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Ina Garten Davita

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Everything posted by Ina Garten Davita

  1. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Tart and juicy. Where are the roses??? Second Impression: The tart and juicy pom fades off and the roses take right over, glorious wet roses. Final Analysis: I'm weary of anything fruity and I feared this would be, but I'm so glad I had the chance to try this. The roses are just crisp and lovely. For those of you haven't been able to get ahold of Rose Red, try this lovely lady. The drydowns are so very similar.
  2. Ina Garten Davita

    Rose Red

    First Impression: Wet roses with a bit of an astringent quality. Second Impression: The drydown is very nice, astringent quality gone and just fresh sweet roses remain. For a rose floral this is very "clean". Final Analysis: Much sweeter than I thought was going to be when I first sniffed and applied. Overall a lovely scent, but not better than many of the other gorgeous rose blends that Beth has created. For those of you eager to try this and may not be able to, try Persephone. The drydowns are so very similar.
  3. Ina Garten Davita

    Red Musk

    I got this in a swap from clover. First Impression: Earthy and deep, sexy and almost sweet. I get the animal vibe slightly at first sniff. Second Impression: This is the note in Loviatar and Wanda that I loved so much but without the horrible leather smell. It's also the reason that I love Lust, Scherezade, Satyr and Caberet. Final Analysis: This works very nice alone but I'm also going to try layering with some of my sweeter favorites to deepen them. It's got good throw yet melts with my skin so it's not overpowering. Quite good staying power.
  4. Ina Garten Davita

    Sweet scents, sugar notes & things that smell like candy

    How could I have forgotten Dragon's Milk...it's sweet yummy sweet. And Blood Lotus on me is a deep, juicy sweet.
  5. Ina Garten Davita

    Sweet scents, sugar notes & things that smell like candy

    Tamora is the most candy like one for me. But these are also lovely and sweet: Regan Tiger Lily Le Serpent Qui Danse
  6. Ina Garten Davita

    Looking for a Gardenia scent

    Le Serpent Qui Danse is a lovely sweet and creamy violet and gardenia blend. Otherwise, try the single note of gardenia to play up the gardenia scent in your favorite scents. Single note gardenia and vanilla bean might be a heavenly combo!
  7. Ina Garten Davita

    Snake Oil Help! Layering it, Snake Pit scents, blends with Snake Oil

    Snake Oil and Haunted is my favorite combination. Just wonderful and totally un-foody. Just warm and rich and sensual.
  8. Ina Garten Davita

    The Best Scents for Home, a Room, the Car...

    March Hare is my *favorite* room scent. It makes the whole house smell like Disney at Christmastime!
  9. Ina Garten Davita

    Where is my order? What is Click N Ship? How long does this take?

    I'm so happy to see Beth back on the boards. It was so great to have that update even though they're ever so busy. Thanks Beth! I've got three July orders pending and I can't wait to get my click/ships. Not long now.
  10. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Oh sweet floral wine! Second Impression: The frangipani and jasmine are the two main components of this blend. The rose and tuberose just a wee bit, tempering the jasmine. Final Analysis: I really like that the jasmine isn't overbearing. Very well balanced, sweet and extremely sexy. Delight is the daytime version of Lilith. It's addictive, gorgeous and long lasting. On the big bottle wish list!!!
  11. Ina Garten Davita

    Recs for Longest Lasting Oils

    I too have skin that eats up the oils. Here are the ones that last nice and strong on me: Le Serpent Qui Danse Veil Silentium Amoris Desire Dragon's Heart Love Me Blood Lotus
  12. Ina Garten Davita

    Where is my order? What is Click N Ship? How long does this take?

    Thanks for sharing that info with us, hypothermya! Very comforting to know that Nella is back. I hope she had a nice trip and that the lab folk aren't too stressed about the current delays. Poor kids!
  13. Ina Garten Davita

    Silentium Amoris

    First Impression: WOW! Roses, roses, roses and they pack a punch. Second Impression: On the drydown this is much more balanced. The ylang ylang plays a vital role in this gorgeous blend. It brings sweetness and light. It also keeps the roses from being too rosy. Final Analysis: Lovely, long lasting and lush.
  14. Ina Garten Davita

    Where is my order? What is Click N Ship? How long does this take?

    I got a click/ship on the 16th and had my order (including a 5ml bottle) on the 19th.
  15. Ina Garten Davita

    What scents are masculine? Gender-neutral?

    I applied a little dab of Othello to the back of dear hubby's neck yesterday just to see how it smelled on him. It smelled nearly the same on him as it did on me. It's a gorgeous scent and I wanted to gobble him up but it's really not masculine. It was weird smelling flowers on him, weird but goooood. I'm going to try Black Forest on him next.
  16. Zephyr and Pele are lovely, too. But I get a lot of "throw" with them and I didn't know if that was something you were trying to avoid.
  17. Tamora, Dragon's Milk, Tiger Lily and Regan. All are soft and sweet and !
  18. Ina Garten Davita

    Le Serpent Qui Danse

    First Impression: Violets and lots of them. Not sure I want to put it on. Veil is the only violet blend that I can wear. Second Impression: YAY! Another violet blend that works for me. This is Veil's younger, sweeter sister. The violet isn't cloying at all and the drydown and lovely and sweet. The vanilla and gardenia work wonders in this blend. Final Analysis: Not sure if I like this better than Veil, but just as much anyway. I want a 5ml bottle of one of them and not sure which to pick. Thanks Beth for making terrible violets gorgeous on me!
  19. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Brightly fruity and then smack with that leather whip. Second Impression: I didn't get wine nor musk from this. I think I was expecting a sexier, naughtier Lilith. That leather note does not agree with me. Final Analysis: Disappointed that the notes that I love in this stayed hidden from me even after a long drydown. Just fruit and leather.
  20. Ina Garten Davita


    I got this in swap, from guess who!! First Impression: Smells like booze. Second Impression: Imagine a shot glass full-up with overproof rum and you've had one too many. And just the smell is enough to make you spew. That's what this smells like. Final Analysis: No, don't want to smell like this.
  21. Ina Garten Davita

    Van Van

    First Impression: I smell the lemon first off. A little bit scared now. With the exception of Delirium and Zephyr...lemon + my skin = Second Impression: Yay! Another lemon scent I *can* wear. This isn't fruity lemon or Pledge lemon. This is rich, buttery, vanilla-lemon like the sweet batter of a moist lemon butter cake with loads of best quality vanilla. Final Analysis: This smells oh-so-good on me. I can't stop smelling it. It's a very comforting and happy smell.
  22. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: This is what I love about O, Jezebel, Eve and Tiger Lily. Second Impression: I thought it would be sweeter but it's a very clean and fresh smell. Final Analysis: Rich and deep yet clean and fresh. It's one of those "I can't stop smelling myself" smells.
  23. Ina Garten Davita

    Florentine Iris

    First Impression: Ahhh, this is why I *love* Morella so much. Second Impression: This is a beauty, it's sharp and even a bit soapy but for some reason that does not detract from it's allure. Final Analysis: I'm keeping this one. It's sweet and sharp and very unusual. Love it.
  24. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: This is being in the Yankme Candle Shop in Saugus, MA at the holidays. Second Impression: I was really put off by my first sniff of this but it smells so fantastic on my skin it's really bewitched me. It's deep and woodsy, sweet and smoky. I can't really even describe what this does to my nose and skin but I it. Final Analysis: I think I need a big bottle of this. It's so not me, but it's gorgeous and mysterious.
  25. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Spices. Reminds me of Black Phoenix and Eclipse. Second Impression: Malanna was spot on with her comparison to Alice. I had them on side by side and the dry downs were very similar...cloves steeping in steamed milk. Final Analysis: It's more buttery than Alice, more "grown up". I just can't decide if I like it or not.