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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Have to make a tough phone call.

  2. Having a buoyant morning. Hope the trend continues.

  3. Having a lazy evening. I even took a nap after work.

  4. Having a slow morning. Going to lunch with Mom later.

  5. Having an information overload day today.

  6. Heading out to dinner.

  7. Heard killdeer this morning at work. Their calling added an eerie feel to the summer morning.

  8. Hello Spring! Sun is shining on purple and blue flowers in the green green grass.

  9. Helpful techs fixed my PC. Happy again. Feel less of a hot mess now.

  10. Hibernation is looking like a viable option.

  11. Hot and humid. Watching a cardinal, a starling, a chickadee, and a sparrow gobble suet from my feeder. Messy eaters all.

  12. Hot coffee on a cool morning. The air is still and clear and dry. Graceful and inevitable, the color of the leaves is changing.

  13. House sparrows and a pair of house finches are swarming my bird feeder. Every so often they tip it sideways and fly off in a cloud of peeps

  14. How did we arrive at September so quickly? August was a bumpy ride. Raising a cup of joe to a new month this morning.

  15. How'd it get to be lunchtime already? Feel like I've only been in office for an hour.

  16. I am sitting inside and I can perceive that all is well outside by listening to the birds singing, calling, and chirping. or tweeting ;)

  17. I have to let my artist out for a bit. #nowsketching

  18. I have to use a French word to describe the morning twilight sky: exquise. With the waning moon pinned like a brooch in the south.

  19. I like working from home better than going into the office.

  20. I shrank my To Do list by a whopping 3 items. 12 more to go.

  21. I started out this morning in a draft proof cocoon of blankets and it took a cup and a half of coffee to warm up enough to emerge.

  22. I was a successful gatherer. I came home with everything I set out for.

  23. I'm blaming the 14 inches of snow we got overnight.

  24. I'm loving Austin. Everywhere you go there's live music. Good live music. And friendly people.
