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BPAL Madness!

Ina Garten Davita

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Everything posted by Ina Garten Davita

  1. Ina Garten Davita

    Queen of Clubs

    First Impression: Fruity, creamy, earthy, incensey goodness. Second Impression: Oh my goodness. She's certainly more lovely than I could have imagined. The fertile soil note goes so perfectly with the other notes, it smells amazing on me. The florals, the incense, the fruits are all present and making the most beautiful of music together. Final Analysis: I'm totally smitten with this incense-burning fruitcake who loves to dig in her garden!
  2. Ina Garten Davita

    Pink Moon 2005

    First Impression: Sticky sweet and so very PINK! Second Impression: Strawberry cotton candy fresh off the paper stick. I don't get much floral, just a delicate undertone along with a hint of the lunar oils. I don't love the strawberry note but it doesn't last long. I love the spun sugar pinkness of it! Final Analysis: This is a totally lickable, completely craveable scent. I Pink Moon layered with Pink Sugar body frosting. So delectable.
  3. Ina Garten Davita

    Figs and Fig Scents - alone and in combos

    Eden is amazing for fig. Toasted coconut and fig, but green. Oh, so good.
  4. Ina Garten Davita

    Thirteen (13)

    First Impression: Creamy and sweet white chocolate wafting up from the bottle. Second Impression: Wet on the skin the notes in this scent sit side by side rather than blend together. White chocolate next to tangerine next to white tea next to currant next to iris. Little ducks in a row. Once the drydown begins, the melding begins. This is a creamy, foody, fruity, floral-tea beauty. Final Analysis: I don't think 13 like any other scent. Truly unique and excellently scrumptious, it has excellent staying power and really good throw. A keeper and a repeat purchase when it comes 'round next year.
  5. Ina Garten Davita

    Fertility enhancement blends

    I bought Akuaba charms for three of my friends who where struggling to conceive and who inspired this thread and the other thread (I think it was in Old Paths) where I learned about Akuaba. One of them is the proud mama of 5 month old Daniel and the other is going to be the proud mama of a baby girl come early September. My third friend is still trying and has just started meetings at a fertility clinic. And I think Milk Moon would be a wonderful gift for the woman trying to conceive or the woman who is a new mother, or about to be one. I even love it, despite the fact that I only love children when they are in a nice stew. But let's play nice here, please, it's a very delicate subject.
  6. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Jasmine restrained. Creamy vanilla perfection. Second Impression: Opulent and rich are such perfect descriptives for this blend. The musk and vanilla are so warm and so sweet that you almost forget that jasmine is present. The woods and the spice go hand in hand with the florals, keeping perfect balance. This scent is sexy as hell with great staying power and excellent throw. Final Analysis: This scent is Antique Lace in her sexual prime. Utterly addictive and much more of a masterpiece than her grandmotherly counterpart. Peitho should be a BPAL staple, a must try. Add it to the ranks with Snake Oil and Dorian.
  7. Ina Garten Davita

    Chaos Theory II : The Butterfly Effect

    I sent my bottle of Graveyard Dirt to Minilux and she, in turn, ordered me a bottle of Chaos Theory II. Chaos Theory II CDVIII (408) First Impression: Unquestioningly cinnamon in it's most pure form. Second Impression: I've been wearing this scent all day and I'm still gobsmacked by it's gorgeousness. It's cinnamon, no doubt, but it's a pure, dry cinnamon. It's not sweet, nor candyish. There is a sweetness about the oil, but I think it's from something else. There is a touch of clove here, too. On the bottom there is something warm, sweet and a touch creamy, perhaps vanilla and rounding it all out is a bit of a green floral keeping it from being too foody. Final Analysis: The scent gets sweeter the longer I wear it, as my skin tends to do that. I'm inclined to compare this to Love Me without the jasmine and much heavier on the spice. I'm thrilled.
  8. Ina Garten Davita

    CCNow Questions & Problems

    I just tested the cart by adding several items, continuing shopping and browsing and then going back and adding more items. I had no problem at all. I got all the way until the end where I'm supposed to input my credit card info. I can't say what your problem is. I can't stress this enough. The lab has a customer service e-mail address. answers at blackphoenixalchemylab dot com. Order via PayPal. It's really the best way.
  9. Ina Garten Davita

    Flower Moon 2005

    First Impression: Whoa! Heady, bright red-orange flowers. Second Impression: Bright and potent, Flower Moon reminds me so much of the floral components in Red Moon. I find the wet stages a bit overpowering, but the drydown is incomparably lovely. Final Analysis: A beautiful floral which demands attention.
  10. Ina Garten Davita

    The Emperor

    I got a wee dab of The Emperor at the True Grits meet and sniff and it was just enough to make me want more. I got a decant from the lovely pranashakti. First Impression: Mmmm, dragon's blood. Second Impression: Such a round and soothing scent, more gender neutral than traditionally masculine to my nose. I'm getting a smooth blend of dragon's blood, amber, heliotrope and perhaps a bit of light musk. Nothing overly earthy or musky in this vial. A bit sweet, refined. Final Analysis: A wonderful fragrance, which when layered with a bit of Flower Moon the result is something very similar to Red Moon.
  11. Ina Garten Davita

    Who do I email with questions? BPAL/BPTP contact info

    This really isn't a question to be asked here, rather to the Lab's customer service. We can all make assumptions and conjecture, but nobody but the Lab knows for sure.
  12. Ina Garten Davita

    Scents for late summer into autumn

    Ooooh, The Hanging Gardens. It even made it into the review of how evocative of late, late summer/autumn it is.
  13. Ina Garten Davita

    The Hanging Gardens

    First Impression: Juicy, ripe, rich. Second Impression: Mouthwateringly rich, The Hanging Gardens makes me think of late, late summer, almost fall. Harvest time, bursting, thick, ripe. The blending is so perfectly balanced, no one scent pulls out ahead of any other. I can detect the grapevine harvest scent, ripe figs, juicy and fragrant pears, with just a touch of the plumeria and woods. Final Analysis: This scent is so ripe and rich, long lasting with a good amount of throw. I love it.
  14. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Glorious night-blooming bouquet. Second Impression: Nuit starts off heady and hot summer night sultry. The night-blooming jasmine and moonflower make for a very sexy blend. If this smells good wet, the drydown is knock-down, drag-out gorgeous. The flowers smooth out and the white musk and incense turn this into a mysterious and ultra-sensual perfume experience. Final Analysis: I was shocked to see that I hadn't reviewed this as as soon as wore it for the first time, it shot up into my top five. The perfect sexy summer night scent. Exquisitely addictive.
  15. Ina Garten Davita

    Milk Moon 2005

    First Impression: Creamy, melt-in-your-mouth buttermint candies. Second Impression: Sweetened condensed milk drizzled over peppermint candies. If there is honey in this bottle, then my skin doesn't know it. I *LOVE* this scent. I never thought I would. Spooky, Snow White, Alice and anything with honey just hates my skin. But Milk Moon just loves me! It has little throw and not the best staying power, but it's worth reapplying. Final Analysis: Keeping it and am starting the search to find a body cream to layer perfectly with this.
  16. Ina Garten Davita

    White Light

    White Light is a very precious and powerful oil. I woke up this morning feeling like a bus ran over my head. I just couldn't get going, for sure didn't want to care for 30 patients. After my shower, I dabbed on some White Light and tooks several deep sniffs from the bottle. The change in my physical and emotional state was dramatic. I felt that I could face the world, made me feel like me again. Centering, grounding, calming yet uplifting, balancing...White Light isn't a luxury, it's a necessity. As far as the scent of the oil, White Light is a bright "herbs and spices" sort of scent without being foody. It's got that chewy and almost juicy feeling about it, touched lightly with sweetness. It's not sharp, soapy, heady. It's very round, the type of scent you can keep sniffing and sniffing. It's a hard scent to pin down, but I'd match it with Red Moon and wouldn't be surprised to find out that they had some similar components.
  17. Ina Garten Davita

    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    Prague and Skadi *must* have some similar components, because when I put on Prague yesterday, I thought I mistakenly grabbed Skadi until the sweet floral peeked out. Can anyone else verify this? Perhaps the snowdrop?
  18. Ina Garten Davita

    Discussion of all things Amber

    Shug-Niggurath dries down to a beautiful ginger-amber perfume. Try it!
  19. Ina Garten Davita

    A trip to Disney!

    Ahhhh, Disney. March Hare is my ultimate Disney fragrance. Anything from the Mad Tea Party would suit. Try to select a few scents that you love and bring them along. That way you can always conjure up your Disney trip memories by applying those same scents anytime of the year.
  20. Ina Garten Davita

    Mi-Go Brain Canister

    First Impression: Watermelon Italian ice. Second Impression: Ice cold fruit salad. There is no doubt about this being a perfect summer scent. I'm going to make a body spray to keep in the fridge for those meltingly hot Atlanta summer days. Final Analysis: Cool, fruity and refreshing.
  21. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Juicy floral. Second Impression: The second this dried, Arkham was instant nostalgia for me. Wafting from my skin was the scent of my favorite Yankee candle of old...Hearts and Flowers. My first apartment back in 1994 was full, end to end, with everything Hearts and Flowers; room spray, tarts melting, votives and housewarmers burning. It was my signature house scent and I'd always hoped they would make a perfume of that wonderful pink scent. But then they discontinued it and I've never smelled that scent again until now. Final Analysis: Amazing.
  22. Ina Garten Davita


    First Impression: Hot ginger! Second Impression: This is Thai-food ginger rather than baked goods ginger. It's hot, spicy, juicy and gorgeous. It dominates the scent until the drydown. The longer drydown reveals a beautiful ginger-amber perfume. Final Analysis: Spicy and sexy.
  23. Ina Garten Davita

    Blood Pearl

    First Impression: Strong, floral, soapy orris. Second Impression: Add orris to the list right behind vetiver. It has overtaken any musk and coconutty goodness in this blend and never let my two loves shine. Not even for a second. Final Analysis: Devastation. Orris hates me.
  24. If you're looking for Earl Grey, then Severin is the one.
  25. Love Me is an amazing and sexy scent, but it's a scent that won't garner any criticism. People love it, males and females will want to hug you and tell you how good you smell. That's what I always get, I wear it whenever I'm hosting a gathering and it always gets raves. The honey scents tend to smell very "dirty sex" on me. La Petit Mort and O in particular. Other scents that you may want to try include Lilith, Blood Lotus, Venom, Whip and Hollywood Babylon. You may try another tactic and slather on some Casanova. It's masculine and very, very sexy.