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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Soon to bed. Reading War and Peace. Not sure how I've avoided it all these years.

  2. SotD #bpal Paper Kite. Sugar and spice and everything nice.

  3. SOTD is #bpal Phoenix Steamworks. To celebrate a Mars/Uranus transit. Lightly applied bc the metal notes tend to really zing on me.

  4. Sound the weekend horn! I'm shaking the dust of the office off my feet and starting the weekend. #joy

  5. Spending some quality time with the cats this morning.

  6. Spent a sparkling hour shaking snow off our cypresses.

  7. Spent the afternoon gardening. And now, a cold Shipyard Summer Ale, soon to be followed by the feast my husband is grilling up.

  8. Status report time again. It can be green, yellow, or red. Red means the gates of the underworld are creaking open & horrors are leaking

  9. Still groggy from the cold medicine this morning. Need coffee.

  10. Stuck on meeting minutes. Ate a string cheese stick. Will the stick get me unstuck?

  11. Succumbed to a vending machine pop tart this morning #goodeatin not

  12. Sun just came up! Happens every day and I still get excited when the limb first flares up at the horizon.

  13. Sweating pretty tonight! Great workout at the Atrium. Kim was awesome. #zumba

  14. Telling myself I'm lucky to have a job isn't working as motivation either.

  15. TGIF here at Chaos Central.

  16. TGIF! Mild and breezy this morning.

  17. TGIF! Moving right along.

  18. The barn swallows are back in town! Spring is really on.

  19. The barn swallows have left. May they prosper over the winter and return to delight the office park next spring.

  20. The cost of doing business is a funny creature. A slippery crevice-dwelling being, it's trying to elude my spreadsheet this afternoon.

  21. The male cardinal at my feeder burst out with a phrase of his Spring song just now.

  22. The previous owners left some lumber stacked up there. Been undisturbed for at least 22 years. Now it must come out.

  23. The world is all soft grey and green today. Fog has barely lifted.

  24. There's confusion about an app named Clarity in this meeting; maybe we should rename it.

  25. This flu shot kicked my butt. I have taken to my bed. Ugh.
