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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Popcorn and football with my beloved. Snow is falling.

  2. Snow in Portland Me this morning. There may be snow here in SJ this weekend.

  3. Am ready for lunch already. So it goes.

  4. Dinner in Fort Myers Beach.

  5. Watching a colony of ibises and drinking coffee. Warm sun on my legs. My kind of vacation.

  6. Saw a gopher tortoise today. They can dig a 30 foot borrow.

  7. Ingesting coffee. Not really ready to move yet.

  8. Drinking coffee and glad it's Friday. Miss the cats.

  9. Vivid dreams last night. Seems to be a recurring theme.

  10. TGIF! Moving right along.

  11. I'm on a busy spree the past few days.

  12. Scent of the evening: Shalimar. Sitting at the bar at Chammps. Only complaint is sound too bright. Where's the bass??

  13. We're moving toward mutability. I hold still in my chair, preserving my moment of stasis. Monday is ready to unfold.

  14. Hot coffee on a cool morning. The air is still and clear and dry. Graceful and inevitable, the color of the leaves is changing.

  15. A dim overcast morning. Catbird is scolding and crickets are chirping. A jay calls.

  16. Drinking coffee, wearing Amariage, and reading Baudelaire in French. Needless to say the dictionary is at hand.

  17. Learning CYA through direct observation of experts in the art today!

  18. Feel like my phone headset is taking root in my scalp. Sign of too many conference calls today?

  19. Woke up from an uncanny dream this morning.

  20. Had a delicious lunch. Heading out to the garden to dig up day lilies, iris, and grass to plant at my in-laws.

  21. SotD #bpal Paper Kite. Sugar and spice and everything nice.

  22. How did we arrive at September so quickly? August was a bumpy ride. Raising a cup of joe to a new month this morning.

  23. Ready for bed. Hope tomorrow is a better day, or at least a less tiring day.

  24. Windy and drying. Basement almost pumped out.
