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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Good morning all! Hoping for a fun-filled fragrant Wednesday of woderfulness even tho the forecast is for a hot mess at the office.

  2. Good morning all. Wonder what marvels today will bring.

  3. Good morning and happy Monday. Cold bright and windy.

  4. Good morning and happy Thursday, the luckiest day of the week. If something good is lining up in your life, it'll materialize today.

  5. Good morning everybody. Slept like a log last night. Woke up to a wet world. Looks like the daffodils grew 3 inches overnight.

  6. Good morning Wednesday. You're a good day to spend organizing whatever needs added order.

  7. Good morning world! Cool and humid with the promise of heat later, The air is carrying a green scent in the window to mingle with coffee

  8. Good morning! #bpal of the morning is Dragon's Tears. Goes well with coffee.

  9. Good morning! A big black ant trotted across my kitchen counter just now. Sign of Spring or insectile fluke?

  10. Good morning! Forecast: Clouds of confusion will clear to be replaced by a long To Do list.

  11. Good morning! I am actually up working on a project plan on only one cup of coffee.

  12. Good morning! I dreamt of Aphrodite last night, birdsong fills my sonic landscape, and I'm drinking coffee.

  13. Good morning! It's a great morning to ... attack my email queue. No really. Excelsior!

  14. Good morning! Thursday is a good morning because I usually work from home and don't have to rush to get to the office.

  15. Good morning! Trees are budding out. Amazes me every time. I pay attention, I see the signs, I know it's coming - boom! Flowers & leaves.

  16. Good morning! Loving the live oak with Spanish moss right outside my room. Strong desire to climb out window onto roof and go up the tree.

  17. Good morning. Getting started earlier than usual this morning, so I have Mac open for personal and PC open for work.

  18. Good morning. Looks like Maxfield Parrish painted the sky here, except for the filmy pink contrails.

  19. Good morning. Discombobulated already today.

  20. Good night all, my bed calls and I must answer or doze upon the couch.

  21. Good night all. Some stretching #andsotobed

  22. Got to get moving. Busy day planned.

  23. Great day. Relaxing now.
