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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Mr B deployed the pump and the basement is draining. The lake near us has overflowed.

  2. Indulging a pasta craving at UNOs

  3. Good morning Wednesday. You're a good day to spend organizing whatever needs added order.

  4. Pizza and beer! Wooo!

  5. Scary. Nothing fell down. Felt like a giant hand was shaking the house from the top.

  6. Having a lazy evening. I even took a nap after work.

  7. More rain! Hope it ripens my figs. We'll get a bumper crop this year with enough water.

  8. Yawn. Double yawn. Time for bed.

  9. Beers at UNO hits the spot!

  10. Savoring a small Vosges Mo's Dark Bar. Afternoon treat!


    #Sotd Guerlain's Sous Le Vent.

  12. Time to stop feeding my lemmings at the Aedes de Venustas site ... a cool morning is an excuse to look for Fall scents!


    #bpal #Sotd Halloween San Francisco.

  14. Whittling down the action items today.

  15. Window are almost cleaned. Makes a big difference!

  16. Work over for this week. Sound the weekend horn!

  17. House sparrows and a pair of house finches are swarming my bird feeder. Every so often they tip it sideways and fly off in a cloud of peeps

  18. Roasted plantains are delicious!

  19. New moon today. A good day to purge my front porch of junk. Scary how stuff accumulates.

  20. Raining here. Attending a pleasant and relaxing training meeting.

  21. Moments of perfect happiness this afternoon.

  22. Great Zumba class! Our instructor comes up with some fun choreography.

  23. One of my projects is deploying tonight. Looks good so far. Will be relieved when it's all done.
