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Posts posted by mxtine

  1. This was positively nauseating in the imp, like a blackened rotten banana. I didn't smell anything else, but perhaps the combination of oak, sugar and molasses = banana, which is a note I dislike. I couldn't bear to skin test. :(

  2. This Grand Guignol prototype is a heady blend of red musk, apricot tobacco and plum brandy. It's very boozy and completely different than the released version, which was straight apricot brandy on me. My nose is doing weird things with scents tonight or my skin is just sucking it up, because it's not lasting at all.

  3. This prototype is a combination between a lighter version of Mme. Moriarty and Snake Charmer. It's a sweet, smokey plum and patchouli with a smooth vanilla like the one in aged Snake Oil. It fades significantly once it dries, and I'm left with a sweet plummy resin that has virtually no throw.


    It's nice if you think Mme. Moriarty is too heavy for you, but I prefer the released version.

  4. This is a lot less threatening as it sounds. Olukun was murkier and more Cthulhu-like. It's actually a bright aquatic men's cologne. I can imagine it smells nice on a clean shaven man but I prefer resiny musks on my men.

  5. Orange blossom is always iffy on me. It can be amazing in creamy musk blends but soapy-perfumey with other florals or resins. This is the latter. It's very intense, like fresh orange oil mixed with dirty-smelling resins.

  6. Lemongrass, lemon verbena and tart grapefruit. I get a Mr. Clean and Lemon Pledge vibe from this but it doesn't smell like cleaner, rather a very syrupy sweet drink. Minutes later...I guess it reminds me too much of cleaner that I just have to wash it off.

  7. I'm happy I finally received an imp of this to try. I love dirt, moss, bourbon and bay rum, but not florals.


    In the imp, it's delicious dirt and Spanish moss! They fade once it's on my skin, and the bay rum and bourbon come out sweet and smooth. Some decaying florals make an appearance, and while they aren't headache-inducing I'm still not a fan of how heavy they become. Later, it dries down to sweetgrass and rum. It's a very interesting blend and I love how many changes the scent goes through.

  8. Menthol!? Sweet coconut, fresh roses, orris and menthol. Something isn't right here, I don't know what the menthol note is doing in my imp and I don't see anybody mentioned this in their reviews. I'm a fan of coconut but this isn't my thing. The menthol burns off and I'm left with a powdery, cool coconut-rose with a very high white musk.

  9. Grapefruit isn't listed as a note, but this has a citrus zest that makes me think of grapefruit. There's also a light green tea note, something green and a bit of soapy floral. It's really pretty and fresh once it's dried, there is no soapiness which makes me very happy because I love the citrus/tea notes.


    Grapefruit isn't listed as a note, but this has a citrus zest that makes me think of grapefruit. There's also a light green tea note, something green and a bit of soapy floral. It's really pretty and fresh once it's dried, there is no soapiness which makes me very happy because I love the citrus/tea notes.

  10. Mahogany wood, black cherry and currant. The cherry is a grown-up cherry like the one in Gothabilly. At first, I feel like this imp is very aged and I feel like this would be so much better fresh, but then the notes start to get stronger on my skin. I really love the tart dark fruits with dry woods in this blend.

  11. Smells like rugged man, freshly showered and slathered with an outdoorsy cologne. Black Forest is one the best forest scents I've smelled yet. It's a forest full of evergreens and wood. The ambergris doing something amazing to this blend in the dry down stage, there is still a lot of cypress and juniper but a sweet musk is developing. I kind of want a 5ml of this one.

  12. The smell in the imp is that of a real rose with fresh-cut stem. This is so much more realistic than Rose Red, which was ice-pick in the brain intense. I don't even want to skin test it for fear that I will amp it and get a headache. It would make a lovely room scent.

  13. Pungent juniper and pine trees and some dirt. It's like the smell of concentrated forest, which is interesting to smell. I think this would have been something I could wear, but there's a menthol note that's turning it into Ben-Gay.

  14. I can't skin test this since lilies are one of the worst varieties of headache-inducing florals, but sniffing the imp, it's a sweet fruity floral. It smells like what a Bath & Body Works lotion would smell.
