivery. It's definitely a golden scent. Second Impression: The resins were very agressive until it melded with my skin. Then the warm sweetness began oozing from my skin. This is very sexy. Final Analysis: I don't find this masculine in the least. I do want to try a dab on my love just too see the differences. It reminds me of Snake Oil and O, just as Lora said.
  4. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Oh boozey, spicey goodness. Just a little sip? Second Impression: This smells exactly like the mulled wine recipe Rob and I make every Christmas. Oh it's gorgeous all red wine, brandy, cinnamon, cloves and orange peel. Final Analysis: This is one of those evocative scents. If I'm saving Jack for Halloween, this one's for Crimbo!
  5. Ina Garten Davita

    Quickie update.

    Thanks for keeping us posted, Beth. It means a lot to know how close we are to getting our next fix of the precioussss.
  6. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Another gorgeous clean white floral from our Lab Goddess. Second Impression: If Queen Mab had a king, Zephyr would be it. The musk is more prominent as is the sandalwood maiking this a more masculine scent. Final Analysis: I adore anything musky and this is the clean light side of musk. As Ms. MSgirl stated, this would be extremely interesting on a man. It's well balanced and just a little sexy.
  7. Ina Garten Davita

    Apples?? Finding the right apple scent

    It would be nice to have a scent like fresh, crisp New England apples picked off the tree rather than the Jolly Rancher type faux appleness. I find Forbidden Fruit very "fruity" with the Dragon's Blood underneath. More of a fruit jam sort of way, not with apples, I'm afraid. I'll have to take note of apples in Virgo when my package arrives.
  8. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Pink carnations floating in a pond. Second Impression: I love carnations and sweet pea and the blend is wonderful. This is soft, innocent, pink and drenched. Final Analysis: Though soft, Desdemona has oomph and throw. Another beauty. I could wear this all summer.
  9. Ina Garten Davita

    Queen Mab

    First Impression: Soft and understated floral, but by no means innocent. Second Impression: The chinese musk note in this is gorgeous. She's complex and exquisitely blended. Final Analysis: I adore Beth's soft florals. The musk balances the flowers so perfectly. Queen Mab is just glorious yet so understated she's almost sneaky. I can't smell her unless I try. This one is for slathering.
  10. Ina Garten Davita

    Are custom scents available?

    I admit I am curious as to what a scent customized by Beth for me would smell like, I have to agree with Tania on this one. Think of all the imps of unsniffed scents $150 could buy!
  11. Ina Garten Davita

    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    First Impression: Oh, so strong and very sweet. Second Impression: This is a sickly sweet, powdery floral. I like potent but this is too much. Final Analysis: This didn't mellow at all, even after several hours.
  12. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: I can't pick out any of the individual notes, which surpises me because I love dragon blood, cinnamon and clove. Second Impression: The cinnamon just isn't there, this does not smell good on me. It's almost a drab smell. Final Analysis: I thought this would be a winner for me, but alas off to swap.
  13. Ina Garten Davita

    Dilution and Carrier Oils

    I suppose I meant, in answer to the roller ball question, that the particular oil didn't work in the roller ball.
  14. Ina Garten Davita

    Dilution and Carrier Oils

    I read in jj_j's swap post that apricot kernal oil didn't work. http://www.bpal.org/index.php?showtopic=473 The Neutrogena sesame body oil come in a fragrance free and it's so light, I used to dilute my Egyptian Goddess in it and slather it all over after the shower. It worked ever so well. They sell it in huge bottles at Costo for a fairly reasonable price. Good luck Tania and let us know how you get on!
  15. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: O creamy white floral goodness. It reminds me of the trinity of my floral faves, Endymion, Queen of Hearts and Hymn. Second Impression: This one the creamiest of the bunch with a bit more depth, perhaps it's the resins. Smells lovely on my skin and hair, fairly faint though. It's much stronger in my scent locket hanging under my nose, MMMMMMMMMM. Final Analysis: Another beautiful white floral, I would have a hard time choosing which one I like best.
  16. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: I smell it too, that lemon Pledge smell. Very sharp and biting. Second Impression: It takes awhile for the jasmine to show herself, but when she does, she's a beauty. This mellows into a lovely scent. Final Analysis: It's nice but not enough to reorder. Poor staying power on my skin.
  17. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: How sweet and white! It's that glorious lily of the valley note like in my beloved Queen of Hearts and Endymion. Second Impression: The resins do make this one quite a bit more mysterious than her more innocent counterparts. Final Analysis: I think I might like this even better than Queen and Endymion, it's got more oomph, more staying power and more throw without being overpowering at all. Another gorgeous beauty.
  18. Ina Garten Davita

    Update, news, and all that stuff.

    Get ready for greatness, Beth and company! All of your hard work, patience and talent is going to be worth it!
  19. Ina Garten Davita

    Dragon's Heart

    First Impression: Oh, so like my beloved Blood Lotus. The Dragon's Blood is right there at the ready. Second Impression: Sweet, thick, juicy and ripe. The blend is done so well that none of the components are competing with one another. They are harmonious yet in a stong, almost fierce way. Final Analysis: This is lovely on the skin, hair and worked well in my new scent locket. I didn't apply but a few dabs from my imp and I got some nice complements. It has good "throw". I like it as much as Blood Lotus, though they dry down differently. Blood Lotus is thicker and bloodier and the musks in this one make it a bit more sensual. Add another to the faves list!
  20. Ina Garten Davita

    BPAL/MMU comparisons?

    See for yourself, click here It's another potential obsession, my husband is going to take my pc away!
  21. Ina Garten Davita

    The Caterpillar

    First Impression: When I first opened and had a sniff from the bottle, the earthiness turned me off. I put it away without trying on. There were others in the swap packet that HAD to be put on. Second Impresson: I just applied this and the earthiness plays second fiddle to Beth's gorgeous Jasmine note. I just love it. The incense and patuchouli keep it from being too floral and sweet. Final Analysis: This smells very nice on my skin, that's Beth's genius alchemy. The other flowers peek out as well as that smoky incense the longer it dries. I love this more than I thought I would. If it's long lasting, then it's on the re-order list.
  22. Love Me! It's so gorgeous.
  23. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Warm sandalwood, but with a lightness to it. Second Impression: Oh this is gorgeous, soft and light. It's a bit somber, but a better word would be reflective, or as Sirensongsouth put it "meditative". I can tell that it's going to disappear fast... Final Analysis: I am mourning the loss of the scent. It fades ever so quickly. It is fleeting, even in my hair. I really love it, it's very reflective and centering.
  24. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Oh, white tea straight away, just like the white tea & something or other handwashing foam in Lisa's bathroom. Second Impression: The lovely florals start to develop after the initial hit of tea starts to soften. Final Analysis: I like this one, very fresh and clean.
  25. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Very potent lavender drowing out all the other notes. Second Impression: The lavender is still very agressive but the jasmine is making its presence known the longer it dries. Final Analysis: Pleasant but after a little while only the whisper of jasmine remains on my skin. A very soft smell after the lavender does a disappearing act.