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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by mxtine

  1. Welcome! :D


    Midnight Mass is a good one, but try to find one on the forum that's aged. When I bought a bottle last Yule, the frankincense was very sharp and it took almost a year of aging to mellow it out. Cathedral is lovely but there's a "wood" note with the incense. Heavenly Love & Earthly Love is another incense scent (sweeter and lighter than Midnight Mass) but it's not sold on the bpal website, it's sold at the Whole Foods somewhere in GA I think. You can post an ISO in the Wanted section...someone may have a decant for you to test.

  2. I also hoped this would be a chocolatey Banshee Beat. I have to accept that it's gone and nothing can come close to it. :cry2:


    OWS is a woody/rooty patchouli, similar to The Coiled Serpent but a bit sweeter. I smell a bit of cocoa, but unfortunately this oil is virgin-fresh from the Lab so I can't detect the other notes very well. I freakin' love patchouli, so it's not a complete disappointment...besides, this will age and get richer. :twisted:

  3. Devil's Night 2011 was the first perfume I tried when I ripped open my Weenie box. I put it on the tops and bottoms of my wrists, and was greeted with the same sickly, smokey sweetness that I smelled in the bottle, magnified 10x. The combination of sweet with BOOZY, smokey musk is something new to me, and I'm not sure if I like it yet. It dried down to a sugary musk that I ignored as I was playing with my new phone. Later I applied some more, but this time to my upper forearm and I could smell the cool air and autumn leaves along with the sugar-musk-booze smokiness, which was quite nice. I don't think I can wear this right now, my nose is doing weird things tonight. I hope it calms down by next Halloween, or it will make a great room scent.

  4. Samhainophobia smells like what The Coiled Serpent would smell like if it died and crawled out from the grave. It's one of the darkest, scariest bpal scents I've tried yet. The geranium is giving me a sick/headachey feeling when I sniff it on my skin, but after it dries I can smell the menacing vetiver and heavy patchouli. I'm stashing this bottle away to age, which was my intention from the beginning.

    Ah, love, let us be true
    To one another! for the world, which seems
    To lie before us like a land of dreams,
    So various, so beautiful, so new,
    Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,
    Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
    And we are here as on a darkling plain
    Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
    Where ignorant armies clash by night.

    On Halloween in 2007, surrounded by our loved ones, I married the man of my dreams in Las Vegas. True to the nature of our relationship, it was a costumed event - a pirate-themed wedding - and it was as merry, strange, and wonderful as a Halloween wedding should be.

    Ted, I love you. You are the poetry in my soul, you are the dreams of my heart. You are everything I need, and I love you with a passion that transcends all time, space, and logic.

    The aftermath of piratical nuptials: walls smeared with red and black frosting, copious amounts of spilled red wine, the leftover contents of three full bars, dry leaves and desert flowers crushed into carpet, tobacco smoke, and champaca incense in a cloud of body-heat amped Snake Oil and Dorian.

    This is Cake Smash all grownz up. :eek: It has the same elements: Red velvet cake, Dorian, and a bit of Snake Oil. But there's also ruby red port and a fresh cigar thrown in. I love love love this so much, and I'm thrilled to have a scent that represents awesome Beth & Puddin's pirate wedding. :wub2:

  6. After going over reviews, I've made a list of the bottles that will be my 2nd Weenie order:

    -The Gorobble

    -Expressive Head

    -Sentimental Initiation

    -An Incubus Leaving Two Sleeping Women

    -The Triumph of Death


    Maaaybe Muse of The Night, and definitely a backup of Samhainophobia. I just know I'm going to love it.

  7. Although popcorn isn't listed in the notes, there is a popcorn note in The Elephantine Colossus. I just tested it now, and there's definitely a kettle-corn in here. :D

    Seaside hanky panky: a strumpet’s red musk with a merry splash of root beer, a swirl of exotic pipeweed, and a whiff of sweets carrying over from the boardwalk.

  8. A very generous forumite gifted me a nice sample of Crypt King, so here I am to review! :heart:


    I'm surprised at how light this is. It doesn't have a lot of throw and wears very close to my skin, but the oil is incredibly smooth and well blended. Wet, it's sweet pomegranate juice with a subtle hint of dirt-like oakmoss (yum) and a very green-smelling patchouli. I think I recognize coriander because I had coriander perfume from Kiehl's and it's the same note, and a teeny bit of pepper. I've tested this for 2 days straight, and you know what? The finished product reminds me a lot of the very late dry down stages of Mme Moriarty. The dry stage is not as sweet with red musk and plum, but there's that unmistakeable pomegranate-patchouli scent lingering on my skin. To my delight, I amp both of those notes so this makes me incredibly happy.


    While I was expecting it to be darker and grittier, it's gorgeous and I can imagine it'll improve with age. I hope one day I can find a reasonably-priced (heh, arm + leg + kidney...) bottle.

  9. Dark, powdery Snake Oil soap. It smelled like a sweet sandalwood soap I had once, then it morphed. I love incensy-powdery perfumes, and I'm glad this isn't a floral mess. I think the florals are just making it too soapy for my tastes.

    More than gems in my comb box shaped by the God of the Sea,
    I prize you, my daughter

    Happy birthday, Lilith! I can't believe you're three already! I love you more than love, my driveway hockey playin', princess dressin' uppin', funny face makin', tarot card tossin', cupcake lickin', rainbow lovin', don't-wanna-go-to-school excuse makin', doggie squishin', Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack singin', Foofa cuddlin', inflatable pool mermaid'in', jellybean countin', spaghetti noodle whippin' offspring. I love you so much. You are my heart, you are my smile, you are my joy.

    This is the scent of the cupcakes that her (kind, generous, and wonderful!) Aunt Sarah made for her birthday! Lilith's request was for sprinkle flavored cupcakes ("sprinklecakes!") with pink and purple glitter frosting, and that's what she got. That's what you're getting, too: this cupcake fragrance is the sweetest of the sweet, the sugariest of the sugary! Rainbow sprinkles baked into rich vanilla cake with thick, creamy frosting topped with glittery candy flakes.

    This smells like rich buttery vanilla cake, with buttercream frosting and a bit of marzipan. Just like the description reads, it's VERY sugary, and INTENSE. I could smell the cake with the bottle completely closed. I dislike almond/marzipan, and while this has a teeny bit upon application, it fades away quickly. I'm left with cake and sugar on the dry down, and something which reminds me of Midway.

    I bought 2 bottles, but I don't think I'm going to need to keep the 2nd one - it's so rich and sugary that it hurts my teeth.

  11. Velvety amber, dry patchouli, and spices - I'd love to know what "embalming spices" are, but cinnamon stands out the most. Cinnamon and I don't have a good relationship, it usually overpowers any blend it's in, turning it into a Red Hot Mess. I'm reminded of Hellhound on My Trail, which turned out awful because of the cinnamon, but these "spices" are very subdued and tolerable amongst amber and patchouli. I'm also being reminded of Cat Allingham because they both paint a desert landscape in my mind.


    I'm looking forward to this one once it's aged a bit--I'm hoping the patchouli gets stronger. ;)

  12. Too bad the Carnaval Diabolique is on hiatus - Temple Viper is pure nag champa incense and Mme Moriarty is plummy incense. I would go with the ones already mentioned such as:


    Snake Oil



    The Antikythera Mechanism



    and add:


    Old Demons of the First Class - Siberian musk, black clove, opoponax, tonka, black pepper, and neroli


    I would say that both Snake Oil and Cathedral smell a little sharp/intense at first, but after some aging they are both beautiful. If you don't like them at first, don't write them off forever. ;)

  13. I didn't get this last Halloween because I put it off and forgot to order before it came down. I figured I'd find it for sale on the boards but never did. I'm glad the Post put this back on etsy for me to grab a bottle.


    Tricksy is a patchouli lover's dream. It's a very strong and clean patchouli, like high-quality patchouli oil. There is some dark, resiny woods here and sweet, polleny manuka honey is pulling them both together. It dries down to honeyed woods.


    This needs to be a perfume. Seriously! :wub2:

  14. My one complaint about this room spray is that it doesn't come in gallon size.


    It's the dark, woody forest spray I've been longing for. I would say it's the equivalent of Black Forest or Ranger. It's resinous with dark woods and fresh spruce. It's not chilly at all, but rather warm. I feel as if I've been transported into a cabin in the woods up north, with a warm fire.


    I'm in HEAVEN. :wub2:

  15. Beautiful label art! :wub2:


    Rose is an iffy note for me. It works beautifully with resins and dark musks, but becomes overwhelming in floral blends. I took a chance on 2 bottles of this because all of the other notes sounded beautiful.


    In the bottle, this is a bright pink, sweet tropical floral. On my skin, it's really pretty, I love the tropical feel of this with frangipani and coconut. I can smell the rose, but it's nowhere near as strong as Rose Red or Peacock Queen. The sandalwood, frankincense and vanilla musk are reigning it in. This is still light tropical rose-floral on the dry down, but musk and sandalwood have taken over.


    I can see myself wearing this sometimes, but I won't need 2 bottles. I might give my sister the other bottle, after the baby is born. She loves rose scents.

  16. Just got a bottle of Banshee Beat... it's good, but to be honest, the patchouli is throwing me off. I like vanilla. I like patchouli. But together? I think my nose is just confused. It's very good as a slightly smoky vanilla though, sort of like s'mores over a campfire. This makes me think that Tombstone would be too woodsy as well though. Boo.

    If it's a new bottle, let it age. Trust me Banshee Beat's vanilla stands out after it's a few months old. Also, Tombstone has a cedar note when it's fresh, but that ages away leaving the vanilla more prominent.