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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Kind of a dull day. Still not 100% over this bug.

  2. Scent of the day #bpal Cold Moon. Got up to see the lunar eclipse last night. Moon very dim red.

  3. Can look forward to ordering from the wolfish #bpal update this moon. Grrrr!

  4. Would really rather be home reading Charles Stross and noshing on the gift basket from my brother.

  5. At the office. More people came in than I expected. Email traffic low though.

  6. Trailing clouds of mince pie, rosin, and spice today thanks to #bpal Mr. Fezziwig's Ball. Yum. Festive!

  7. Metaphor only: in the choir and being preached to. How annoying is this? Quite.

  8. Glad for hot coffee this morning. Looking out at the frost nipped garden makes me especially grateful for central hearing too.

  9. Have been feeling Mr Pepys's pain lately.

  10. Awesomeness all round today! Thank you world!

  11. Scent of the day is BPAL Bloodrose

  12. Wearing #bpal The Little Sparrow today.

  13. Trying to get requirements set for a project. Thank goodness I have great analysts

  14. Today is the first day of my twenty-ith year of marital bliss!

  15. Bright yellow maple leaves falling silently through fog. A pool of muted yellow on the green grass. Glad to be awake to see this.

  16. Wearing #bpal Rhinotoros. Fitting since my boss told me to kick some butt. Not in those words exactly.

  17. Ulrich Schnaus Knuddlemaus is smoothing out my afternoon. Thanks Ulrich! #nowplaying

  18. Slept late and had a vivid dream about living in a beach house. Was sad when I woke up and it was a dream.


    #ivoted The volunteers at the poll told me turnout was much higher than expected. Lots of new faces too.

  20. Going to Zumba then to vote.

  21. Scent of the day #bpal Flor de Muerto. A gentle marigold.

  22. Scent of the day #bpal Wicked to match my outfit.

  23. Good morning! Forecast: Clouds of confusion will clear to be replaced by a long To Do list.
