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BPAL Madness!

Ina Garten Davita

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Everything posted by Ina Garten Davita

  1. Ina Garten Davita

    Aunt Caroline's Money Draw

    First Impression: Oranges and spice with a hint of an astringent quality. Second Impression: The astringent quailty disappears as soon as it begins to dry leaving behind the most gorgeous creamy citrus and spice scent ever. I really love the scent. Unfortunately it's a fast fading scent. Final Analysis: This scent is really positive and uplifting. I like having it around to dab on my husband and myself. It's the first BPAL that Rob has been receptive to wearing since I told him about the voodoo properties of it. It smells so good on him.
  2. Ina Garten Davita

    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    I think Santo Domingo is a great sub for 54. The tobacco flower note is strikingly similar. I also think that Dracul could pass for a masculine version of 54. Perhaps layering the two might give a great result.
  3. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Chewy, thick and rich. Second Impression: Oh my goodness, I can't believe I overlooked this scent for so long. This combination is so rich that it actually mimics a dark chocolately scent wet and on my skin until it dries down. But with none of the funky side effects that my skin gets with the cocoa scents. This is seductive, deadly so. Final Analysis: The jasmine is so subtle in this, which is a blessing as jasmine can really steal the show. And berries usually hate me. But Venom is blended so exquistely, it's to die for. A must try. Go get some!!!
  4. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Sweet and fruity lillies. Second Impression: This is WAY sweet. But I like it. It's got a juicy and fruity feel that I haven't gotten from too many florals. It's not heady at all. I've got a bit of candy sweetness after awhile. This is all pink, with no green whatsoever. It's not "totally me" but it's perfect for the season. Final Analysis: I purchased an imp from qspice and got one as an extra in my last order. I'm going to enjoy both of these imps this spring.
  5. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Amber, warm and sweet. Second Impression: I never added Coyote to my wish list as I thought it might be too dry a scent for my tastes. I sampled it at ivyandpeony's house and ended up pinching her two imps of it. What a gorgeous amber blend. My skin amps us sweetness, so this scent ended up being just perfect for me. The amber is warm and sweet while the dry elements keep in under control, as sometimes amber can be overly sweet and cloying on my skin. The musk note is rich and sensual. Final Analysis: I'm putting my two impies in a roller and am going to have some slather fun with this gorgeous scent.
  6. Ina Garten Davita

    Embalming Fluid

    First Impression: Fresh and lemony. Second Impression: Not much to add to the four pages of reviews. Enbalming Fluid is a nice, fresh tea scent. Very light and disappears ever so quickly. Final Analysis: I prefer the Apothecary for depth and staying power, but still a nice summer scent.
  7. Ina Garten Davita

    Olfactory caffeine: Wake up, Stay Awake with BPAL

    You might be interested in this: The Panacea Collection: Elixir V: Moxie [Energy]
  8. Ina Garten Davita

    Silk Road

    First Impression: The sharpest of gingers. Second Impression: The sharp hit of ginger starts to sit back as the scent dries. I wish there were an emoticon that could begin to describe how incredibly gorgeous, sexy, worldy and sophisticated this fragrance is. Sharp ginger gives way to delicate spice, warm breezes and melting golden and purple sunset; sheer, flowing fabric and flowers in dark, gleaming hair; a sensual embrace of a stranger in a distant land. Ok, I'll stop now. Final Analysis: I love this on me, it sings and dances on my skin. I really want to smell this on my husband's skin. I think this would be devastating on a bloke. *swoon*
  9. Ina Garten Davita

    Dance of Death

    First Impression: Orris and myrrh! Second Impression: This scent is so strong and wafts like a mofo. Unfortunately orris and myrrh do not like me and I had to wash it off. It's clinging to my skin for dear life. Final Analysis: Oh, dear. Dance of Death was the kiss of death for me.
  10. Ina Garten Davita

    Sweet scents, sugar notes & things that smell like candy

    The Living Flame has a bit of candy going for it. It's drop dead gorgeous!
  11. Ina Garten Davita

    Vicomte de Valmont

    First Impression: *thud* Second Impression: This smells so good on me, I can't even utter anything intelligible as I sniff at this. I've always had a bit of the thing for Cool Water and this is what Cool Water aspires to be. VdV is clean, sexy and that white musk note just takes my breath away. Final Analysis: Bunny might just have a fight on his hands when he gets home from work as I want to slather him, head to toe, in this seductive blend.
  12. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Bergamot and lavender. Second Impression: I hate to say it, but it's turning a bit Windex-y on my skin. Such a shame as it's lovely in the vial. Final Analysis: One of the first masculine blends that didn't sing on me.
  13. Ina Garten Davita

    What scents are masculine? Gender-neutral?

    You might want to offer Gaueko and Dracul.
  14. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: HONEY! Second Impression: Why do I do it to myself? Why do I love that thick, honey scent and why does it hate me so? The honey and patchouli combination is gorgeous, but fleeting. Then it turns all honey and ylang ylang on me and starts to go all sickly sweet, powdery and day-old dirty sex. Just like O, just like La Petit Mort, just like every honey blend in the catalog. I've tried them all. Final Analysis: I'm going to keep trying and hoping that someday a honey blend is going to love my skin.
  15. Ina Garten Davita

    Juke Joint

    First Impression: Mint-a-riffic! Second Impression: I get all the components of a mint julep and it's lovely. But after a while it turns to a sexy amber perfume. If there is no amber in this, I'd be shocked. The morphing power of this is uncanny. Final Analysis: Though I wish the mint julet stayed a bit longer, the amber drydown on this is very sexy-ladyish. Me likey.
  16. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Whoa! More BPAL nostalgia. Second Impression: This scent, oh my, is just like the scent of the very first envelope of imps I ever got. A dozen imps tarted with the twine sticky with different scents, that headshop smell. Thick and bronze, but not heavy. Nothing like I expected. And the myrrh is not going funky, thank goodness. Final Analysis: So unusual, can't even classify it, but I know I really like it.
  17. Ina Garten Davita

    Mad Hatter

    First Impression: Clean lavender. Second Impression: Wow, this is so old-fashioned. It's masculine, but I get soft, elderly man rather than manly-man. The lavender citron combination is fresh and clean that yields into a lightly musky and slightly powdery drydown. Final Analysis: If I had a grandfather, this is how I would want him to smell.
  18. Ina Garten Davita

    Rose Cross

    First Impression: Potent roses! Second Impression: My skin really amps up the strong sweetness of roses and Rose Cross is no exception. It's almost overpowering. That said, the longer it dries, the more the roses fade and that lovely incense comes to the fore. Final Analysis: After the drydown, this does morph into a balanced, beautiful and peaceful blend.
  19. Ina Garten Davita

    The Ghost

    First Impression: Ivy. Second Impression: This scent is completly different than I how thought. It's a fruity and aquatic floral. Final Analysis: The Ghost does not smell good on me, fruity and aquatic does not work on my skin.
  20. Ina Garten Davita

    Leanan Sidhe

    First Impression: Pink and green floral. Second Impression: Madame B's comparison to Anais Anais is spot on. Very pink and green. It's also dewy and powdery, if that makes any sense. The only distinct note I can gather is sweet pea. There is that "perfume-y" quality about this scent. Final Analysis: It's pretty, but pales a bit compared with some of the other florals that I got with this order.
  21. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Carnations blooming over amber. Second Impression: An unusual combination, reminiscent of Alice but more (a wicked lot) like Lughnasdh. I like this better than either of the others it reminds me of. A bit of sweet vanilla is peeking out on the drydown. Final Analysis: I'm glad I got to try this but it's not knocking my socks off.
  22. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: The *identical* rose note as Persephone, identical. Second Impression: Where Persephone blooms bright with that juicy pomegranate note, this goes deep with a hint of sandalwood. This is very nice. Final Analysis: Rose lovers take heed: YOU NEED THIS.
  23. Ina Garten Davita

    The Living Flame

    A luminescent red scent: breathless with passion, flickering with desire, and glowing with ardent and reverential love. First Impression: Do eyeballs rolling back in one's head considered a first impression? Second Impression: Fruityfloralcandygorgeousness. This is the pinnacle of love and joy. Final Analysis: How can one even review a scent such as this? "A luminescent red scent: breathless with passion, flickering with desire, and glowing with ardent and reverential love." That is what it is, there is no other way of describing.
  24. Ina Garten Davita

    House of Night

    First Impression: Powdery floral, but so much more. Second Impression: House of Night, to me, is the other side of The Living Flame. The drydowns are similar in scent but the feeling and intention, the complete opposite. Where The Living Flame is the pinnacle of love and joy; House of Night is the death of that love. The sorrow following a profound loss. The complexity of the notes is mindbending, as is the beauty of this scent. Final Analysis: Think The Living Flame doused by tears. Can't stop smelling my wrist.
  25. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: "Perfume-y". Second Impression: Smoky and sultry. I'm not overly keen of the opium notes on my skin. As I sniff it on my wrist, I think it smells nice but smells wrong, if that makes any sense. Final Analysis: I can appreciate the complexity of this scent, it's a perfect fit for the name and description for not a fit for me.