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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde


    #TGIF Have safely arrived at the Friday feel good zone ...


    #TGIF wanted to take off but that didn't work out. At least it's the last work day of the week.

  3. “@alyssaharad: Darlings, things are looking up.” What I love to hear on my birthday. May my whole year look up!

  4. “@cstross: Teratogenic Effects of Pure Evil in Ursus Teddius Domesticus: http://t.co/2tKpnH4l” not for the sensitive

  5. “@householdhacker: Butterflyafobia: http://t.co/VKkeKlI” Oh too funny! Check out the pc.

  6. “@NathanBranch: Tech-head artists create the scent of a brand new Macbook Pro, fresh from its box: http://t.co/fG0NdBgx” No word on silage

  7. “@StephCalahan: #Productivity Fact: You can be busy all day and still have gotten nothing done.” so true!

  8. A beautiful morning. Oh joy! everything is softened by a golden mist.

  9. A dim overcast morning. Catbird is scolding and crickets are chirping. A jay calls.

  10. A friend had a stroke yesterday. Am worrying about him today.

  11. A new and sticky morning. Will be working on stuff I've procrastinated over today. Tying up loose ends.

  12. Ah bah! TIme to get on with my day.

  13. All dug out out of the snow. Don't want to go anywhere. Ready for a hot lunch and back to work.

  14. All quiet at my desk today. Wanted to take the holiday off but still catching up from that virus I had last week.

  15. Almost forgot: scent of the day is #bpal Joyful Moon.

  16. Also got a really good look at a bat clinging to a wall. He eventually flapped away. Very cool.

  17. Am attending to my feet.

  18. Am engaged in a struggle with my To Do list this morning.

  19. Am minding my office manners. An intern is sitting next to me for the summer.

  20. Am not writing. Just spent an hour hanging out on YouTube doing Zumba videos. #nanowrimo maybe I can work Zumba into the novel.

  21. Am ready for lunch already. So it goes.

  22. Am taking @stephcallahan suggestion: my ToDo list is my best friend and I'm telling it everything.

  23. An all round good morning!

  24. And my #bpal package is out for delivery so it should be waiting for me when I get home. #happyday
