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BPAL Madness!

Ina Garten Davita

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Everything posted by Ina Garten Davita

  1. Ina Garten Davita


    The lovely paperdoll decanted an imp of Leo for me. I had to try it as I adore heliotrope. First Impression: Sweet lime and juniper. An interesting and lovely combination. Second Impression: The orange and the heliotrope go to work as the initial hit of juniper vapors begin to subside. It's sweet and juicy. I love it. The sandalwood is very subtle, keeping the sweetness' feet on the ground. Final Analysis: I'm ill favored by lemon but it seems that I'm lime's good graces. Heliotrope is one of my favorite notes and it sings in this blend. Sidebar: Some Leo layered with coconut would yield a similar version to Lady Latemar's glorious Chaos Theory XXI.
  2. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: I can't believe this has only 3 reviews. This should be on everyone's love-it list! Second Impression: Phantom is deep and mysterious but also the height of elegance. This has to be the single most elegant of Beth's blends. A perfect warm myrrh note blending with a sexy but not sexual musk refined by lush rose and sweet ylang ylang. I've never smelled anything like this. Final Analysis: I wouldn't consider myself elegant (way too short) but this makes me feel positively "night at the opera".
  3. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: I can't smell the leather! I can't smell the leather! Second Impression: Perversion has left me a bit speechless really, it's *that* good. Creamy coconut, a hint of smoky tobacco and sweet vanilla. The wine and oakmoss, barely there- keep the sweetness grounded and if I detect the leather at all, it's just adding a touch of musky warmth. Addictive. Final Analysis: On my skin Perversion is the girlie-sexy counterpart of Black Forest. I'm so glad I have another imp on the way. I won't be waiting too long to get my hands on a bottle.
  4. Ina Garten Davita

    Jolly Roger

    First Impression: For the landlubber that wants to smell like a pirate! Second Impression: Ye be warned, wearing Jolly Roger makes you start spouting lines from Pirates of the Caribbean. Spicy bay rum tinged with fresh salt air, very nice indeed. Final Analysis: This smelled nice on me, but this is one gent's blend that is getting passed on to a man friend of mine. It will suit him ever so well.
  5. Ina Garten Davita

    Hollywood Babylon

    First Impression: Hollywood Babylon is sweet and creamy. Second Impression: Don't you hate it when the one note that doesn't like you, ruins the whole scent? Well it didn't happen here. The strawberries add a touch of fruity sweetness but stay well in the background and let all my lovely faves take center stage. This is a very balanced scent in that no one note overpowers. It's a harmonious blend of sweet, creamy, naughty and sexy. Final Analysis: I'm thrilled that this smells lovely on me. It reminds me a long of LUSH's creamy candy bath. Very sweet and luscious!
  6. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Tintagel...leather. Second Impression: The leather takes a long time to calm down and it is totally ruining this scent for me. It eventually becomes spicy mulled wine with a faint touch of dragon's blood and bayberry. It's really nice once the leather dies down, but it never completely goes away. Final Analysis: The leather note doesn't agree with me and this one is no exception. I'm gutted, because all the other notes are so nice. ADDED Sept. 30: Tintagel revisited: I tried and swapped my first imp, too much leather. I generously received another imp in today's order. It looked quite a bit lighter in color and slightly less viscous in the vial so I thought I should give it a try. First Impression: Juicy dragon's blood and mulled wine. Second Impression: I was right. It's different this time. I'm only getting the faintest impression of leather that is just adding some background of warmth. Dragon's Blood, warm mulled wine, bayberry. Final Analysis: I'm really pleased that I got a second chance with this. The nature of Beth's creations allows for variations and I'm thrilled with this one. I will enjoy wearing this scent for fall and winter. Wonderful
  7. Ina Garten Davita

    Queen Gertrude

    First Impression: Violets! Second Impression: I was hoping for a third violet blend to wear but it's not to be. Other than Veil and Le Serpent, violets smell terrible on me. It's gone from headache inducing violet knock out to dirty dishrag in about 5 seconds. Final Analysis: Not for me and I think I've learned my lesson not to tempt the violets, they don't like me.
  8. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Jailbait smells like children's cough remedy (Triaminic or perhaps Robitussin). Second Impression: Ok, now I smell the bubblegum and cherry lollies. This one is morphing and changing often, now I smell a touch of cinnamon and floral that reminds me of Hamadryad. And there is the tiniest hint of that crystalline champagne note from Shattered. Final Analysis: While I did not enjoy the smell of this wet, the complete drydown is quite lovely. I was *not* expecting the complexity of the blend nor the radical changes. Not sure I'd buy a bottle, but I'll enjoy the imp and keep one on hand.
  9. Ina Garten Davita

    Chaos Theory

    Chaos Theory Fragrant Fractal XXI, from the generous heart of Lady Latemar First Impression: Juicy coconut water and tangy lime verbena. Second Impression: Oh.My.God. This is divine. It's juicy and tangy and creamy at the same time, like a wonderful frozen virgin cocktail served to me by a waiter in all white as I laze on a secluded palm lined beach. There are also cocoa butter notes and the barest touch of a tropical bloom. Final Analysis: I'm over the moon to have an imp of this treasure in my clutches. I will enjoy every drop of this and mourn when it's gone.
  10. Ina Garten Davita

    Chaos Theory

    Chaos Theory Fragrant Fractal XCVIII (98) First Impression: Melon, chilly melon. Second Impression: This blend reminds me a bit of The Unicorn, Titiana and Shattered with melon binding it all together. Unfortunately those three blends didn't work for me and melon does not do good things on my skin. Final Analysis: It was a wonderful concept and I'm thrilled to have gotten a chance to order and try this blend. I have found it a new home with blackrayne and I hope she loves it.
  11. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Jasmine and ginger. Second Impression: This is a potent floral, beautiful. I'm not sure how to "use" this, but it sure smells great on. Final Analysis: The jas and ginger stay strong and true. A very self assured smell. I think I'll wear this when I want to feel just that way.
  12. Ina Garten Davita

    La Petite Mort

    First Impression: I got this in a swap from Pekeana. I couldn't wait for my bottle to arrive so I nabbed it. Dead ringer for O but softer. Second Impression: Oh this one is morphing, the longer it dries the more it changes and the more strength it gathers. I smell honey and myrrh and ylang ylang. It has elements of O, Desire and Snake Oil. Simply irresistable. I do like this much better than O. It's sexy without being dirty. Final Analysis: So glad I ordered a bottle of this. It's sexy and sweet and second skin-like. Well done.
  13. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Oh, strong, sharp and soapy. Not at all what I expected from the lovely notes listed. Second Impression: Withing 30 minutes this gave me a blinding headache. Must. Wash. Off. Final Analysis: I'm sorry this didn't agree with me. The scent that remained after I washed it off was just lovely.
  14. Ina Garten Davita

    BPAL blends that remind us of Chanel perfumes

    Welcome welcome. Your order list looks really good, there are some surefire winners on the list. I Love Me, Queen Mab, The Caterpillar, Dragon's Heart, Old New Orleans. Beth has something for everyone, but the hard part is narrowing the choices down to fit in the budget. If you read my review of Spellbound you'd have seen that I compared it to Tabu.
  15. I can't stress enough the benefits of Oregano Extract or Oil of Oregano (or Oregamax or Oregacyn). Lots of respiratory ills are caused by an overgrowth of yeast and the oregano kills that yeast thereby alleviating all sorts of problems, including sinus and nasal problems, arthritis pain, bladder problems, skin problems, digestive ailments. I think I may have posted this before, but it bear repeating. Since changing my diet to Atkins and started taking oregano 8 months ago, I have not been sick. That's a long stretch for me and it feels wonderful.
  16. Ina Garten Davita

    Cinnamon girl...

    Oh...have we forgotten to mention the glorious Harlot? Fresh cinnamon and lush roses...gorgeous combo.
  17. Ina Garten Davita

    Cinnamon girl...

    By golly it's there...I haven't worn Bloodlust in awhile and there hiding under the dragon's blood it is!
  18. Ina Garten Davita

    Cinnamon girl...

    I love Bloodlust! *runs off to see if it smells like cinnamon*
  19. Ina Garten Davita

    Cinnamon girl...

    It's the truth, Laurin! Sometimes I read a review of a scent that I had tried and thought "there is no way it's the same scent". It's amazing at what our bodies can do and it's amazing that BPAL adapts to each of us. Yay Beth!
  20. Ina Garten Davita

    Cinnamon girl...

    Eclipse and Hellcat are nice and boozy with that cinnamon kick. Three Witches and Inferno did NOT smell like cinnamon to me or on me. The World does have a lovely cinnamon undertone. It's a great scent. Sin is nice but it smelled so faint, almost diluted to me.
  21. Ina Garten Davita

    Cinnamon girl...

    My favorite cinnamon blends are Love Me and Hamadrayad. Love Me being my number one favorite BPAL of all. Love it so!!! Ask Lorajc. She's the expert on cinnamon blends, she has them all, I think and has said that she adores them.
  22. Ina Garten Davita

    High John the Conqueror

    First Impression: High John the Conqueror at first sniff is more like High John cleaning fluid. Second Impression: It's not unpleasant, but I can't seem to get past the cleaning fluid stage. Final Analysis: I'm going to test this out in an appropriate situation to get the voodoo benefits from it. I will post my impressions when I do.
  23. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Depraved is the long lost triplet of March Hare and Imp. Second Impression: Where Imp worked on my skin and March Hare has become my signature room fragrance, Depraved pulls double duty. It smells great on me and around me. The apricot is thick, sweet and juicy with the patchouli keeping it from getting sickly. It's definitely the naughtiest and sexiest of the three. Final analysis: I have a bottle of Imp. When it runs out I'll order Depraved for a change.
  24. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Tombstone is a combo of vanilla cream soda and root beer served up in a newly built saloon that still has the sawdust on the floor. Second Impression: I'm so pleased that the vanilla starts out and stays in this blend. I was worried it would get lost among the woods. Final analysis: Rugged and masculine, yes but with a sweet core. A cowboy and a gentleman, perhaps?
  25. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Glossy and golden. Aureus is polished woods rather then raw and unburned incense rather than wafting smoke. A clean smell for something so warm. Second Impression: Aureus seems to be a marriage of Cathedral and Anne Bonny. Deeper and longer lasting than either of them. Final Analysis: This seems to be an answer to the problem of the lack of staying power of the lovely Anne Bonny and Cathedral. Well done.