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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Feliz noches a todos.

  2. Pisces New Moon this afternoon. Wish I could take a timeout but too much to do at the office today.

  3. Busy. Eating baby carrots. If I eat enough maybe I'll turn orange! Happened to someone I knew in WeightWatchers but she ate like a lb a day

  4. Feeling glad I got thru my status meeting in 25 mins

  5. Too much fun at dinner!

  6. Good morning and happy Monday. Cold bright and windy.

  7. No meetings today. The universe is giving me time to polish off my To Do list.

  8. Eating lunch and taking an on-line ethics course for work.

  9. And my #bpal package is out for delivery so it should be waiting for me when I get home. #happyday

  10. Good morning! I am actually up working on a project plan on only one cup of coffee.

  11. My Zumba instructor has the gift of spreading happiness. Our class really is a dance party.

  12. Good morning all! Hoping for a fun-filled fragrant Wednesday of woderfulness even tho the forecast is for a hot mess at the office.

  13. May have to read a bit of Three Men in a Boat at lunch today.

  14. Wow my boss just enraged me. This hasn't happened before it must be all the stress we're under. I had to step outdoors to calm down.

  15. Game over. Nighty-night.

  16. Good morning everybody. Slept like a log last night. Woke up to a wet world. Looks like the daffodils grew 3 inches overnight.

  17. Drinking coffee and trying not to confuse or sidetrack this meeting

  18. Listening to Beethoven's 9th. Need big music today. Can't go with trivial right mow.

  19. Peaceful for a Monday morning.

  20. Good morning all! Bird song abounds this morning. Mostly robins.

  21. Am engaged in a struggle with my To Do list this morning.

  22. Why did I have to check out that story about the boa constrictor and the model? Rhetorical question since I'm nosy.

  23. When is my lunch? Stuck on the phone and call not ending any time soon. Telling self it is worth it to get this done.

  24. Weird day. Lots of little ups and downs. Not sure what to make of some things going on at work.
