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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. Have a lot to think about today. Postponed decisions to make.

  2. Scent of the morning is #bpal Hades. My cold is finally loosing its grip on my upper respiratory tract. After five days, about time.

  3. Still groggy from the cold medicine this morning. Need coffee.

  4. Good morning! #bpal of the morning is Dragon's Tears. Goes well with coffee.

  5. Up at three in the morning keeping my cold company.

  6. Oh I've got a cold. It stopped tiptoeing and started thundering about two hours ago. Going to be an early night tonight.

  7. Wearing #bpal Lotus Moon. Lentitive and soporose, which is how I feel today.

  8. Blech. My job is putting a bad taste in my mouth this week. I updated my resume.

  9. Someone at work sent me a stress ball made out of a disturbingly fleshlike substance. I wonder if it's really safe for work!

  10. Passed a giant pothole with 3 or 4 hubcaps on the snow near it. Spare me, Oh great liberator of hubcaps!

  11. The male cardinal at my feeder burst out with a phrase of his Spring song just now.

  12. Dense fog here. I can't see the end of the parking lot. Almost claustrophobic feeling.

  13. I'm with you Sam, my bookcases overflow and every year I resolve to cull the herd.

  14. Went to Zumba and glad I did. Home again. Relaxing. Think a beer would take my relaxation to the next level.

  15. Had lunch and back to work.

  16. Somehow my To Do list ends up full of things I don't like doing and can't delegate. Yet I still need to get them done. #justgriping

  17. Hibernation is looking like a viable option.

  18. Need a tad more coffee.

  19. Good morning. Looks like Maxfield Parrish painted the sky here, except for the filmy pink contrails.

  20. Spent a sparkling hour shaking snow off our cypresses.

  21. William Morris keep me strong - is it beautiful, useful, or valuable?

  22. Scent of the day is #bpal Maud Ruthven. Creaminess rules.

  23. Chimney needs work. Pieces fell down inside and blocked it. It's ok for now but we'll probably have to get a liner put in.

  24. I'm blaming the 14 inches of snow we got overnight.
