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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Soon to bed. Reading War and Peace. Not sure how I've avoided it all these years.

  2. Pruned roses for three hours. Time to sit down.

  3. Whittling down my garden desires to a reasonable level so I can order plants and seeds this afternoon.

  4. Yawn. How can this be? Friday night and all I want to do is stretch and take to my bed.

  5. Zumba followed by a cheeseburger and beer. Now watching Paris-Nice bike race. Gorgeous scenery. Thank-you #hidef

  6. Mr Cardinal is staking his claim from the hedge and Mr Robin is staking his from across the street. Nothing's settled yet.

  7. Quietly drizzling outside. Is a pleasant cooling contrast to the spirited discussion going on in my headset around job scheduling.

  8. My body didn't get the memo about #daylightsavingstime. Extra coffee needed.

  9. Slept late. Dreamt of gardens and gardening. Feel like that dream is hovering close but just out of range for direct perception.

  10. I'm running at half speed today. Hope more coffee helps.

  11. Did the easy things first which leaves a short To Do list of knotty problems.

  12. Also got a really good look at a bat clinging to a wall. He eventually flapped away. Very cool.

  13. Great workout at Zumba! Kim is a genius of sweat and we all sweat pretty! #zumba

  14. Pondering how to use my perfume budget for March. Decisions, decisions, decisions.

  15. Off to bed, good night to all.

  16. Fried clams for lunch. Something for the inner woman.

  17. Dinner at Iron Hill Brewery. Yum!

  18. Wrapping up at office before I go home.

  19. It snowed last night! A Winter surprise. Some dark-eyed juncos are out and about.

  20. Not doing much this afternoon

  21. Cinnamon buns and coffee. Wearing Eau Lente.

  22. Lunch with Mom was fun. She made tuna salads.

  23. Having a slow morning. Going to lunch with Mom later.

  24. Christmas Eve is all fun and cookies!
