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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. On the way to Uncle Dewey's for BBQ.

  2. Hot and humid. Watching a cardinal, a starling, a chickadee, and a sparrow gobble suet from my feeder. Messy eaters all.

  3. Getting ready to garden. Cicadas are stridulating all around.

  4. Spent the afternoon gardening. And now, a cold Shipyard Summer Ale, soon to be followed by the feast my husband is grilling up.

  5. Great Zumba class! New dance too. Kim is a great choreographer - all her dances are feel good dances.

  6. Rain last night! Beautiful green smells in the air this morning. There could be enough grass to mow next week.

  7. Am ready for lunch already. So it goes.

  8. A new and sticky morning. Will be working on stuff I've procrastinated over today. Tying up loose ends.

  9. Some beautiful butterflies visiting my flowers today.

  10. Have to make a tough phone call.

  11. One of my projects is deploying tonight. Looks good so far. Will be relieved when it's all done.

  12. Great Zumba class! Our instructor comes up with some fun choreography.

  13. Moments of perfect happiness this afternoon.

  14. Raining here. Attending a pleasant and relaxing training meeting.

  15. New moon today. A good day to purge my front porch of junk. Scary how stuff accumulates.

  16. Roasted plantains are delicious!

  17. House sparrows and a pair of house finches are swarming my bird feeder. Every so often they tip it sideways and fly off in a cloud of peeps

  18. Work over for this week. Sound the weekend horn!

  19. Window are almost cleaned. Makes a big difference!

  20. Whittling down the action items today.


    #bpal #Sotd Halloween San Francisco.

  22. Time to stop feeding my lemmings at the Aedes de Venustas site ... a cool morning is an excuse to look for Fall scents!


    #Sotd Guerlain's Sous Le Vent.
