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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Snatching moments to drool over the #bpal Luper update that came out last night. Lots of red musk and red patchouli.

  2. I'm with you Sam, my bookcases overflow and every year I resolve to cull the herd.

  3. A friend had a stroke yesterday. Am worrying about him today.

  4. So relieved! My friend who had a stroke yesterday is feeling good and in good spirits. Griping about the hospital diet too.

  5. Ready to Zumba! My time to sweat.

  6. Going to read a bit of The Fuller Memorandum and then to bed

  7. Good morning all! Happy Friday! Woke up to less snow than predicted and the lovely setting moon. And, opening for sunrise, bright Venus.

  8. Oh yeh and I'm working from home so I can slather myself with #bpal without bothering anybody!

  9. Got to get moving. Busy day planned.

  10. Working on documents this afternoon. Will be glad when I get done. It's all details and more details.

  11. I have to let my artist out for a bit. #nowsketching

  12. SOTD is #bpal Phoenix Steamworks. To celebrate a Mars/Uranus transit. Lightly applied bc the metal notes tend to really zing on me.

  13. Oh no! More snow on the way for my part of Jersey.

  14. Snowed in AGAIN! Beautiful though. The little birds have made it out to the bird feeder but not the squirrels.

  15. I'm blaming the 14 inches of snow we got overnight.

  16. Chimney needs work. Pieces fell down inside and blocked it. It's ok for now but we'll probably have to get a liner put in.

  17. Scent of the day is #bpal Maud Ruthven. Creaminess rules.

  18. William Morris keep me strong - is it beautiful, useful, or valuable?

  19. Spent a sparkling hour shaking snow off our cypresses.

  20. Good morning. Looks like Maxfield Parrish painted the sky here, except for the filmy pink contrails.

  21. Need a tad more coffee.

  22. Hibernation is looking like a viable option.

  23. Somehow my To Do list ends up full of things I don't like doing and can't delegate. Yet I still need to get them done. #justgriping

  24. Had lunch and back to work.

  25. Went to Zumba and glad I did. Home again. Relaxing. Think a beer would take my relaxation to the next level.
