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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Coffee and birdsong this morning. Mustn't linger though, going into the office today.

  2. Coffee helps. Now off to the dentist.

  3. Decisions. Somebody has to make them. May as well be me. Mwahahaha!

  4. Deck the Halls with Ghouls and Goblins: The BPTP Yule Update is Live!: http://t.co/WmSyE41u Woohoo!

  5. Dense fog here. I can't see the end of the parking lot. Almost claustrophobic feeling.

  6. Did the easy things first which leaves a short To Do list of knotty problems.

  7. Dinner at Iron Hill Brewery. Yum!

  8. Dinner in Fort Myers Beach.

  9. Dinner with the family was very nice. We compared binoculars after dinner since we have all ended up birding.

  10. Diptyque Limited Holiday Edition http://t.co/51tu7O4y getting in a Winter holiday mood

  11. Drinking coffee and glad it's Friday. Miss the cats.

  12. Drinking coffee and trying not to confuse or sidetrack this meeting

  13. Drinking coffee, wearing Amariage, and reading Baudelaire in French. Needless to say the dictionary is at hand.

  14. Drizzling and warmish this morning. Glad I got leaves cleared yesterday since it's supposed to be wet the next few days.

  15. Eating #BBQ in the Pine Barrens wearing #BPAL The Jersey Devil

  16. Eating lunch and taking an on-line ethics course for work.

  17. Egg stealing! A squirrel is on my deck railing savoring a robin's egg. You should see the look on his face as he laps at the yolk.

  18. Everybody is in the office today. Departmental BBQ this afternoon!

  19. Everybody wants to add value to this project since it is very visible. But value adding can, sadly, be misinterpreted. Usually as criticism

  20. Feel like my phone headset is taking root in my scalp. Sign of too many conference calls today?

  21. Feeling glad I got thru my status meeting in 25 mins
