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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Good morning! I dreamt of Aphrodite last night, birdsong fills my sonic landscape, and I'm drinking coffee.

  2. Great Zumba class. I had a good time shaking it off!


    #bpal update this morning! Am hoping for time to peruse today.

  4. Good morning all! Drinking coffee and listening to Handel's Water Music on this mellow full moon morn.

  5. Today has turned into a personal care day. Waiting to get my hair done.

  6. Rain falling on wood leaves and pavement, robins twittering, a deep crow caw. So peaceful.

  7. Ah bah! TIme to get on with my day.

  8. Everybody wants to add value to this project since it is very visible. But value adding can, sadly, be misinterpreted. Usually as criticism

  9. “@StephCalahan: #Productivity Fact: You can be busy all day and still have gotten nothing done.” so true!

  10. Good night all, my bed calls and I must answer or doze upon the couch.


    #TGIF Have safely arrived at the Friday feel good zone ...

  12. Perfect Spring day in the marshes.

  13. Joy percolates through the moments of the morning carried by robins' somng.

  14. Reduced my to do list to a semi-managable level. There are a few things I can't make up my mind whether or not I want to do.

  15. Good morning. Getting started earlier than usual this morning, so I have Mac open for personal and PC open for work.

  16. I started out this morning in a draft proof cocoon of blankets and it took a cup and a half of coffee to warm up enough to emerge.

  17. Not in the mood for April Fool's today. I'm still cranky from events at work yesterday. Have to be in a good mood for pranks.

  18. Arrived. In Austin. Waiting for my friends to show up. Hope they aren't late. I'm starved.

  19. I've been too busy lately. Here I am in a cool new place and I'm happy just sitting still BE-ING.

  20. Just registered. Taking Risk 101 workshop at 1:00. #payments2011


    #payments2011 Looking forward to the AAP reception. AAPs gone wild ;)

  22. Was up late drinking. Glad for my Scotch-Irish genes on nights like this.

  23. I'm loving Austin. Everywhere you go there's live music. Good live music. And friendly people.

  24. Sun just came up! Happens every day and I still get excited when the limb first flares up at the horizon.
