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Posts posted by Phades

  1. In the imp: clean, coming close to being cleaning-products smelling, but not there yet.


    On the skin: much less of a cleaning-products vibe, the crisp "whiteness" definitely comes across more than the citrus. Smells fresh, faintly moist - but in the manner of dew, not humidity, if that makes any sense. It's a cool, self-contained moisture, not a hanging, pervasive moisture. It makes me think of a cool breeze on a warm day, one that raises goosebumps but they vanish momentarily under the gentle warmth of the sun.


    I can't detect the vanilla at all, though it is becoming sweeter as time goes on.


    1/2 hour later: Hmm... now completely dry it smells a bit like laundry-clean - not the smell of actual clean laundry, but the smell of laundry products, dryer sheets in particular maybe? Too bad, I think this one is not the clean scent for me.

  2. This is one of the first imps whose bottle-smell isn't objectionable to me. In the imp it smells wet, clean, natural, a bit watery.


    On the skin - I definitely agree with the greenness other reviews have mentioned. An aquatic green, definitely, rather than a foresty leafy green or a grassy field green. Water that is still, but clean, comes to mind - bordered with cattails and floating with lilypads, but not stagnant at all.


    Is it my imagination, or is there an element of tea to it? There're floral elements (I gather that's the violet?) but they're not overly strong; they fit well.


    I agree the scent is pretty strong - I think I may dilute it when using it in the future. Not sure I'll get more than my current imp, but I'll definitely be keeping the imp at least.

  3. I got this one as a mostly-empty freebie with a forum order, and it's quite a pleasant surprise! A bit incensey, maybe a bit fruity? (I'm terrible at picking out notes, hopefully I'll get better at it with time and practice!) Not one I would have tried of my own volition, but I'm glad I got the sample.


    I did get a sinus headache after wearing this for a few hours, though. Hopefully it's unrelated - I'll have to test it again later to see for sure.
