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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by mxtine

  1. Sexy man's cologne, very much like JPG Le Male. I love the olive colored oil. This is classic spicy patchouli, woods, resin and musk. Saffron is a nice touch in this otherwise dark blend. The woods in the dry down remind me a little of Haloes. I wouldn't have expected to love this but I do!

  2. I'm surprised I never reviewed this before, being that I get an imp of it like once every other month. It's like it knows I hate it so it keeps coming back. I never skin tested it because it was all soapy jasmine and other perfumey floral notes. It's like a floral bug spray.

  3. BPAL dirt is the best! The oil in this imp was light yellow with a nasty green sludge at the bottom (real mud?) At first, it smelled exactly like Graveyard Dirt, but when I rolled the imp to distribute the "mud", it opened up a freshly dug dirt smell with sweet floral. There's some amber and warm spices as a base, because I'm getting a lovely resin scent on my skin as it dries. This isn't something I'd get a bottle of, but I'll keep the imp next to Zombi for whenever I need my dirt fix.

  4. Being a grapefruit fan, I'm always looking for the HG grapefruit. I was finally frimped one of these! There are a lot of notes, some of which are florals which are guaranteed to turn into soapy powder. I'm hoping the amber and guava save the day.


    Imp...soapy floral. Skin...soapy floral with tart white grapefruit. There's some sweetness from guava and warmth from amber, but I'm disappointed. :( Several minutes later, the amber and guava have stuck around and the grapefruit is turning into a more pink grapefruit. It's okay, not my favorite.

  5. This has been in the imp box for months and I'm just getting around to reviewing it. I think I'll love it because it has two sandalwoods, but iris can get soapy/powdery so we'll see.


    I smells like woods and grass in the imp. On my skin, the iris comes out but it's not piercing my brain with floral overkill. It smells very clean, like a sandalwood soap I had once. I think this is a pretty, classic perfume and I like to smell it, but it's not something I'd normally wear.

  6. The sublimely beautiful, fiercely independent, impeccably cultured, fascinatingly worldly and witty courtesans of ancient Greece. A seductive and dazzling blend of golden honey, fiery patchouli, sweet fig and clove, and a blushing touch of ylang ylang.

    I've had this in the imp box for a year and never reviewed it. I love honey but this one isn't my favorite. It's honey-lightly dusted with pollen, patchouli and clove. I really dislike the Lab's fig note and I can detect it here, giving an earthy-dirty smell.

    I've had this in the imp box for a year and never reviewed it. I love honey but this one isn't my favorite. It's honey-lightly dusted with pollen, patchouli and clove. I really dislike the Lab's fig note and I can detect it here, giving an earthy-dirty smell.

  7. I've loved heavy opium & myrrh scents since I was a teen, so Darkness isn't really that heavy to me. It's along the same vein as Butter Arsenic...sweet, heavy resins. I dislike florals and narcissus is usually something that makes me sneeze, but it's really working with the opium and myrrh. It does get powdery on the dry down, but it's resin powder vs floral powder and that's A Good Thing.

  8. I've noticed that the Lab's Mysore sandalwood note is not as sharp and woody as their other sandalwood notes. That must be what's in here, along with creamy vanilla and a faint sweet floral that's possibly orchid.


    Amaterasu v3 is a drier sandalwood that v2, with some very light leather. I think they are both winners, but this one is definitely more feminine. :heart:

  9. This is my favorite 13 by far! :wub2: It's an soft herbal vanilla-cocoa in the bottle, and on my skin there's a strong sandalwood note very much like the one in Underpants. I smell a teeny bit of lavender, but it's not the awful diaper smell I get in other Lab lavender blends. The lavender fades quickly, and it gets a little Dorian-esque with the rooibos tea and mimosa.


    I suppose there is some similarity to XCDL13's vanilla from heaven on the dry down, but it's vanilla with Mysore sandalwood and a tiny twist of orange peel.

  10. The marshmallow is very similar to Velvet Unicorn, but it's more "pink". This is almost like one of those pink marshmallow bunnies, and I can't tell what kind of berry is in here. I get some green sap, and not much dandelion. This is almost sickly sweet and I usually love marshmallow scents.

  11. I didn't skin test this because it's late and I don't feel like scrubbing jasmine off my skin. This is honeysuckle and vanilla, with a bit of jasmine. The jasmine smells just like the star jasmine bushes I walk by every day.

  12. I've wanted this since I started collecting BPAL, because of the coconut. I read the reviews later on and dismissed it based on the reviews that it was floral and it had too many "white" notes that usually equal soap on me. Plus, it was impossible to find.


    Oakmoss makes it a little cologney in the bottle, but I can tell it's going to be good. On skin, I can see the comparison to Snow White. There's that same cool, non-tropical comforting coconut note but it's more of a creamy citrus musk version of Snow White for Summer. I'm surprised how refreshing the white amber and musk are. I'm in love with Dia. :heart:

  13. This one is very simple. Amber and pomegranate or some other dark fruit. I'm betting on pomegranate. It starts to go a little powdery like amber typically does, but I'm a fan of amber and this doesn't bother me. The red fruit is sweet and rounds it out. I've been outside in the garden a bit today, and my skin warmed up the fragrance, so it has a lot of throw and now smells a little like strawberry, but it's not plasticky like strawberry scents can sometimes be. It's sweet with golden amber. I have an amber oil from another retailer and I can see this layering nicely with that.
