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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. A beautiful morning. Oh joy! everything is softened by a golden mist.

  2. Dinner with the family was very nice. We compared binoculars after dinner since we have all ended up birding.

  3. I am sitting inside and I can perceive that all is well outside by listening to the birds singing, calling, and chirping. or tweeting ;)

  4. Looking at tat designs. Thinking lower back.

  5. Check out review of #bpal RPG line on Crave - CNET: http://t.co/sS4zlV9


    #TGIF wanted to take off but that didn't work out. At least it's the last work day of the week.

  7. Hello Spring! Sun is shining on purple and blue flowers in the green green grass.

  8. Mother's Day is lurking out there in the projectable future. I'm thinking champagne cocktails and yummy perfume. Sister has other ideas...

  9. Good night all. Some stretching #andsotobed

  10. Trying to articulate how I feel about the volume of email I get for work. Words fail me, maybe screeching help.

  11. The barn swallows are back in town! Spring is really on.


    #bpal update came in over night. Yay!

  13. Listening to Ella Fitzgerald to ring in the weekend. #TGIF #nowplaying Nobody does it like Ella.

  14. Good morning The smell of coffee fills the air. This'll be a great day! It's Friday too.

  15. Wearing #bpal Worm Moon. Opening is a happy compost heap, drydown is a delicate powdery patchouli.

  16. Good morning! Trees are budding out. Amazes me every time. I pay attention, I see the signs, I know it's coming - boom! Flowers & leaves.


    #andsotobed where I will luxuriate on my mattress and so to sleep.

  18. It's damp, drizzly, and cool this morning. Reminds me of New England Spring days.

  19. Relaxed. Time to let go of the day. Anticipating the moment when I get into bed and sink into the mattress. Aaah.

  20. I like working from home better than going into the office.

  21. Good morning! It's a great morning to ... attack my email queue. No really. Excelsior!

  22. Making coffee. Need more today.

  23. Wearing #bpal Brisingamen. It's a comforting, soft scent, like snuggling into flannel sheets.
