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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. I'm on a busy spree the past few days.

  2. I'm running at half speed today. Hope more coffee helps.

  3. I'm with you Sam, my bookcases overflow and every year I resolve to cull the herd.

  4. I've been too busy lately. Here I am in a cool new place and I'm happy just sitting still BE-ING.

  5. In a gardening mood this morning. Put on #bpal Worm Moon.

  6. Indulging a pasta craving at UNOs

  7. Ingesting coffee. Not really ready to move yet.

  8. It snowed last night! A Winter surprise. Some dark-eyed juncos are out and about.

  9. It's damp, drizzly, and cool this morning. Reminds me of New England Spring days.

  10. It's my birthday too. Yay!

  11. It's the warmest March I've seen in 20 years of gardening here. Not sure how my cool weather germinators will do if I plant now.

  12. Joy percolates through the moments of the morning carried by robins' somng.

  13. Just registered. Taking Risk 101 workshop at 1:00. #payments2011

  14. Just removed two sources of foul odors from my house. Feels like the most useful thing I've done all day.

  15. Kind of a crazy day! Not finishing anything. Changing direction every hour. Who moved my cheese again?

  16. Kind of a dull day. Still not 100% over this bug.

  17. Learning CYA through direct observation of experts in the art today!

  18. Life is good! Motel coffee and a cereal bar and nothing to get done = happiness this morning.

  19. Light is quietly filling the sky and spilling over everything below.

  20. Lilly Pulitzer - Taytay Dress: http://t.co/BDabtCg0 via @AddThis Must have cephalopod fashion!

  21. Listening to Beethoven's 9th. Need big music today. Can't go with trivial right mow.

  22. Listening to Ella Fitzgerald to ring in the weekend. #TGIF #nowplaying Nobody does it like Ella.

  23. Listening to YoYo Ma this grey morning. Cello divine on tube amp and Salks.

  24. Long long day. Dear tweeps, thanks for the inspiration and joy you bring me. #gratitude
