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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Oh be still my heart - Daniel Craig in an SF/Western action movie!!!!


    #bpal of the day is Paper Kite. Perfect for a hot and humid day.

  3. We opened the magic window to watch the race in Monaco. #F1

  4. FIlled with joy this morning. All is well with the plants I moved yesterday.

  5. Up early. Birds and cats up too. Feels like it might rain.

  6. In a gardening mood this morning. Put on #bpal Worm Moon.

  7. At dentist. Two cavities. :(

  8. Stuck on meeting minutes. Ate a string cheese stick. Will the stick get me unstuck?

  9. Coffee a life sustaining fluid, not a food group.

  10. Getting ready to Zumba on the first sunny morning in a week. Can't get much better than this!

  11. The world is all soft grey and green today. Fog has barely lifted.

  12. Great Zumba class this morning. Am feeling completely in my body now.


    #NowPlaying Are You Shpongled by Shpongled. Happy music.

  14. The cost of doing business is a funny creature. A slippery crevice-dwelling being, it's trying to elude my spreadsheet this afternoon.

  15. Helpful techs fixed my PC. Happy again. Feel less of a hot mess now.

  16. Oh noooooo. My work PC is getting the dreaded blue screen. Called the tech. Oy.

  17. Coffee helps. Now off to the dentist.

  18. Happy Mother's Day to all my Moms. Thanks so much for everything you do for me!


    #bpal wore Dancing Koi to bed last night and the drydown this morning is gorgeous! Rich and a little powdery.

  20. “@householdhacker: Butterflyafobia: http://t.co/VKkeKlI” Oh too funny! Check out the pc.

  21. It's my birthday too. Yay!

  22. Oh yeh and no stress! I'm saving stress for Thurs nite when our code runs in prod for the first time.

  23. Rumor has it that today is going to be a great day!

  24. Just removed two sources of foul odors from my house. Feels like the most useful thing I've done all day.
