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Everything posted by mxtine

  1. mxtine


    I got this as a freebie and initially I didn't like the smell in the imp. I came here to read the description and notes and decided it wasn't something I'd like at all. I tried it again a few days later and found a strange attraction to it. It smelled woody with a hint of something mossy but altogether it was feminine and sparkly. It's a very comforting scent. I decided I liked to wear this after showering when I've had a emotionally/mentally tough day. I'm waiting for a big bottle of it as I type, but I will be saving it for the colder months.
  2. mxtine

    Lady Una

    Honey musk, green tea leaf, blackberry leaf, vanilla bean, and fae spices. This scent makes me want to lay on a blanket on the grass and watch the clouds on a sunny day. I love honey scents, and this sparkles with the addition of the blackberry and "fae spices". It reminds me of YSL In Love Again which always smelled like blackberry + grapefruit. Lady Una is blended so well and smells beautiful on my skin. The only negative is that it doesn't have all-day staying power.
  3. mxtine


    A sultry and unruly blend that emulates the ambient scent of the markets in ancient Bengal: skin musk with honey, peppers, clove, cinnamon bark and ginger. I got this as an imp when I purchased .5 ml bottles of Blood Kiss and Lady Una. I liked it more than anything that came in the box. It smells like a thieves oil recipe I made last year to fend off flu/colds. It's spicy with cloves/cinnamon notes, mellowed out with the sweetness of honey, which I truly love. I love putting this on after a shower and just lying in bed, reading or listening to music. I've gotten a lot of compliments on this perfume at work--from men too. It works well with my chemistry so I bought a whole bottle. Definitely my #1 scent. ETA 8/19/10: The cinnamon irritates my skin now. And it gets plasticky on the dry down. I'm so sad about this.
  4. mxtine


    I'm new (hi) and I'm not a pro at describing scents as eloquently as most of you but I'll throw in my two cents in my own way. I bought a full bottle of this after reading the reviews because I love the smell of honey. It definitely has that honey smell right out of the bottle but on my skin, I noticed the "skin smell" everyone is talking about...and I narrowed it down. (brace yourselves) It smells like armpit!! Clean armpit but it's the same smell. It really makes me think of sex right out of the shower. I can't stop sniffing my wrist, this juice is delicious and addictive. It's a sweet/clean/kinda dirty/sexy scent.