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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Scent of the day is #bpal Thoos. It's creamy citrus spice. I've given it a lot of love; the bottle is 3/4 gone.

  2. Scent of the day is #bpal VILF

  3. Scent of the day is BPAL Bloodrose

  4. Scent of the day: #bpal Evening Cicadas and Red Peppers. My favorite snowy day scent.

  5. Scent of the day: #bpal Phoenix in Spring. Love it now and oh how I would have loved it at 16.

  6. Scent of the day: #bpal Red Lantern. Seems like I get a lot of hugs when I wear Red Lantern

  7. Scent of the day: #bpal Signior Dildo. Yum. Orris and soft violets.

  8. Scent of the early evening is #BPAL Paper Kite. Also put in my first 'Weenies order ever!

  9. Scent of the evening: Shalimar. Sitting at the bar at Chammps. Only complaint is sound too bright. Where's the bass??

  10. Scent of the morning is #bpal Hades. My cold is finally loosing its grip on my upper respiratory tract. After five days, about time.

  11. Scent of the morning is #bpal Paduan Killer Swarm.

  12. Sitting here looking thru a building to blue sky and a building on the other side. Gives an expansive feeling.

  13. Slept in this morning. Dreamt I got lost in Texas whilst riding a bicycle and followed a herd of cows to a ranch house.

  14. Slept late and had a vivid dream about living in a beach house. Was sad when I woke up and it was a dream.

  15. Slept late. Dreamt of gardens and gardening. Feel like that dream is hovering close but just out of range for direct perception.

  16. Snatching moments to drool over the #bpal Luper update that came out last night. Lots of red musk and red patchouli.

  17. Snow in Portland Me this morning. There may be snow here in SJ this weekend.

  18. Snowed in AGAIN! Beautiful though. The little birds have made it out to the bird feeder but not the squirrels.

  19. So glad it's April. Ready to garden.

  20. So relieved! My friend who had a stroke yesterday is feeling good and in good spirits. Griping about the hospital diet too.

  21. So warm here I've opened windows and turned down the heat. Enjoying the fresh air.

  22. Some beautiful butterflies visiting my flowers today.

  23. Somehow my To Do list ends up full of things I don't like doing and can't delegate. Yet I still need to get them done. #justgriping

  24. Someone at work sent me a stress ball made out of a disturbingly fleshlike substance. I wonder if it's really safe for work!
