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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Three cheers for long weekends Hip Hip HOORAY!

  2. Time to call it a day. Good night.

  3. Time to stop feeding my lemmings at the Aedes de Venustas site ... a cool morning is an excuse to look for Fall scents!

  4. Tired. Drinking eggnog.

  5. Today has turned into a personal care day. Waiting to get my hair done.

  6. Today I resolved to be productive but that was before I saw the blueness of the sky.

  7. Today I used duct tape to fix a duct. That's a first in my long relationship with duct tape.

  8. Today is the first day of my twenty-ith year of marital bliss!

  9. Too much fun at dinner!

  10. Trailing clouds of mince pie, rosin, and spice today thanks to #bpal Mr. Fezziwig's Ball. Yum. Festive!

  11. Trying not to cuss in front of the summer intern.

  12. Trying to articulate how I feel about the volume of email I get for work. Words fail me, maybe screeching help.

  13. Trying to get requirements set for a project. Thank goodness I have great analysts

  14. Ulrich Schnaus Knuddlemaus is smoothing out my afternoon. Thanks Ulrich! #nowplaying

  15. Up at three in the morning keeping my cold company.

  16. Up early this morning. Wide awake at 4:00 Am with the cats.

  17. Up early. Birds and cats up too. Feels like it might rain.

  18. Very quiet in the office today. Maybe I'll get an early start on the weekend.

  19. Vivid dreams last night. Seems to be a recurring theme.

  20. Walked around Venice. Had coffee and penuche fudge. Some guy came up and talked to me about England to Mr Bs and his mom's amusement

  21. Walking on beach at Cape May. Gorgeous light now clouds have moved out.

  22. Was up late drinking. Glad for my Scotch-Irish genes on nights like this.

  23. Watching a colony of ibises and drinking coffee. Warm sun on my legs. My kind of vacation.

  24. Watching my sprinkler move back and forth and drinking a Shipyard Summer Ale in the shade #Julybliss
