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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Windy Green and blue day! Hey April, here to stay?

  2. Great dinner @IronHillBrewery Beer and cheese pairings.

  3. “@NathanBranch: Tech-head artists create the scent of a brand new Macbook Pro, fresh from its box: http://t.co/fG0NdBgx” No word on silage

  4. Coffee and birdsong this morning. Mustn't linger though, going into the office today.

  5. Great workout really pounded those quads! Go Kim. #zumba

  6. Great day. Relaxing now.

  7. Bright beautiful morning after the rain yesterday.

  8. Saturday morning: two cats, #perfume #tauerperfume L'Air du Desert Marrocain, coffee, and jazzed up Bach #music

  9. Mowed the grass the first time this year. Celebrated with a very cold Noble Pils.

  10. “@alyssaharad: Darlings, things are looking up.” What I love to hear on my birthday. May my whole year look up!
