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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Lunch and back to work

  2. Not sure why but I'm wide awake at 4:00 AM. Looking at the moon.

  3. Scent of the day is #bpal Thoos. It's creamy citrus spice. I've given it a lot of love; the bottle is 3/4 gone.

  4. Kind of a crazy day! Not finishing anything. Changing direction every hour. Who moved my cheese again?

  5. Scent of the day: #bpal Signior Dildo. Yum. Orris and soft violets.

  6. Scent of the day: #bpal Red Lantern. Seems like I get a lot of hugs when I wear Red Lantern

  7. Scent of the day is #bpal for Dark Delicacies Clermont. I wanted roses today but nothing too sweet. Have been wearing Clermont a lot lately

  8. Sound the weekend horn! I'm shaking the dust of the office off my feet and starting the weekend. #joy

  9. Up early this morning. Wide awake at 4:00 Am with the cats.

  10. Great Zumba class! I feel great.

  11. My daffodils have come up! Magnolia buds swelling. Hellebore is blooming.

  12. Monday, Monday. New week, new goals. Coffee first though.

  13. Moving right along today. Just found out I will have to change my timeline again this afternoon. Oh Joy.

  14. Lunch. Not a moment too soon. Salad and coffee.

  15. Today I resolved to be productive but that was before I saw the blueness of the sky.


    #poutine It's what's for dinner.


    #poutine - Now that's good eatin'!

  18. Well I'm going to celebrate Beer Day too. Don't think being in Iceland is a prerequisite. #beerday

  19. And so, safely to bed we all go.

  20. Good morning! A big black ant trotted across my kitchen counter just now. Sign of Spring or insectile fluke?

  21. Scent of the day: #bpal Phoenix in Spring. Love it now and oh how I would have loved it at 16.

  22. Ordered #bpal Red Lace and Silas Ruthven from Dark Delicacies this weekend and the package is out for delivery! ^_^. Can't wait.

  23. Good morning and happy Thursday, the luckiest day of the week. If something good is lining up in your life, it'll materialize today.

  24. Am attending to my feet.
