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BPAL Madness!

Ina Garten Davita

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Everything posted by Ina Garten Davita

  1. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Juliet is a dreamy pink floral. Second Impression: At first I thought that this was a light pink floral all the way, but after it dries a bit, I got a touch of green...fresh dewy grasses and green stems. I love all the elements of this scent and they flow together magically. Final Analysis: This is similar to Endymion and Viola but I can't decide which I like best. I must order a white and pink floral bottle, but with these three and Queen of Hearts, I just can't choose!
  2. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Oh I love amber. And this amber note in Bruja is about as good as it gets. Second Impression: The myrrh works so harmoniously with the amber, this scent is all gold and glimmering. Warm, sensual night wind over glowing, tanned skin. Totally gorgeous and addictive. It's much sexier than Haunted, though the amber note is identical. I don't get much lilac in this, just barely. I was hoping for a bit more and I love lilac. We had a lilac tree in the garden of my childhood home and my sister and I would pick that tree clean and my mother would help us make "perfume" with the blooms. We'd fill aspirin jars with the blooms and then mother would pour a mixture of distilled water and rubbing alcohol up to the top. We'd let it sit for a few days and then we'd apply our homemade lilac perfume. We named it "Lila-tay". Final Analysis: This is a potent and long lasting scent, but by no means overpowering. To me that's a perfect combination. Although I just ordered a bottle of Haunted, I love this enough to order a bottle in the near future.
  3. Ina Garten Davita

    Where is my order? What is Click N Ship? How long does this take?

    I didn't get click/ships with my last two packages. But the one before I did and the package didn't arrive until 10 or 11 days later. I was worried but it did arrive. Keep the faith and e-mail Nella after 14 days of no package. Good luck! I hope it's in your box tomorrow.
  4. Ina Garten Davita

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    I remember Beth posting that shaking is bad for the oils but rolling gently is a good thing. Now here's the problem. I can't get the bloody oils out of the reducer caps without shaking them to break up the airbubble that seems to be preventing the preciouss from dropping out. Now the reducers are good for protecting the preciouss from spillage but if I keep shaking it it might be ruined. ARRRGH! Any advice, other than telling me to remove the reducer caps, which I may have to do anyway?? Thanks folks, love you guys.
  5. Fae and Tamora are very similar on my skin. I love them both. I also find that Veil and Le Serpent are similar and work very well on me as the only violet blends that I can wear. And Imp and March Hare are similar. One is my ultimate room scent and the other smells sooo good on me.
  6. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Dark, menacing. The word glossy comes to mind. Second Impression: Rich, dark floral with an angry incense edge. Wet and drying down this smells amazing. Final Analysis: I can't really describe the notes, but I *know* there is lemon hiding in here because the long drydown gave me the Lemon Pledge whiff. I like it enough to bear the long drydown. I will use the imp.
  7. Ina Garten Davita


    I got this as a freebie from the lovely fairywingmaker! First Impression: Earthy and woodsy. Second Impression: The cedar backs off and now the leaves have appeared. They remind me so much of the back garden at my mother's home. There are berry bushes and a grapevine, tomatoes and peppers, onions and every type of lettuce, all sorts of trees and the composted earth they are growing in. It reminds me of home. Final Analysis: It's comforting in all it's deep herbal goodness. It's not a "perfume" that I'd normally reach for but I like it nonetheless.
  8. Ina Garten Davita

    Sweet scents, sugar notes & things that smell like candy

    Fae had a Tamora like candiness on my skin. It's delish.
  9. Ina Garten Davita

    shipping confirmation emails

    No, it's really just a notifier. Your package will come to you either way. I didn't get a click/ship but my package came yesterday. Surprise!
  10. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: I heliotrope! Second Impression: Oh sweet juicy nectar. I want to have a sip. The wine is blending so well with the other notes. It's harmonious, bright, juicy-sweet. Final Analysis: This is on par with my beloved Tamora and Fae. It's less candylike and more naughty/flirty, but has that same playful sweet feel.
  11. Ina Garten Davita

    Moon Rose

    First Impression: Slightly reminiscent of Midnight. Second Impression: Light and sweet roses with a decidedly wet feel, wet as in delicate dew drops. Final Analysis: Another wonderful rose blend. Moon Rose will definitely fight wth Persephone for my favorite rose perfume.
  12. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: This reminds me quite a bit of Underground Scent Plant's Mayan Gold fragrance and is slightly reminiscent of Angel. Second Impression: This doesn't have that alcohol bite of the above scents and is deeper, rounder and more mature. This really does evoke ancient Mayan temples, not the ruins but when they were inhabited by high priests and slave girls, all gold glinting in the torchlight. Final Analysis: Gorgeous, mysterious and glorious. I'd consider a larger bottle of this.
  13. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Thick creamy orange smell. This is what I wanted Hunger to be. Second Impression: It's delicious without being foody, sexy without being dirty and it's juicy with the barest hint of spice. Dreamy sexy creamsicle! Final Analysis: Can't stop smelling my wrist. I wonder if hubby will like this one.
  14. Ina Garten Davita

    D'Anjou Pear

    First Impression: A very fresh pear smell, but this pear is rather crisp and juicy. Second Impression: It reminds me of the taste of a pear flavored hard candy. Final Analysis: Lovely, crisp and a bit sweet. Very nice.
  15. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Sassparilla, only not much sweetness. Second Impression: The sassparilla smells stays but it deepens as it dries into a slightly smoky, medicinal smell. Final Analysis: This was a generous freebie from Ms. MsGirl. I like it, I think it will layer well with Snake Oil!
  16. Ina Garten Davita

    Ave Maria Gratia Plena

    First Impression: Rich and elegant floral. Radiant and distant are well applied in the description. Second Impression: Another gorgeous floral. The sage and orris take center stage for awhile then the jasmine peeks out. Well blended, the jasmine is only playing a supporting role. The musks and woods soften the greens and florals to keep them from being sharp. Final Analysis: Ave et al. is very feminine and elegant. I don't think I'd want to smell this on my husband, it would be like him wearing some other woman's perfume. I like it on me. I'll really enjoy my imp.
  17. Ina Garten Davita

    Deep South, Southern belles, Gone with the Wind...

    Old New Orleans, Midnight, Black Dahlia and Voodoo all fit the bill ever so well. But you might also consider Caberet, Nyx and Delight.
  18. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Thick and juicy-sweet. It's the same juicy thickness that I love in Blood Lotus. Second Impression: I fear the fruit, I don't do will with them. But the white peach in this is just adding juicy sweetness and nothing more. The amber, musk and patchouli are so perfectly blended, they meld into my skin. Final Analysis: Imp is the perfect "it works on my skin" version of my favorite room scent March Hare. I love it, can't stop sniffing. This was my most successful swap ever! I got Imp and Fae from marvelleuse (thanks!!)
  19. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Oh sweet, heavenly elixir. Second Impression: It's bright, playful, effervescent and (thank goodness) not fruity on me at all. The heliotrope and white musk dominate while the oakmoss, peach and bergamot stay grounded in the back. Final Analysis: This is Tamora only sweeter, better. Where Tamora is all candy on me, Fae has a depth to it, like sweetness and light walking the line to the dark side. This has shot to the top of the list for my next bottle order. Positively dreamy!
  20. Ina Garten Davita

    How to make a paypal order.

    I use the chart on the FAQ on the main BPAL site to calculate my shipping. I add it to my order total. Love my calculator.
  21. Ina Garten Davita

    Red Moon 2004

    First Impression: Juicy, tart and tangy. My beloved amber and dragon's blood seem to be hiding somewhere deep in this little blue bottle! Second Impression: It's a little sharp; the chamomile, rue, marigold and elderflower really rule this blend. It reminds me bit of a strong floral tea. It might actually smell better in the bottle then on my skin. And the reducer cap is rather messy. Final Analysis: It takes a long, long time for the amber and dragon's blood to peek out, and they only just peek. (Where oh where is Blood Amber when you need it!) I'm another one ambivalent about this scent. I can't decide it if I love it, like it or hate it. It smells better on me today than it did yesterday. I'm holding on to it so I can wear in on the Red Moon, perhaps it will knock my socks off and really win me over on that day!
  22. Ina Garten Davita


    This was a generous freebie from the Lab, it wasn't on my wish list and I'm so happy they sent it! First Impression: Oh smooth, warm cinnamon. Not hot or spicy, but lovely like you were smelling it from a freshly broken stick. Second Impression: The florals in this are WONDERFUL!!! The dry down of this reminds me a bit of a perfume I loved years and years ago, I think maybe Jontue it was called. But the cinnamon makes it so very special. It's feminine, light, dreamy with just a hint of warmth. Final Analysis: I love this and will be ordering a big bottle for slathering.
  23. Ina Garten Davita

    Bon Vivant

    This was a generous freebie from the lab that was on my wish list. First Impression: Thank goodness I didn't *buy* it. *wrinkles nose* Second Impression: This is exactly like that roll on strawberry lip gloss my sister and I used to fight over in grammar school. Final Analysis: As much as I was hoping, that champagne note didn't turn out like I'd hoped (just like Shattered). Bon Vivant does not smell good on me. Off to swap.
  24. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Juicy sweet wine and lots of cloves. Second Impression: The wine gives over to a sweet and warm clove scent after awhile. The scent is evocative of sitting in an outdoor cafe drinking sweet wine while the sun sets like fire in the sky. Romantic. Final Analysis: Not something I'd wear all the time, but I'd like to slather my husband with this.
  25. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Sweet jasmine and ylang-ylang Second Impression: When I think of aquatic scents, this isn't one of them. This is a rich, heady, sweet floral. Mmmm, is that a touch of vanilla in there? Final Analysis: This reminds me of a union of Delight and Siren. Jas and ylang work well on my skin and this is a nice blend.