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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Promised myself a boozy holiday lunch. And I have delivered.

  2. Really. I'm not taunting him or anything, but really, how do you lose a cookie? #lostcookie

  3. I have to use a French word to describe the morning twilight sky: exquise. With the waning moon pinned like a brooch in the south.

  4. The previous owners left some lumber stacked up there. Been undisturbed for at least 22 years. Now it must come out.

  5. Ready for Zumba this morning!

  6. Tired. Drinking eggnog.

  7. Busy day! My year-end project keeps hitting bumps in the road but we keep muddling along and along and along.

  8. Lilly Pulitzer - Taytay Dress: http://t.co/BDabtCg0 via @AddThis Must have cephalopod fashion!

  9. Deck the Halls with Ghouls and Goblins: The BPTP Yule Update is Live!: http://t.co/WmSyE41u Woohoo!

  10. Time to call it a day. Good night.

  11. This flu shot kicked my butt. I have taken to my bed. Ugh.

  12. Drizzling and warmish this morning. Glad I got leaves cleared yesterday since it's supposed to be wet the next few days.

  13. Grey blue morning sky lightening slowly. Cypresses move gently. Yellow leaves on the grass.

  14. Diptyque Limited Holiday Edition http://t.co/51tu7O4y getting in a Winter holiday mood

  15. Planted 100 Scilla bulbs today. Sneezing my head off too. Hope it's not a cold.

  16. My mom has had her share of trials and tribs already this month.

  17. Relaxing after a not very busy day. Most excitement was a red tailed hawk checking out my bird feeder. Crows ran him off after a few mins.

  18. Am not writing. Just spent an hour hanging out on YouTube doing Zumba videos. #nanowrimo maybe I can work Zumba into the novel.

  19. Spending some quality time with the cats this morning.

  20. WeirdFictionMonday:TheyAlwaysPreregister,andTheyNeverMissa Class http://t.co/lLBN4hEnI liked it. Happy Ending.

  21. Now savoring a golden sunset.

  22. Have achieved total physical comfort this morning. TY #llbean and ergo chair. Now I don't want to move, even to get more coffee.


    #NaNoWriMo Starting right now! Woohoo!

  24. My poor mom. A tree fell across the end of her road and driveway. Took out the power and phone.
