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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by CitizenBree

  1. Yes, just like everyone said, so nice and juicy and so sweet. The honey reminds me of Autumn Moon on the Mirror Stand (or whatever that old luper was called).


    But like many others, it fades too fast. It fades WAY too fast. I'm talking less than an hour on me. (so funny because the luper i tested yesterday lasted 10 hours!)


    So while I really enjoy those first 20 minutes, I just can't get a bottle -- not worth it.

  2. First impression: coconut is the first you get but the champaca flower is not far behind. So it's not a pure coconut like Tiki Princess -- it's got a perfumey, flowery vibe to it.


    After wearing for a day: So great. I was still smelling it at 5pm. Nice beachy, coconut with a little extra sweetness. It's not super foodie, but I think foodies will like this. Pretty sure it's a bottle purchase.

  3. It takes a bit of pump action to get this started. Once it's ready, it comes out as a stream so not really something I would spray directly on my hair as it would only get on one spot. I spray it into my fingers and then run it through my hair. Today it made my hair a little greasy but the previous few times it hadn't done that. It's definitely nice and shiny -- and the product itself is not sticky like some of the store hair glosses.


    The smell is fantastic. Smells like snake oil!


    I've gotten a lot of compliments on it -- more than when i'm wearing the perfume oil itself. it has lasting power but maybe not more than 6 hours. I'm at 8 hours now and I can smell it if I put my nose to my hair, but otherwise it's pretty faint.

  4. This started as straight up soap but started morphing after a few minutes. First it was honey, then to the lily. then sandalwood. this is probably the first scent i've tried that went through the notes as like a process. it ends up being a a delicate floral -- if still a little soapy.

  5. Yup, nutty. Not as creamy as other people are getting. I do get a bit of the mandarin. I don't get anything sweet from it. I almost get something pine like. it's more of an outdoor, woodsy scent to me. It sounds pretty but i'm not digging it.

  6. This scent is amazing. I would have NEVER tried it...not even a decant. I was frimped it from some sale somewhere. I like leather but have found most leather scents to be really heavy. I really don't like licorice. Coal dust? Sounds sneezy.


    but OMG this is magical. I LOVE it. and it is so familiar. took me a while but I figured out it is a stronger version of CC Female. Very, VERY similar.

  7. something sweet and aquatic. i definitely get that winter feel to it. it sort of cools my nose as i sniff it. it's not unpleasant but it's not my style of perfumes. if you like aquatic, though, you might need to try this one.

  8. watermelo bubble gum? super sweet fruit. It smells really good and really sweet, fruity. I like fruity smells but something in this makes it seem like it wouldn't be my style. maybe it smells a little artificial? I don't get a lot of the cakey part of it.

  9. Olive oil, beeswax, glowing amber, sweet sufganiyot, pomegranate, and fig.

    This is definitely not foodie to me. It's kind of sexy, but not an overtly sexy scent like Snake Oil. More like that carefree exotic woman in the slightly too big sun dress with messy hair. She's not trying to be sexy, she just is. And I feel like this is her perfume. I got more olive oil and beeswax than anything else. I want to say spicy but again not overtly. I get nothing about baked goods in this, nothing fruity. maybe this is a case of me amping one of the notes.

  10. I agree with the two above (except Hillary changed her mind), it reminds me of Angel. Of course, since it's BPAL, it's way better. I kinda liked Angel, but only enough to keep a sample. There was that alcoholic/astringent part of Angel that made it not that good. So this is just taking the best parts of Angel.


    It is soft, it is feminine. Vanilla floral, with a touch of childlike innocence. Very pretty. I might consider a bottle.

  11. When i did my first skin test, I thought this was just like Paduan Killer Swarm. It was sexy, sticky, musky. With a full test, i still get that piece of PKS, but there's also licorice. Not strong like that one lupercalia that was dead on anise. It's also spicier than PKS. Like the spice in snake oil. If you are a huge anise fan, there might not be enough here. If you hate anise, this still might work. I hate anise but sometimes it smells nice and sometimes it's too strong. I probably would not wear this again.

  12. Starts off as a nice balance between fruit, floral and foodie. Calms down to a sweet powder. Upon a full day test, it takes on more of a spicy woodsy while still being foodie. Like a cinnamon, clove cake or something like that. Unfortunately, I didn't find it to last very long. Maybe about 4 hours.
