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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. I'm running at half speed today. Hope more coffee helps.

  2. Slept late. Dreamt of gardens and gardening. Feel like that dream is hovering close but just out of range for direct perception.

  3. My body didn't get the memo about #daylightsavingstime. Extra coffee needed.

  4. Quietly drizzling outside. Is a pleasant cooling contrast to the spirited discussion going on in my headset around job scheduling.

  5. Mr Cardinal is staking his claim from the hedge and Mr Robin is staking his from across the street. Nothing's settled yet.

  6. Zumba followed by a cheeseburger and beer. Now watching Paris-Nice bike race. Gorgeous scenery. Thank-you #hidef

  7. Yawn. How can this be? Friday night and all I want to do is stretch and take to my bed.

  8. Whittling down my garden desires to a reasonable level so I can order plants and seeds this afternoon.

  9. Pruned roses for three hours. Time to sit down.

  10. Soon to bed. Reading War and Peace. Not sure how I've avoided it all these years.

  11. Saw red tailed hawks in a mating flight at my Mom's. Hoping they nest there.

  12. It's the warmest March I've seen in 20 years of gardening here. Not sure how my cool weather germinators will do if I plant now.

  13. Another foggy morning. I love the way the humidity amplifies birdsongs and carries scents. All very intense and lovely.

  14. Really good dinner and beer at @IronHillBrewery tonight. It's packed with happy eaters.

  15. Slept in this morning. Dreamt I got lost in Texas whilst riding a bicycle and followed a herd of cows to a ranch house.

  16. Heading out to dinner.

  17. Long long day. Dear tweeps, thanks for the inspiration and joy you bring me. #gratitude

  18. ā€œ@cstross: Teratogenic Effects of Pure Evil in Ursus Teddius Domesticus: http://t.co/2tKpnH4lā€ not for the sensitive

  19. Sweating pretty tonight! Great workout at the Atrium. Kim was awesome. #zumba

  20. Great dinner at # ironhillbrewery enjoying one last Caprice yum tastes like Spring

  21. Succumbed to a vending machine pop tart this morning #goodeatin not

  22. So glad it's April. Ready to garden.

  23. Had a savory dinner and a Yards IPA. Feeling good!
