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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. An all round good morning!

  2. Scent of the day #bpal Brusque Violet. Exactly how I feel today. Just leave me alone so I can lurk beneath the leaves and snark.

  3. Scent of the day is #bpal Bezoar.

  4. Three cheers for long weekends Hip Hip HOORAY!

  5. Never want to see my old frames again. Totally tired of them. Had them for almost 8 years.

  6. Need more coffee. Lots more coffee.

  7. Happy National Payroll Week! Keep me in coffee - consider Direct Deposit of your pay.

  8. New Moon day. Feel wide awake and ready to roll.

  9. Good morning. Discombobulated already today.

  10. Friday afternoon at last.

  11. Yummy Chinese dinner in Ridgewood. Completely stuffed.

  12. Scent of the day is #bpal VILF

  13. Persistence is a useful trait. Not there yet but getting there.

  14. Scent of the day is #bpal Meskhenet the Vulture Maiden. Wasn't what I thought I wanted to wear but the bottle came to my hand and stayed.

  15. Scent of the day #bpal The Little Sparrow

  16. Having an information overload day today.

  17. TGIF here at Chaos Central.

  18. Working from home this afternoon. Tremendous loud sawing noises from the side where they are working on the door.

  19. Scent of the day #bpal Liberty.

  20. Wearing #bpal Flor de Muerto. Drydown is most delicious soft marigold/calendula scent


    #bpal Bright spot in my day. Wearing The Miller's Daughter.

  22. Scent of the day bpal Olisbos. Because it smells great and the name reminds me to please myself ;)

  23. Life is good! Motel coffee and a cereal bar and nothing to get done = happiness this morning.

  24. Good morning! Loving the live oak with Spanish moss right outside my room. Strong desire to climb out window onto roof and go up the tree.
