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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Lycanthrope

  1. This has a very smooth, addictive lather, and a very rich, ripe pomegranate juice scent. There is perhaps a touch of something darker, like a deep musk, but it's otherwise very close to the fruit itself.

  2. Looks (and smells) can be deceiving...


    In the bottle, this is definitely sharp, urine snappy, and frightening, and on the skin, it does temper and become a slightly sweet, airy (and still somewhat biting) floral. Lots of interesting florals used here that don't make too many appearances in Beth's other scents. I think it's the helichrysum, balsam, and chrysanthemum that are giving this its slightly sappy urine-esque scent. Give it a shot... it doesn't stay the way it is in the vial for too long on me at least...

  3. Thank you, Golletes, for destroying the last vestiges of any attempts at trying to be masculine, because now I smell like a little pretty frosted donut. It is pink. And so is my spirit. And I need moar. Sugar sprinkles, fried dough, and a somewhat cherry-esque fruitiness.

    The elfin maidens were already dancing on the elf hill, and they danced in shawls woven from moonshine and mist, which looked very pretty to those who like such things.

    Ethereal, otherworldly, delicate: ambergris, white musk, water violet, ylang ylang, magnolia, and white sandalwood.

    Wet, this smells very... woodsy, like a dry sandalwood. From the imp, it smells sharp, some of the magnolia is the dominant floral. Not much frank 'violet.'

    On the skin, definitely morphs into being less sharp and dry, although the faint sandalwood lends the blend a nice 'thrummy' background. There is a hint of violet, and the magnolia also melds with the violet to make a sweet, delicate, shimmery fragrance (how appropriate!)

    As it dries further, the white musk comes further into the foreground.

    Dominant notes are magnolia and musk, with a little softness from the violet, and enough backing from the sandalwood so this doesn't float away. White floral, or at most, wisteria-tinged glowing white.

  5. I tried this before my trip.


    In the bottle it reminds me a little of Aziraphale with that dry cedar-y... paperosity. There is a pretty homogenous, sweet overtone to the scent, and plenty of index card.


    Yes, this smells kind of like a ream of 3x5's when you break them open from the shrinkwrap, fan the paper between your thumbs and smell the insides. Or when you buy a textbook (dermatology, let's say) and spend a few minutes smelling the paper and hearing the binding crackle.


    Um... not that I do either of the above... :P


    On my skin, it smells like paper, sweet, strange inks, and dusty cedar.

  6. So, per description? Lemon - NO. Rose - NO. Sweet Pea - NO. Sugar - NO.


    On me?


    Holy farp! It's sweet, light, and has that sorta jammy berry huckleberry note as in that April Fool scent but not as overboard or ampy on my skin as that blend was on me... and the sugar adds a nommy sweet innocent depth, and neither rose nor lemon is amping out of control on me as they usually do, given that they are my amp notes. Whrrrr?


    I need a bottle or two! Surprise hit.

  7. Sweet, silken lather with a lightly floral honey.


    This is divine! The price point makes it an absolute luxury, but it matches that price with a truly lux experience. The scent I'd say is a slightly sweet, realistic honey, not cloying or sugary. There is a very faint thrum of an airy floral but again, nothing really brash or center stage like rose or lily. If I lather long enough, there's a tiny bite of a slightly dirty, menacing ginger, deep, and just giving it a hint of threat.


    Very good. Yes. Must be around forever so I can buy it when I want to be pampered. And so I can't spell it :|

    No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop

    Carnation, black cherry, wild strawberry, helichrysum, and frankincense.

    Shea oil, olive oil, mineral oil, apricot kernel oil, fractionated coconut oil, rosehip seed, evening primrose oil, vitamin E, Helichrysum italicum, isopropyl myristate, glycereth-7-cocoate (derived from coconut), oleth 3, and Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab perfume blends.

    From the bottle, Humanitas is a very strong, fruity fragrance - so much dark, sweet, overpoweringly sweet cherry, and a hint of strawberry. Applied directly to the skin it is a powerful, super-strong cherry. Artificial smelling... at first!

    In the water (and also on the skin longer) - it appears to transition away from cherry as that note lightens, and the carnation and frankincense peek through. The oil continues to transition towards a much more 'Ysabel' like bath oil fragrance, sweet, bright resinous kissed carnation. The strawberry lends a small amount of cold juiciness and pulpiness to the blend and it smells quite nice.

    Overall, soft, gentle, definitely 'a kind act.'

    I like it.

  9. Oh no, no no no.


    Citrus notes are not a go on my skin. Anise has only really worked on me when it's with ... well, gaufrette and leather like Pere Fouettard. Clove can be quite strong... and cumin, well...


    This smells very foody on me, sort of like that tamarind salsa that is served at Himalayan/Indian restaurants, way too much herbiness, not a 'perfume' aroma on me at all. I amp that, and the sharpness of the mandarin, and the dirtyness of the clove, and it's just too much.


    Oh ye Gods! It also has such tenacity!

  10. Thick, gloppy oil, with a definite separation of oil at the base. Cocoa absolute... I love thee.


    On the skin, starts off a very thick loamy scent, not Graveyard Dirt-esque, but adds a touch of depth. This is followed by cocoa absolute, which on me is a very pretty, but quite single dimensional aroma. It's tasty, but also over time it starts turning a bit more... 'charred and burned,' with very thick, gloopy resins and a hint of scruffy sandalwood. Veers away from foody cocoa, and more into 'cocoa touched with something,' and that something is smooth, woodsy, but altogether not my skin's favorite plaything.

  11. Any idea what the main notes in Hana were?


    I had 'Mizan' from the same purefume line, and its dominant notes are black pepper, and some real strong woodsy aromas (sandalwood, etc).


    It may help you start focusing in on a few BPALs that are similar. I found that the old Aveda purefumes had a very 'natural essential oil' quality that was a bit... rugged, compared to BPAL, so a direct match may be hard to find. The Aveda 'fumes were natural for the sake of being natural, so they tended to come across as strongly influenced by EOs.

    Month after month the gathered rains descend
    Drenching yon secret Aethiopian dells,
    And from the desert's ice-girt pinnacles
    Where Frost and Heat in strange embraces blend
    On Atlas, fields of moist snow half depend.
    Girt there with blasts and meteors Tempest dwells
    By Nile's aereal urn, with rapid spells
    Urging those waters to their mighty end.
    O'er Egypt's land of Memory floods are level
    And they are thine, O Nile -- and well thou knowest
    That soul-sustaining airs and blasts of evil
    And fruits and poisons spring where'er thou flowest.
    Beware, O Man--for knowledge must to thee,
    Like the great flood to Egypt, ever be.

    During Peret the Nile's waters retreat, leaving a lush, fertile black silt behind. This is the time of plowing and seeding: crops and herbs were planted and cultivated, and prayers and sacrifices were offered to ensure a bountiful harvest later in the year.

    The seeds and the seedlings as the sprout forth from the deep black silt: cucumber, flax, wheat, radishes, leeks, sesame, and beans, with thyme, frankincense, chamomile, coriander, spikenard, cumin, hyssop, and juniper.

    This is very odd. Quite an herbal, thick, rooty vegetable scent.

    It kind of smells like carrots and oregano, and has this very smooth... rooty scent. It's not terribly dirt-scented. It smells like a very nice herb blend, in terms of cooking. I'd love to eat a chicken that smells like this.


    Did I just type that?

  13. This is really beautiful.


    It smells a little like a Chowards Violet mint from the bottle, which endears me to it immediately. On my skin, it's got the same sort of dry, soft, powdery violet-esque aroma without the sharp topnote of violet (if that makes sense)... more like the subtle earthy rootiness and a soft sugary note blended together. On me, this is like a hybrid lovechild of Faith, Midnight on the Midway, and something insanely beautiful. A little Sybaris.


    Jeez, I need how many bottles?

  14. Mmm!


    Milky chocolate and... something very, very weird, at least on me. I can't quite describe the note I'm detecting. In the bottle and on me, it was very dry cocoa, like the Gelt/El Dia cocoa on me, not a super rich absolute, but a milky fragrance. There's another note, possibly a milk, or goat milk, or something that is not playing absolutely nice on my skin. Over a few moments, the odd, literally plastic-y cloth-y note seems to meld more with the cocoa. Cocoa is emerging gradually and now appears to be... the dominant note.


    Over time, this mellows out a lot, and I like it lots.


    Still sufficiently weird to make me debate whether or not I need to hoard, but it's cocoa! With something weird! And I like it.

  15. Hrm, this seems to have a similar feel to Pfefferneusse, with the powdery sugar. Likely this from the lemon cookies. It has an overall ginger-y spicy feel that is deeper than the prior scent, also appears to have a very rich, sultry quality similar to Shub-Niggurath, but with less raunchy deep musks. Over time, this scent definitely veers a bit towards foody... I think, more yellow cake with a scraping of lemon gratings, powdered sugar. As above, this definitely has woodsy notes peeking out every now and then, so it's not a pure foody fragrance.


    I am confused. But I like it. Not sure if it's > than Pfefferneusse to me, but it's definitely moar different.


    I was afraid the lemon would amp on me, but it's quite subtle.

    Chrome bumpers gleaming in cold, exhaust-fume laden night air. Soggy foliage and crushed grass dotted with popcorn that has been crushed under rubber tires. Leather seats moist with skin musk and the sweat of groping hands fumbling under ceremonial robes.

    Bottle: Airy, grassy musk.

    On: Wet, this smells like a very crisp, blue/green musk, and the grass takes a backseat to a very potent scent remniscent of a 'hot dude' car freshener - a melange of manly, strong musks that is sweet, slightly spicy in a cold way. There's not too much linen, fabric, and this isn't too grassy nor leathery. It's a very smooth, somewhat overpowering (to me) bluish musk.

    Not at all what I expected.

    Hot popcorn covered in a glowing golden liquid substance, fried things, and artificially flavored cherry frozen carbonated beverages, extra-loaded with high-fructose corn syrup.

    Wet, in bottle: Smells a bit like soft butter, with a syrupy soda fruit aroma.

    On, it's cherry lip balm on my skin, which gradually evens out and loses the waxy aroma and turns more into... cherry cola! Yay! There's maybe a hint of crusty foodiness, but it's not overwhelming at all. A touch of popcorn-like savory foodiness, but not at all like Shill.

    Drying down, again, mostly slightly fizzy cherries, a hint of sugar, with a bit of corny cornification.

    Over time, the cherry morphs into this very sharp, slightly... fruit leathery... berry thing. Oh, not for me.

  18. Again, I went into BPAL thinking as a manly man man, I would totally butch up on the dark, sleek, black musks, powerful, potent woods, fiery spices, and cool, ozone aquatics. Needless to say, I do like them, but I ended up finding out my favorite scents are apparently violets, marshmallows, and now, cake and cookies.




    ... I digress.


    Pfefferneusse is ultimate win on me, because I love spices. The scent also really smells like dry, powdered sugar, and at least for the first 15 minutes continues to smell like that dry, powdery sugar. No burnt or crystalline, or brown sugar here, it's all powder and dust and sweet and fluffy. Over time, it starts to go more cakey and on my skin turns into that sorta dry, crispy cookie smell. Absolutely wonderful, and I need to find spare change, or kick out bottles from my to-buy list, because this is the year of the Pfefferneusse.


    Well... I guess I can pretend I'm a ferocious masculine man, but inside, I smell like spice cookies...

    Dirt-spattered rags, rusted chains, and dry switches against a backdrop of black fir and snow.

    Straight up from the bottle, this smells sweet, piney, and just a hint of that first bit of leather - the airy topnote, without the thrum of the deeper, animalistic hide notes. The 'dirt, rags, and metal' are subtle, so this isn't spiked with vetiver or loaded up with dirt like Graveyard Dirt's note.

    Spritzed, this is a very cool, only slightly menacing pine scent, and dries towards being more of single, sweet spruce/pine aroma with a detectable but not overpowering burst of leather. The leather deepens as it dries in the air.

    What I'm left with is a very nice, Yuletide scent, that is mostly a cool, crisp pine with a whisper of playful menace.