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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Have to make a tough phone call.

  2. Some beautiful butterflies visiting my flowers today.

  3. A new and sticky morning. Will be working on stuff I've procrastinated over today. Tying up loose ends.

  4. Rain last night! Beautiful green smells in the air this morning. There could be enough grass to mow next week.

  5. Great Zumba class! New dance too. Kim is a great choreographer - all her dances are feel good dances.

  6. Spent the afternoon gardening. And now, a cold Shipyard Summer Ale, soon to be followed by the feast my husband is grilling up.

  7. Getting ready to garden. Cicadas are stridulating all around.

  8. Hot and humid. Watching a cardinal, a starling, a chickadee, and a sparrow gobble suet from my feeder. Messy eaters all.

  9. On the way to Uncle Dewey's for BBQ.

  10. Watching my sprinkler move back and forth and drinking a Shipyard Summer Ale in the shade #Julybliss

  11. Had pizza and fries in Old Orchard Beach. Heading to Mt Washington to drive up.

  12. Getting ready to drive up to southern Maine for a few days. Family picnic.


    #SOTD #BPAL The Lady of Shallot. Mmmm! Full blown gardenias floating in a water lily lined pond.


    #Sotd #bpal The Phoenix in Summer. Saved it for today!

  15. Good morning world! Cool and humid with the promise of heat later, The air is carrying a green scent in the window to mingle with coffee

  16. Trying not to cuss in front of the summer intern.

  17. Am minding my office manners. An intern is sitting next to me for the summer.

  18. There's confusion about an app named Clarity in this meeting; maybe we should rename it.

  19. Everybody is in the office today. Departmental BBQ this afternoon!

  20. Getting a strange low frequency buzz with flutter on this conf call. Unsettling sound. I feel it in my teeth.

  21. Egg stealing! A squirrel is on my deck railing savoring a robin's egg. You should see the look on his face as he laps at the yolk.

  22. Listening to YoYo Ma this grey morning. Cello divine on tube amp and Salks.

  23. Heard killdeer this morning at work. Their calling added an eerie feel to the summer morning.
