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Posts posted by sugar

  1. Compelling, complex, and utterly enigmatic: a luxuriant, exotic blend of cherry, red musk, and star anise.


    I was enchanted by the description of this scent: so intriguing and exotic. I’ve always wanted to smell like (I imagine) a geisha would smell.

    I was a little disappointed at first sniff. It smelt somewhat like maraschino cherries. Perhaps a little like almond essence (something of which I’m not particularly fond). Though I have to agree it is a very enigmatic and unusual scent. I wear it when I want to feel mysterious.

    In the bottle: cherries/almond

    Wet: cherry and almond

    Dry: A definite change in scent. A bit more floral? I can definitely detect something lovely but I don’t know what it is. Musk? Ginger? Star Anise? I guess it lives up to the ‘enigmatic’ tag!

  2. Port Royal


    When I read the description of this scent I knew I had to have it. I was after something to make me feel feisty and strong, dramatic, who-gives-a-fuck and piratey and this was perfect. It certainly isn’t a ‘girly’ scent, so its perfect to wear if you want to feel independent. I (personally) wouldn’t wear it on a romantic night in.


    The scent:

    In the bottle: It really evokes all the scents of being in full sail on the high seas. I can smell the salty sea, almost feel the wind in my hair when I sniff it. And there is the distinct (but not overpowering) kick of rum. Yarrr! There is also the faint note of a ‘prostitute’s perfume’ as promised in the description--I would have been sorely disappointed if I hadn’t been able to detect it.


    Wet: rum-y, tobacco-y, leathery, salty goodness (but less salty than in the bottle). And spicy notes.


    Dry down: As wet, but smells more...salty?


    I find I can’t smell this perfume on myself after its been on for a while. But I put it on my neck, and you can’t really smell your neck.

  3. Chuparosa


    I ADORE this scent. It is my all time (so far) favourite sexy scent. I only wear it on SPECIAL occasions. And as for its properties? AMAZING. I feel totally loved up when I wear it. Gooooood things happen in the bedroom. But its not a kinky scent--oh no, far from it. This is, as promised, a love blend.


    I am really at a loss to describe the scent though. Tuberose is the main thing that springs to mind.






    Oh wow, where do I begin? Thanks a MILLION lab, for sending me this as a freebie.

    Aizen-Myoo is the patron Japanese deity of prostitutes and this scent certainly does him justice! All I can say is I find this an extremely sexy scent.


    In the bottle: peach? mango? pineapple? It’s really fruity and delicious.


    Wet: Fruity but increasingly floral. Im not sure how to describe the floral notes though.


    Dry: Jasmine? Still some fruity notes there though...


    Anyway, I loooove it.


