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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Blithgunde

  1. On the plus side Zumba tonight!

  2. On the way to Uncle Dewey's for BBQ.

  3. One of my projects is deploying tonight. Looks good so far. Will be relieved when it's all done.

  4. Ordered #bpal Red Lace and Silas Ruthven from Dark Delicacies this weekend and the package is out for delivery! ^_^. Can't wait.

  5. Passed a giant pothole with 3 or 4 hubcaps on the snow near it. Spare me, Oh great liberator of hubcaps!

  6. Peaceful for a Monday morning.

  7. Perfect Spring day in the marshes.

  8. Persistence is a useful trait. Not there yet but getting there.

  9. Pisces New Moon this afternoon. Wish I could take a timeout but too much to do at the office today.

  10. Pizza and beer! Wooo!

  11. Planted 100 Scilla bulbs today. Sneezing my head off too. Hope it's not a cold.

  12. Pondering how to use my perfume budget for March. Decisions, decisions, decisions.

  13. Popcorn and football with my beloved. Snow is falling.

  14. Promised myself a boozy holiday lunch. And I have delivered.

  15. Pruned roses for three hours. Time to sit down.

  16. Quietly drizzling outside. Is a pleasant cooling contrast to the spirited discussion going on in my headset around job scheduling.

  17. Rain falling on wood leaves and pavement, robins twittering, a deep crow caw. So peaceful.

  18. Rain last night! Beautiful green smells in the air this morning. There could be enough grass to mow next week.

  19. Raining here. Attending a pleasant and relaxing training meeting.

  20. Ready for bed. Hope tomorrow is a better day, or at least a less tiring day.

  21. Ready for Zumba this morning!

  22. Ready to go home. Flight doesn't leave until 3:00 though. Hope I can cram all my Payments swag into my carry-on.

  23. Ready to Zumba! My time to sweat.
